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How to deal with fed Master Yi?

As Mordekaiser, how do you deal with a 10/1/10 Master Yi on the enemy team?

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Well, you either ult him, lose/survive the 1v1 and come back to a (almost) dead team getting finished by the yi now scoring a penta

Or you don't ult him, come back from brazil with 1 kill and see how the enemy yi has scored a quadra and is waiting on you to turn it into a penta.

So honestly, best thing to do is go split on top/bot and the moment you get vision of a yi getting close to you, you run like hell

u/Babushla153 avatar

That's the neat part. You don't.

Cry. cry so hard riot has no choice but to remove his invincibility frames from his attack move. cause you aint winning the fight as tank when he can have you down to 10 hp before you even can hit him.

u/Russian_Mobster5 avatar

Champions like mordekaiser, Aatrox, Irelia, and many others under the bruiser or even juggernaut category can't really do anything to him unless you're either 2 levels up or 2 items up.

He's ferociously strong because of true damage, possible utility on his team, ridiculous attack speed, and inability to be targeted. Should you land something strong, he'll just press W.

You badly need mages/hard cc tanks/enchanters on your team. Or an assassin that hits just as hard as he does

What I hate about Yi is the fact that nobody can beat him 1v1 in late game aside from a very stacked Nasus or maybe Jax. Yi even beats Fiora which is stupid, no matter how many times you beat him early he'll come back with Guinsoo + BoTRK + Kraken and be an unstoppable death machine. He can melt though anyone's HP bar and gets ridiculously hard to target in teamfights not to mention cd reduction each time he kills somebody in like 3 autos. This whole idea of a braindead hypercarry who runs through teams unless you specifically draft against him is just toxic design, and I despise Riot for making him viable in high elo with those buffs from last year, because nobody wanted him to be. You can't even rely on teammates to deal with him in soloq since chances are they'll waste their CC on someone else, so agency is completely thrown out of the window.

u/Cat_Bot4 avatar

Any half decent Tryndamere will clap Yi levels 1-18.

I forgot about Trynd since I almost never see him being played nowadays, but ig Yi has the advantage in teamfights since he can't get kited as easily, and Trynd rly struggles against slows or ms debuffs

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Ult him and gain some time for your team with zhonyas

You play Rammus

Funny that you say that, because since Season 11 master Yi wins against rammus hihi

I have a friend who mains Rammus and he usually wins against Yi

u/z0mbie-j0e avatar

I’d imagine the reason yi “wins” vs rammus is people who have no clue how to play him pick rammus to counter then feed.

u/ViolinistIll1407 avatar

rammus is top 5 worse matchups for yi in nearly evvery elo so idk what kinda stuff u smokin

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Thank you all for the “advice.” 😂 I have decided to counter him by way of permaban.

Frozen heart, save Q for his Q, save E to cancel his W, and W on low HP to lower the dmg of his bork

Save Q for his Q and dies from a thousand AAs in 3 seconds

that is why you ult AFTER his lethal tempo goes online; to die in 3.3 secs instead

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u/-NotQuiteLoaded- avatar

frozen heart unfortunately does not work against master yi in ult: MASTER YI IS IMMUNE TO ALL SLOWS

attack speed slow is a slow, damage reduction of 14 (lol) on each auto attack is not going to do anything, mana is wasted stat

the other rock solid malphite reference item is better because it reduces crit damage at least unless he goes funny grr angry blade

This is stupid asf

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If yi is on the enemy team you HAVE to get Zhonya. And buy as much time as possible when you ult him. That way when he ult you can ult him. Then waste his time with zhonya w and self peeling

Ult him so he doesn't melt your team, and get zhonya so you actually have a chance of surviving.

U dont same with fed vayne with ult

Cry and pray. That's what I do, dude snowballs hard

You don't beat a fed Yi as Morde

Your only options are buying frozenheart/renduin omens. When you ult him save ur e for his w and hope that ur team has enough cc

You dont let him get fed

u/gigashen avatar

Yes toplane can surely prevent enemy jungle from feasting on botlane

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u/Skoljkaboj355 avatar

Imma be honest that's my perma ban

u/Alessioplt avatar

how you live with jax/olaf open

in gold/plat its pretty easy

u/Alessioplt avatar

olaf is easy???

u/-NotQuiteLoaded- avatar

low elo olafs will miss every q and use ult when you land e lol

i ban yi/evelynn because both champs press their buttons and oneshot you regardless

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u/Skoljkaboj355 avatar

I play jungle i dont care about them but when i do face them i just outplay them

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Imma do that.

