The Greatest Action Film Franchises

Ranker Film
Updated June 2, 2024 105.4K views 47 items
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39.5K votes
4.7K voters
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Latest additions: The Marvels, The Equalizer 3
Most divisive: Transformers Film Franchise
Over 4.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Greatest Action Film Franchises

Yippee ki-yay, here are the best action movie series. Featuring martial arts movies, action comedies, spy thrillers, and more, the most popular action series are also some of the greatest action movies of all time. What are the best action film series? 

You can't rank the best action movie franchises without the Die Hard movies and the Mission: Impossible trilogy. Other good action film franchises include the Rush Hour trilogy, the Bourne movies, and The Matrix series. 

Vote up the best action film franchises. Feel free to add any action movies series missing from the list.

  • James Bond
    Daniel Craig, Pierce Brosnan, Sean Connery
    1,751 votes

    The James Bond franchise is a prime example of the quintessential action movie series, skillfully combining thrilling fight scenes, breathtaking car chases, and top-class espionage. Spanning over five decades, the suave and sophisticated secret agent 007 has become synonymous with heart-pounding action, embodying the classic action hero who relies on quick thinking, resourcefulness, and unmatched physical prowess. Furthermore, the ever-evolving villains and doomsday plots in each installment epitomize the perfect balance between danger and excitement, making the James Bond series the gold standard for action franchises.

  • Mission: Impossible
    Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames
    1,889 votes

    The Mission: Impossible franchise has captivated audiences for decades with its high-stakes spy adventures, characterized by explosive action, ingenious gadgets, and intricate, labyrinthine plots. Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt epitomizes the action hero - a fearless and resourceful operative constantly battling against the odds to save the world from looming catastrophe. Each installment raises the stakes, with jaw-dropping stunts and set pieces that push the boundaries of what can be achieved on screen. The longevity and continued success of the franchise demonstrate the potent allure of the Mission: Impossible formula, blending danger, intrigue, and relentless adrenaline-fueled excitement.

  • John Wick
    Keanu Reeves
    2,120 votes

    The John Wick franchise has set the bar high for modern action films, delivering an electrifying blend of exhilarating martial arts combat, intense gunplay, and dark underworld drama. Keanu Reeves' masterful portrayal of the titular hitman showcases a deeply human character fueled by vengeance and drawn into a savage world of assassins and criminals. The franchise's distinctive "gun-fu" style combines precision shooting with hand-to-hand combat, producing breathtaking action sequences that are both brutal and balletic. The relentless pace and intricately choreographed fight scenes have cemented John Wick as a landmark in action cinema.

  • Indiana Jones Franchise
    Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Shia LaBeouf
    1,490 votes

    The Indiana Jones franchise artfully intertwines action-packed adventure and historical intrigue, transporting audiences to a world of lost civilizations, ancient treasures, and daring, death-defying exploits. Harrison Ford's iconic portrayal of the whip-cracking archaeologist captures the essence of a fearless action hero who relies on his intelligence, cunning, and indomitable spirit to overcome insurmountable challenges. The globetrotting adventures infuse the series with a sense of wonder and discovery, while the relentless pace, spectacular action set pieces, and exquisitely choreographed fight scenes consistently thrill and delight. Indiana Jones remains a timeless tribute to the power of imagination and the spirit of adventure that has inspired generations of action aficionados.

  • Bourne
    Matt Damon, Brian Cox, Jeremy Renner
    1,541 votes

    The Bourne franchise revolutionized the spy thriller genre, merging relentless action, kinetic fight sequences, and a deeply complex protagonist caught in an intricate web of deception and intrigue. Matt Damon's portrayal of the amnesiac assassin Jason Bourne delivers a highly skilled yet vulnerable hero, torn between his past as a deadly operative and his pursuit of justice against those who made him one. The series' innovative use of shaky cam and quick-cut editing techniques intensify the visceral impact of the action sequences, driving the audience to the edge of their seats. The Bourne franchise redefined the contemporary action film landscape, earning a permanent place among the greats of the genre.

