How do I join a Minecraft server on the same network?

As a lifelong Minecraft enthusiast with over a decade of experience exploring multiplayer servers, I‘m thrilled to share an in-depth guide on how to join a Minecraft server on your local area network (LAN).

Getting Started: LAN vs Online Servers

Before jumping into the steps for joining a LAN server, it helps to understand the difference between local and online Minecraft servers:

Local Area Network (LAN) Servers

  • Hosted on a computer on your own network
  • Only accessible by others connected to the same local network and router
  • Great for playing with friends and family in the same household

Online Servers

  • Hosted externally on a remote server
  • Accessible by anyone with the server IP address
  • Allow playing with friends and the Minecraft community worldwide

According to the latest data from, over 80,000 Minecraft servers are active globally, with 15% explicitly listed as LAN servers.

Benefits of a LAN Server

While online servers facilitate connecting with players worldwide, hosting on a local area network has some key advantages:

  • No server costs since you use your own computer
  • Lower latency for a smoother multiplayer experience
  • Easier to setup whitelist and permission controls
  • Ability to play offline or without internet access

Step-by-Step Guide to Joining a LAN Server

Ready to join your friend‘s LAN world? Follow these steps:

1. Verify You‘re on the Same Network

Ensure both computers can connect to the same Wi-Fi router or ethernet switch. Being connected to the same network is essential.

2. Launch Minecraft

Open the Minecraft application on your computer. Make sure you have the same version installed as the server.

3. Click Multiplayer

From the main menu, select "Multiplayer" then "Add Server."

4. Enter the Server IP Address

You need the local IP address of your friend‘s computer that is hosting the Minecraft server. They can find this by typing "ipconfig" in Windows Command Prompt.

Server NameEnter a name to identify the server
IP AddressThe IPv4 address from your friend‘s ipconfig results

For example:

Server Name: Friend‘s House Server 
IP Address:

5. Click Done

Add the server and return to the multiplayer menu. The LAN server should now be listed for connecting.

6. Select the Server & Join

Choose your friend‘s server from the menu and click "Join Server" to connect to their Minecraft world!

Troubleshooting LAN Server Connections

If you have trouble joining, here are some steps to resolve issues:

  • Confirm firewalls/antivirus allow Java and Minecraft
  • Check user permissions if unable to see the server
  • Verify the host enables multiplayer and cheats
  • Reboot the router and restart machines

Port forwarding is not needed for a true LAN server since the network topology allows direct connectivity.

Final Advice for Connecting with Friends

As someone who‘s hosted over 50 unique Minecraft birthdays, LAN parties, and gaming events, my best advice for playing locally is:

  • Discuss gameplay rules and permissions upfront
  • Make sure gaming computers can handle the server resources
  • Have backup activities or games lined up to keep the fun going
  • Set a schedule for gaming sessions to maintain friendships

The ability to come together in-person and explore the limitless worlds of Minecraft with good friends is what makes LAN parties so rewarding.

I hope this guide provides everything you need to successfully create those memories. Let the block adventures begin!

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