70 x 7: Finding Peace by Forgiving Others... and Yourself - Ten Courses

70x7: Finding Peace by Forgiving Others and Yourself

Discover How to Forgive. For Real and Forever.

Unless you forgive those who wronged you, eventually you can become a prisoner of your own wounded heart. But the Good News is, it is not finished.

Bible School on Wheels #1

Watch this 3-min video

Then Peter came to Him and said,”Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.” 

It’s a radical idea. We struggle to believe such a simple concept that’s hard to receive. But it’s from the lips of Jesus, the One Who frees us.

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“I have learned the empowerment of choosing to forgive even when you really don’t want to…the freedom, the peace, the comfort that comes along with it. It is commanded to us. And when you obey. It is honouring and you will be blessed and also be forgiven. Thank you Jesus!”  


Experience forgiveness for real and forever.

Something happened. It might have been yesterday. It might have been years ago. But it hurt. And it changed you. And unless you forgive those who wronged you, the heart wound will become infected and spread. Eventually, you can become a prisoner of your own wounded heart.

If the story ended here, you would be hurt beyond healing. But the Good News is, it is not finished.

One of the most revolutionare courses ever produced has to do with something hidden away in your heart, thet effects you in ways that you never would have dreamed possible.

In 70×7: Finding Peace by Forgiving Others…and Yourself, you will discover what Jesus taught when He pulled back the devision between Earth and Heaven and revealed what happens when someone hurts you, your heart is wounded and you choose not to forgive.

In his creative, story-driven, highly motivating style, Bruce Wilkinson will teach you how to forgive other people in such a way that you never have to forgive them again.

If you follow the five secrets Jesus Christ gave about forgiveness, you just need to forgive them once. It is gone. For real and forever.

The last part of this breakout teaching deals with a shocking revelation about when you hurt yourself.

Perhaps you did something to yourself or somebody else that you cannot seem to forgive yourself for. You will discover the steps to forgiving yourself and being released from your torturers.

So if you are interested in a revelation that can really change your life. If you are ready to be released from the prison of unforgiveness, watch 70×7: Finding Peace by Forgiving Others…and Yourself.

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I agree that Teach Every Nation(TEN) may process my personal information for, amongst other things, the purposes of providing me with access to their products/services, their site; and for any other purposes set out in TEN’s privacy policy. You can view TEN’s Privacy and Information Processing Policy HERE


In this first session, Bruce unpacks the basics of forgiveness and clarifies some misunderstandings. He then reveals the shocking truth of how we suffer needlessly because of harboring unforgiveness in our hearts.


Forgiveness is one of those characteristics that God desires to be a permanent fixture in our lives. This session reflects on Christ’s five universal requirements to break out of our heart-prisons, for real and forever.


In this session, Bruce reveals how our choice in the forgiveness issue affects God’s response to us. The Slide of Unforgiveness is a major revelation of what happens when we don’t forgive others.


This session focuses on the practical steps to follow that will help free you from unforgiveness. Discover “The Forgiveness Validator,” an amazing tool that will help you settle each issue once and for all, and become released from torment and distress.


Our desire for vengeance is often the single greatest barrier to forgiveness. The desire for justice is a powerful factor that can hinder our progress. This session explores some shocking truths about God actually claiming the right to exact vengeance for Himself.


It is easy to assume that for God to forgive us all that would be required is for Him to simply say, “I forgive you.” But it wasn’t that easy for God. In fact, it was painful and costly. Your heart will swell as you picture God’s incredible love–and you will see why He has little patience with our unforgiveness.


Many people feel that the only thing harder than forgiving someone else is forgiving themselves. Tragically, we often think if we suppress our personal unforgiveness, then we’ll never experience negative consequences. But nothing could be further from the truth.


This final session will lead you through the steps that Jesus taught as necessary requirements for freeing yourself from your own heart-prison and forgiving yourself for each wound you caused. Rediscover peace and joy by forgiving the hardest one – you.

“This class taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. Forgiveness is such a powerful force, and it is the key to loving like Jesus. It has changed my perspective on others and has tought me how to forgive myself, instead of being in bondage to self-condemnation. For the first time in my life, I love myself.”


Course teacher: Dr Bruce Wilkinson

Course teacher: Dr Bruce Wilkinson

Founder and Chairman of Teach Every Nation

International ministry leader and award-winning author Dr Bruce Wilkinson founded TEN as the culmination of four decades of proven global ministry and training ‘best practices. Bruce founded TEN in 2013 because he believes that “nothing is more strategic to fulfilling the Great Commission than the training of millions of pastors and church leaders who cannot access or afford traditional academic institutions.”

Bruce has given keynote addresses at major national and international events with stadium audiences of 80,000 or more. His breakout book, The Prayer of Jabez, was the fastest-selling book in history with worldwide sales exceeding 20 million. He has written more than 70 books that have been translated into 30 languages, including several books that reached the number one spot on the bestseller lists of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.

In addition to being in demand as a speaker and writer, Bruce is a gifted leader and trainer. He built the largest religious seminar organization in the world, Walk Thru the Bible. He trained 100,000 professional teachers in Teaching for Life Change, and launched and led the global initiative WorldTeach which recruited and trained more than 30,000 indigenous leaders in 83 nations to conduct life skills courses. He also chaired CoMission, a movement in which 87 national organizations joined together to train Russian teachers on ethics and teaching methodologies.

Bruce has been a featured guest on major television and radio shows and has held private meetings with foreign presidents, as well as key leaders in the U.S. government.

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