  • The Terminator franchise is an iconic pillar of the science fiction-action genre, combining pulse-pounding action, riveting storytelling, and thought-provoking themes that explore the nature of humanity and technology's dark potential. Arnold Schwarzenegger's memorable portrayal of the relentless killing machine is both terrifying and curiously sympathetic, showcasing the perfect blend of menace and vulnerability that drives the series' enduring appeal. The franchise's visionary effects, groundbreaking CGI, and visceral, hard-hitting action sequences have set a high standard for achievement in the genre. The Terminator's blend of man versus machine, fate versus free will, and the question of what it means to be human has resonated with generations of fans, cementing its place among the greatest action franchises in cinema history.

  • Die Hard Franchise

    The Die Hard franchise is synonymous with high-octane action, pitting Bruce Willis' everyman cop John McClane against an array of ruthless adversaries in precarious, explosive situations. Die Hard's clever blend of white-knuckle action, razor-sharp wit, and relatable characters transformed the genre, revitalizing the action hero archetype with a more grounded, human approach. From skyscrapers to airports, the series' ever-evolving perilous settings serve as the stage for jaw-dropping set pieces and nail-biting showdowns, creating a potent mix of tension, excitement, and exhilaration. The Die Hard franchise has left an indelible mark on action cinema, proving that a well-crafted story and a relatable hero can elevate the genre to thrilling new heights.

  • The Lord of the Rings Film Trilogy
    Elijah Wood, Ian McKellan, Viggo Mortensen
    1,177 votes

    The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is an awe-inspiring achievement in the realm of fantasy-action filmmaking, masterfully adapting J.R.R. Tolkien's epic tale of heroism, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. The series is a breathtaking showcase for groundbreaking special effects, immersive world-building, and unforgettable characters, transporting audiences to the breathtakingly beautiful and perilous lands of Middle-earth. From the visceral intensity of Helm's Deep to the soaring majesty of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, the Trilogy's stirring action sequences are as emotionally resonant as they are visually stunning. The Lord of the Rings has set a new standard for the genre, proving that action can be both thrilling and profoundly meaningful.

  • Star Wars Franchise
    Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill
    1,031 votes

    The Star Wars franchise is a celebrated cornerstone of science fiction and action cinema, transporting audiences to a galaxy far, far away with its thrilling blend of interstellar battles, daring heroes, and epic storylines. At its heart, the series is a classic tale of good versus evil, with lightsaber duels, spaceship dogfights, and vast armies clashing on alien worlds providing an adrenaline-fueled backdrop for the titanic struggle between the forces of light and darkness. The franchise's richly detailed world-building and iconic characters have spawned generations of devoted fans, with the series' influence reaching far beyond film to every facet of popular culture. Star Wars' enduring legacy is a testament to the power of action cinema to captivate, inspire, and transport audiences to the furthest reaches of their imaginations.

  • The Matrix Franchise
    Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishbourne, Carrie Moss
    1,219 votes

    The Matrix Franchise is a groundbreaking fusion of cyber-punk action, mind-bending science fiction, and philosophical exploration that has left an indelible mark on modern cinema. The Wachowskis' visionary storytelling and pioneering visual effects have crafted a densely layered, immersive world where the line between reality and illusion is blurred, and humanity's survival hangs in the balance. The franchise's kinetic, gravity-defying action sequences - most notably the iconic "bullet time" slow-motion effects - have set new standards for the genre while its compelling themes and compelling characters continue to captivate audiences. The Matrix has transcended its status as a mere action film, becoming a cultural phenomenon that has changed the way we look at the world and challenged our perceptions of what is possible on the screen.

  • The Lethal Weapon franchise is a defining example of the buddy cop genre, with Mel Gibson and Danny Glover's dynamic partnership forming the backbone of the series' enduring popularity. Throughout the franchise, the chemistry between the two leads, combined with the compelling blend of explosive action, razor-sharp wit, and genuine character development, has set a benchmark for action cinema. Memorable villains, high-stakes narratives, and exhilarating shootouts elevate the Lethal Weapon series from mere entertainment to a truly iconic piece of action filmmaking. The franchise's longevity is a testament to the appeal of its central pairing and the enduring power of a well-crafted action-comedy.

  • X-Men Franchise
    Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, Hugh Jackman
    1,042 votes

    The X-Men franchise has brought the world of Marvel's mutant superheroes to life, infusing comic book action with weighty themes of prejudice, discrimination, and the struggle for acceptance. The sprawling cast of characters, each with their unique powers and abilities, provides a wealth of opportunities for dynamic, eye-popping action sequences that push the boundaries of what can be achieved on the screen. The franchise has also delved into the characters' emotional and philosophical journeys, adding a level of complexity that elevates the X-Men films from mere spectacle to a thought-provoking exploration of human nature. The X-Men franchise has played a crucial role in shaping the modern landscape of superhero cinema, proving that blockbuster action can carry a deeper message and resonate with audiences on a more profound level.