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Ninja tabi. Jaksho, thornmail, randuins,, stoneplate, akaza mask, and runes run Conq, and also use armor and shield increase runes in second tree. That should help you survuve after you ult him

u/zilla1x_ avatar

he does true dmg so armor wont help lol.


It does lol

Wdym it does true damage goes through armour


But yis autos dont do 100 prosent full true damage. The base attack damage will be reduced. Also thornmail will have him take damage from his own autos and tabis will help you dodge 12 percent of his overall attacks

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buy omen and anathema's chains,ult him and he won't be able to kill you after these 2 items (use omen when he's next to you)

u/Appropriate_Goose122 avatar

The hand thing that reduces dmg from 1 person u mark + cosmic drive. (I run phase rush) this usually gives me room to breathe.

u/RajiAmjed avatar

That’s the fun part. You don’t

u/some_epic_Dude avatar

You need your team and cc- recomendation , another gigachad- pantheon . Fir 1 vs 1 - only 3 things can save your ass , shield(gargoyle plate, sterak (i know its absurd ), zonyas , frozen hart

Build Everfrost and Zhonias. Only thing you can do is hit him hard if hes CCd or out of his Q, and deny him resets If he isnt

u/The_ChadTC avatar

Just type /ff in chat and all your problems will go away.

u/Cat_Bot4 avatar

For years I’ve always permabanned Yi unless I’m playing Tryndamere. The champ is just so horribly designed and broken and there’s nothing you can do against him as Morde. Just ban him and hope Riot reworks him some day or pick Tryndamere or Rammus.

u/dre24567 avatar

FF, easy answer

best chance is ult him, zonias, hope your team handily wins the 4v4 and then hopefully you can 5v1 him with enough cc

so, lots of hopes and dreams, throw in a prayer to as many gods as you know as well and maybe you win one teamfight

that's what i just did, granted, against hyperfed viego

the score was 40-20 in our favour but we barely edged out a win, it was unreal


I feel like I could deal with Viego a lot better than Yi, since I’m not getting my entire health bar sliced up on true damage. And I can actually hit Viego with abilities since Yi will just Q when you Q.

any champ that builds botrk will do that

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u/Certain-Plenty8994 avatar

Unfortunately, you're gonna need teamwork on this one chief. I once beat a hyper fed yi late game only because our tf and I would catch him from bushes, lol. It's honestly best to try and work with your teammates in this case.

I built anathemas chains one time and started shrecking him in my ult.

u/GoatedGoat32 avatar

Pretty much nobody can 1v1 a fed full build Yi. Even the king of stat check himself. Unless you’re a Rammus or Malphite Yi untargetable frames+true damage+insane DPS makes him a terror. That’s why it’s so important he doesn’t get rolling

u/RenanMMz avatar

You're not supposed to win against a Master as Morde, Yi is just way better at stat-checking. But there are a few things you can do:

If you're splitting, you need to never let him catch you on the side lane if there are no objectives on the opposite side of the map. Yi is usually a jungler so he can't contest both you splitting Bot and your team doing Baron in the top-side. If you're pushing with no objectives up, get vision deep in the jungle and if you see him coming your way leave instantly. If he gets near you while splitting, it's best to ult any other opponent (SPECIALLY if Yi ults, since he'll waste R time)

If you're team fighting, it's usually a good idea to just be a frontliner for your team and not ult anyone until he's dead (and Zhonya if you're about to die, can't give him resets).

Honestly tho, it may be a good idea to check during champion select whether your team is able to deal with the Master Yi and maybe dodge the game if there's not enough CC in the team composition. His pickrate is so low (and there are so many champions with good CC in the meta) that it's not a huge deal to dodge every once in a while.

Zhonyas, dont ult.

u/MaximusTheLord13 avatar

FF go next. Auto Attack melee champs scale waaaaay too hard, and its basically impossible to anything if theres a fed Jax, Yi, or Olaf. Not just for morde, but for anyone.

I've beaten fed yis but it is not easy. You need jaksho thornmail frozen heart and gargoyles stone plate and you need to time everything perfectly so that you are only using q after alpha strike because if you miss even a single q you wont have the damage to beat him. None of this will guarantee you win. But even yi will have some trouble cutting through that much armor and 2 shields especially when frozen heart is slowing his attacks

u/OctaviantheMordeMain avatar

buy heartsteel instead of jak or riftmaker and have demonic, then survive his e/r vomit combo if you have stacked enough. then hopefully your team isn't iron and they kill him.

u/T4nkad0 avatar

That's the funny part, you don't

You don't