Workshop-cum-Hands on Training on eHRMS 2.0 | ICAR
Workshop-cum-Hands on Training on eHRMS 2.0
Workshop-cum-Hands on Training on eHRMS 2.0

3rd May 2024, Bengaluru

A Workshop-cum-Hands on training on eHRMS 2.0 was organised at ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru today.

Workshop-cum-Hands on Training on eHRMS 2.0  Workshop-cum-Hands on Training on eHRMS 2.0

Officials from the ICT Division of ICAR Headquarters, Shri. Anil Kumar Verma (Assistant), and Shri. Freedom Guria (Under Secretary, Personnel) were also present during the programme.

The eHRMS 2.0 functionalities were demonstrated through practical demonstrations on various workflow aspects, including Leaves, LTC Advance/Reimbursement, Medical Bills, and Newspaper Bills.

A total of 21 Nodal Officers from the Institutes/KVKs from the Southern region participated in the programme.

(Source: ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru)