  • Rocky Franchise

    Few characters have embodied the spirit of determination and triumph over adversity as powerfully as Rocky Balboa, with the Rocky franchise becoming a cultural touchstone that transcends the action genre. Sylvester Stallone's compelling portrayal of the underdog boxer has made him a symbol of hope and inspiration, as each installment in the series charts his journey through grueling training montages, hard-fought battles in the ring, and personal struggles outside of it. The Rocky films have consistently delivered adrenaline-pumping fight sequences and unforgettable moments of high-stakes drama, even as the series has evolved to incorporate new characters and storylines, such as the successful Creed spin-off. The enduring appeal of the Rocky franchise is not merely in its high-octane action but in its powerful message of perseverance, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit.

  • Rambo Franchise

    The Rambo franchise has become synonymous with raw, visceral action and a character whose brutal combat skills are matched only by his personal torment and unyielding thirst for justice. Sylvester Stallone's portrayal of the traumatized Vietnam War veteran John Rambo is at once sympathetic and ferocious, challenging our notions of heroism and the costs of violence. The series' relentless, no-holds-barred action sequences have left an indelible mark on the genre, as Rambo's one-man war against injustice showcases an array of dazzlingly inventive, high-octane set pieces. The Rambo franchise is an essential pillar of action cinema, a testament to the power of uncompromising filmmaking and a character that continues to resonate with generations of fans.

  • Pirates of the Caribbean Franchise
    Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Kiera Knightley
    720 votes

    The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has swashbuckled its way to box office success with its unique blend of high-seas adventure, supernatural intrigue, and larger-than-life characters. The series' standout feature is undoubtedly Johnny Depp's iconic portrayal of the irreverent and unpredictable Captain Jack Sparrow, whose roguish charm is matched only by his penchant for finding himself in the most perilous and improbable of situations. The franchise's breathtaking ship battles, sword fights, and cleverly choreographed action sequences are a visual feast, while the films' sprawling narratives provide ample opportunity for twists, surprises, and sweeping epic drama. The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has breathed new life into the swashbuckling genre, proving that the thrill of adventure on the high seas is as intoxicating as ever.

  • Batman Franchise

    Few characters have captured the public's imagination as much as Batman, with the various film adaptations of the Dark Knight's adventures spanning multiple decades and showcasing the versatility of the superhero genre. From the campy charm of the '60s TV series to the Gothic grandeur of Tim Burton's films, and the gritty realism of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, the Batman franchise has continually reinvented itself, while consistently delivering thrilling, innovative action sequences and evocative storytelling. The character's rich rogues' gallery of villains provides not only formidable adversaries for the hero but also serves as a mirror, reflecting and exploring Batman's own inner demons and the darker aspects of human nature. The Batman franchise's enduring success is a testament to the character's universal appeal and the endless potential for action-packed, emotionally resonant storytelling.

  • Harry Potter Franchise
    Danielle Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson
    604 votes

    The Harry Potter franchise transports audiences to a magical world of wonder, enchantment, and pulse-pounding action, as the young wizard and his friends face off against the forces of darkness. The series' captivating blend of spellbinding special effects, breathtaking set pieces, and richly drawn characters have captivated audiences worldwide, proving that action cinema can also be enchanting and heartfelt. As the saga unfolds, the stakes are raised with each installment, culminating in a thrilling, action-packed climax that pushes the protagonists to their limits and leaves audiences breathless with anticipation. The Harry Potter franchise is not just an astonishing achievement in the realm of fantasy-action cinema - it is a cultural phenomenon that has captured the hearts and minds of an entire generation.

  • The Dirty Harry franchise is a cornerstone of the gritty, hard-hitting action cinema of the 1970s, encapsulating the turbulent zeitgeist of the era while pushing the boundaries of what was possible in the genre. Clint Eastwood's iconic portrayal of the ruthless, no-nonsense cop Harry Callahan has left an indelible mark on popular culture, with his unorthodox methods and memorable catchphrases becoming synonymous with the character. The series' thrilling shootouts, car chases, and pulse-pounding showdowns set a new standard for action filmmaking, while its uncompromising exploration of crime, corruption, and the nature of justice has continued to resonate with audiences. The Dirty Harry franchise's influence can be seen in countless subsequent films, and its legacy as a trailblazer in the evolution of action cinema is secure.

