Doctor Lollipop (Web Animation) - TV Tropes

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Web Animation / Doctor Lollipop

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"I am no ordinary unicorn. I am... A UNICORN DOCTOR!!"

Doctor Lollipop is a web cartoon seen on Cartoon Hangover.

The cartoon is a parody of Medical Drama shows set in a Fractured Fairy Tale setting. A raptor eats Little Red Riding Hood, The Big Bad Wolf, and a slew of Talking Animals. He unfortunately gets a stomachache from all this so he seeks the aid of Dr. Lollipop, a pink manly unicorn doctor.

Can be viewed here.

Doctor Lollipop features examples of:

  • Always Someone Better: Subverted. Doctor Lollipop is obviously reluctant to call in Doctor Woodsman despite needing his help, and it initially seems to be because Doctor Woodsman is this for him. It turns out that it's because Doctor Woodsman is a squeamish dullard who's too concerned with the risk of hurting cute animals to actually do his job.
  • Balloon Belly: Mr. Rawr the raptor gets this after swallowing too many Talking Animals.
  • Bait-and-Switch: At the start of the cartoon there is a double. Little Red Riding Hood sees some eyes peeking out of a wolf shaped bush that she remarks are very big. However instead of continuing the classic routine, she whips out some mace. However before she can spray her assailant, the owner of the eyes pops out and it's revealed to be a raptor.
  • The Big Bad Wolf: He appears here along with Red. He unfortunately gets eaten as well.
  • Big Eater: Mr. Rawr the raptor has a insatiable appetite to eat everyone he comes across. This bites him back as Talking Animals give him a stomachache.
  • Larynx Dissonance: The Big Bad Wolf has a rather blasé-sounding male voice.
  • Little Red Fighting Hood: Little Red Riding Hood tries to be this by having a can of mace in hand. It unfortunately doesn't help her against a dinosaur.
  • Meat Grinder Surgery: They use an axe, and it's implied that Coco would be allowed to use her chainsaw if she weren't just a resident.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: To distribute a tasty watermelon snack to his team before an operation, Dr. Lollipop tosses it in the air and performs a Super Magical Rainbow Kick! instead of, you know, just cutting it open.
  • Overly Long Name: Mr. Rawr's full name is actually a very long series of roars and grunts.


Video Example(s):


A raptor's insatiable hunger

A dinosaur's appetite rarely gets satisfied.

How well does it match the trope?

5 (3 votes)

Example of:

Main / GrowlingGut

Media sources:
