The distance between two places is usually measured as the crow flies. The direct length of the connection is calculated in kilometers or miles. The distance for cars or trains is measured by road or rail length.


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  • Enter the start and destination (city or town) for the measurement and calculation.
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To calculate the straight line, you need two points that are located at a distance from each other. The straight line is the distance between the two points by air.

Examples of the distance (as the crow flies)

New York to Berlin6,377 km
Hamburg to Chicago5,966 km
Berlin to Munich467 km
Vienna to Rome840 km
Salzburg to Vienna251 km
New York to Hong Kong8,568 km
Los Angeles to New York8,562 km
Berlin to Hamburg231 km
Cologne to Berlin538 km
Hamburg to London719 km

The distance between two cities is usually given in kilometers, miles or nautical miles. This distance can be easily calculated using the airline calculator.

Calculate distance

The distance between two cities can be calculated in different ways, depending on the type of distance you want to determine and the information available.

  • As the crow flies: This is the direct distance between two points and can be calculated using geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude). There are online tools and geolocation services that can perform this calculation automatically, or you can use the Haversine formula or other trigonometric methods to calculate the distance on the earth's surface.
  • Road distance: This is the actual distance a vehicle must travel on roads or highways to get from one place to another. This distance can vary greatly from the airline distance as it is influenced by road layout, traffic rules and geographical conditions. Most GPS devices and online map services such as Google Maps can calculate this distance, taking into account various route options.
  • Public transportation: The distance traveled by public transportation such as trains, buses or the subway can also be calculated. Online transportation services and public transport apps often offer route planners that can calculate the total travel time and distance based on timetables and connections.

The choice of method depends on the context and purpose of the distance calculation. For a quick estimate, the airline distance may be sufficient, while for trip planning purposes the road or public transport distance may be more relevant.

Length dimension

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