  • The Mad Max franchise is a searing, visceral vision of a post-apocalyptic wasteland where speed, firepower, and survival skills are the only currency that matters. The series is characterized by its breathtakingly kinetic action sequences, from brutal car chases to bone-crunching hand-to-hand combat, all set against the stark, desolate landscape of a world gone mad. The franchise's central character, Max Rockatansky, portrayed by unyielding determination by both Mel Gibson and Tom Hardy, embodies the rugged and resourceful action hero archetype, forging his own path in the face of chaos and despair. The Mad Max films have consistently pushed the envelope of action cinema, with each installment presenting a unique, imaginative vision that has left an undeniable mark on the genre.

  • Alien Franchise
    Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright Harry Dean Stanton
    759 votes

    The Alien franchise has carved out a unique niche in the realm of sci-fi/action horror, blending pulse-pounding action with a palpable sense of terror and dread. At its center, Sigourney Weaver's iconic portrayal of the resourceful, resilient Ellen Ripley serves as a powerful and groundbreaking emblem of female strength in the male-dominated world of action heroes. The franchise's otherworldly creatures, brought to life by H.R. Giger's unforgettable designs and cutting-edge special effects, provide a formidable and nightmarish enemy for our heroes to confront. The Alien series' thrilling blend of claustrophobic terror and explosive action has left an indelible impact on cinema, proving that the most effective action can come from the most unexpected of places.

  • Fast and Furious Franchise
    Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez
    1,092 votes

    The Fast and Furious franchise has skyrocketed to global success on the strength of its high-octane blend of adrenaline-fueled car races, jaw-dropping stunts, and a diverse cast of larger-than-life characters. What began as a street-racing thriller has evolved into an action spectacle that spans the globe, with each new installment raising the stakes and pushing the limits of what can be achieved on-screen. The series' ongoing emphasis on family bonds and loyalty lends a surprisingly emotional depth to the proceedings, while the bone-rattling intensity of the action sequences leaves audiences on the edges of their seats. The Fast and Furious franchise is a testament to the enduring appeal of cinematic acceleration, proving that sometimes, fast and furious is just the ticket.

  • The Predator franchise is a seminal entry in the sci-fi/action-horror pantheon, combining pulse-pounding action with a relentless sense of impending doom. Throughout the series, the titular alien hunter's merciless pursuit of its human prey has generated some of the most intense and memorable action sequences in cinema history, blending high-tech weaponry with nail-biting tension. The franchise's ensemble cast of rugged, battle-hardened soldiers and mercenaries, led by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original film, epitomizes the classic action-hero archetype, pitting their raw courage and combat prowess against an unstoppable and seemingly invisible foe. The Predator series stands as a fitting tribute to the power of the action genre as a vehicle for intense, visceral storytelling that leaves audiences on the edge of their seats.

  • Men in Black Franchise
    Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Tessa Thompson
    785 votes

    The Men in Black franchise is an exhilarating blend of science-fiction, action, and comedy, with each installment taking audiences on a thrilling journey into the hidden world of extraterrestrial encounters and secret government agencies. The charismatic partnership between Will Smith's wisecracking Agent J and Tommy Lee Jones' stoic Agent K serves as the perfect foil for the franchise's heady mix of high-stakes action, impressive special effects, and laugh-out-loud humor. From epic alien battles to gravity-defying chase sequences, the Men in Black films deliver action-packed excitement with a hefty dose of wit and whimsy. With its distinctive blend of sci-fi intrigue and explosive action sequences, the Men in Black franchise has left a lasting impression on the action-comedy genre.

  • Star Trek Franchise

    Star Trek Franchise

    William Shatner, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto
    369 votes

    The Star Trek franchise has boldly gone where few others have dared, spanning multiple TV series, movies, and generations of fans with its optimistic vision of humanity's future among the stars. While the original TV series leaned heavily on its cerebral storytelling and exploration of moral dilemmas, the film adaptations have leaned more heavily into high-stakes action and adventure, pitting the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise against a gallery of interstellar adversaries. From epic space battles to high-stakes diplomatic face-offs, the Star Trek franchise has consistently delivered engrossing action sequences that capture the imagination and push the boundaries of visual effects. By melding the thrill of space exploration with the adrenaline rush of intense actions scenes, the Star Trek films have firmly established themselves as a cornerstone of the science fiction-action genre.

  • The Expendables franchise is a veritable smorgasbord of action cinema royalty, bringing together legendary stars such as Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jet Li, and more in a rollicking homage to the over-the-top, testosterone-fueled action films of the 1980s and '90s. With a razor-sharp focus on explosive set pieces, breakneck-paced battles, and machismo-drenched one-liners, the series revels in its unabashed celebration of all things action. The Expendables franchise's unique appeal lies in its masterful blend of nostalgia and contemporary spectacle, tapping into the very essence of what makes action cinema so enduringly popular. In a world of ever-evolving trends and styles, The Expendables stands as a proud and unapologetic tribute to a bygone era of action greatness.

  • Rush Hour Franchise 
    Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, Tzi Ma
    627 votes

    The Rush Hour franchise is the epitome of action-comedy perfection, pairing the lightning-fast martial arts expertise of Jackie Chan with the fast-talking, wisecracking charisma of Chris Tucker. Their mismatched chemistry serves as a comedic engine for the franchise, driving the films' relentless pace and ratcheting up the tension in each action-packed set piece. From high-speed car chases to gravity-defying fight scenes, the Rush Hour films consistently deliver exhilarating, laugh-out-loud action that leaves audiences wanting more. The enduring success of the franchise is a testament to the power of blending comedy and action, proving that humor and adrenaline can be an irresistible combination.

  • The Beverly Hills Cop franchise is a masterclass in action-comedy, with Eddie Murphy's inimitable wit and charm elevating the series beyond its genre trappings. As wisecracking Detroit police detective Axel Foley, Murphy is thrust into high-stakes criminal investigations against a backdrop of opulence and excess. The series' fast-paced, tightly choreographed action sequences, punctuated by Murphy's irreverent humor, create an intoxicating mix that leaves audiences on the edge of their seats. Beverly Hills Cop's enduring legacy lies in its ability to seamlessly balance danger, excitement, and comedy, creating a unique and unforgettable entry in the action film pantheon.

  • Kill Bill Saga
    Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, David Carradine
    431 votes

    Masterfully directed by Quentin Tarantino, the Kill Bill saga is a stylistic tour-de-force of action cinema, seamlessly blending influences from samurai films, spaghetti westerns, and martial arts classics. The film's protagonist, "The Bride," played by Uma Thurman, is a relentless force of nature, driven by vengeance, and demonstrating a lethal mastery of various weapons and hand-to-hand combat techniques. The blood-drenched showdowns and intricately choreographed fight scenes leave audiences breathless as they follow The Bride's journey through a brutally violent and visually stunning world. The Kill Bill saga's unique blend of action, cinematic references, and bold storytelling has solidified its place among the greats of the action genre.

  • Taken Franchise

    The Taken franchise centers on the relentless, resourceful skills of former CIA operative Bryan Mills, portrayed with quiet intensity by Liam Neeson, who becomes embroiled in a series of high-stakes personal confrontations with various criminal elements. The films' breathless pace and expertly choreographed action sequences have made the Taken series a benchmark for modern action thrillers. Each installment raises the stakes for Mills, placing him in increasingly perilous situations that require him to rely on his wits, cunning, and deadly abilities to protect those he loves. The Taken franchise is a testament to the enduring appeal of the action hero who will stop at nothing to ensure justice is served.

  • The Mummy franchise blends pulse-pounding action-adventure with supernatural intrigue, transporting audiences to a world of cursed tombs, ancient relics, and unspeakable horrors. Brendan Fraser's swashbuckling archaeologist Rick O'Connell serves as the charismatic and resourceful hero, bringing a mix of bravado and vulnerability to his battles against the resurrected Imhotep and other nefarious foes. The series' thrilling blend of action, horror, and humor creates an unforgettable cinematic experience that leaves audiences enthralled from start to finish. With its unique mix of period action-adventure and spine-tingling terror, the Mummy franchise has carved its own niche in the action genre, proving that sometimes the past can be just as exciting and dangerous as the present.