how to factory reset a bb z10 without bb id. forgot the password - BlackBerry Forums at
  1. CrackBerry Question's Avatar
    Im stuck on the welcome page and its asking for the bb id I cant remember witch witch is why im want to wipe
    jope28 likes this.
    02-18-16 10:18 AM
  2. Al moon's Avatar
    you're pretty much screwed if you cant rememebr it
    02-18-16 10:22 AM
  3. sedalia066's Avatar
    Settings/security wipe. I believe that process will return the phone to factory settings. Then a new BBID may be established. Will require both a new e-mail and password.

    C000C6078 Bits for links to world news and views, technology and science postings.
    02-18-16 10:42 AM
  4. conite's Avatar
    Settings/security wipe. I believe that process will return the phone to factory settings. Then a new BBID may be established. Will require both a new e-mail and password.

    C000C6078 Bits for links to world news and views, technology and science postings.
    No. You can't circumvent BlackBerry Protect anti-theft.
    Ecm likes this.
    02-18-16 11:00 AM
  5. iMasterus7's Avatar
    No. You can't circumvent BlackBerry Protect anti-theft.
    Yes, you can. There is a simple guide already circulating in the Web. So, BlackBerry again screwed up. Knowing this company, I am pretty sure they won't fix this issue.


    1. Go to
    Download proper autoloader of 10.3.1. (choose your model) and install it.
    2. Enter your new BBID or create new one.
    3. Update your OS to the latest one (autoloader recommended).
    4. Enjoy your devise.

    PS: credits go to

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    02-18-16 01:41 PM
  6. conite's Avatar
    Yes, you can. There is a simple guide already circulating in the Web. So, BlackBerry again screwed up. Knowing this company, I am pretty sure they won't fix this issue.


    1. Go to
    Download proper autoloader of 10.3.1. (choose your model) and install it.
    2. Enter your new BBID or create new one.
    3. Update your OS to the latest one (autoloader recommended).
    4. Enjoy your devise.

    PS: credits go to

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    That OS will NOT override the blacklist.
    02-18-16 02:00 PM
  7. Lusitano17's Avatar
    Yes, you can.

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    Have you tried this?
    My understanding is we can no longer roll back the OS from 10.3.2 and the OS links you've suggested are Dev OS. ...some limitations as far as practical use if I'm not mistaken.

    Posted via CB10
    02-18-16 02:03 PM
  8. conite's Avatar
    Have you tried this?
    My understanding is we can no longer roll back the OS from 10.3.2 and the OS links you've suggested are Dev OS. ...some limitations as far as practical use if I'm not mistaken.

    Posted via CB10
    There was anecdotal info that a couple of people were successful some time ago, but no one has been able to repeat it since.
    02-18-16 02:07 PM
  9. tdyhedge's Avatar
    Yes, you can. There is a simple guide already circulating in the Web. So, BlackBerry again screwed up. Knowing this company, I am pretty sure they won't fix this issue.

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    I agree with Conite above. No, it will not work. But you're welcome to try for yourself, if you believe everything on the Internet is true.

    02-18-16 02:08 PM
  10. iMasterus7's Avatar
    Have you tried this?
    My understanding is we can no longer roll back the OS from 10.3.2 and the OS links you've suggested are Dev OS. ...some limitations as far as practical use if I'm not mistaken.

    Posted via CB10
    No, I haven't and don't need to. But, several users from that Russian site currently successfully repeat the procedure. Yes, first you install the old one, but then have to update to the latest one.

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    02-18-16 02:12 PM
  11. iMasterus7's Avatar
    I agree with Conite above. No, it will not work. But you're welcome to try for yourself, if you believe everything on the Internet is true.

    Never say never. Let's wait for OP to try this, since he needs this badly

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    02-18-16 02:14 PM
  12. tdyhedge's Avatar
    I never said, never. And why would you wish for someone merely asking a question to take a chance on bricking their device?

    02-18-16 02:29 PM
  13. iMasterus7's Avatar
    OP asked for help and I have referred to a possible solution given that his smartphone is already at near brick state if I understood him correctly. So, OP has nothing to lose trying this since you religiously believe that BlackBerry Protect can't be bypassed.

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    02-18-16 02:46 PM
  14. crmabbitt's Avatar
    I agree with Conite above. No, it will not work. But you're welcome to try for yourself, if you believe everything on the Internet is true.

    There was anecdotal info that a couple of people were successful some time ago, but no one has been able to repeat it since.
    I repeated this (and another method) with my Z10 not once (= dev OS can be loaded cause it has "q8960.sdk" signature but not "q8960.factory". That's why blacklist didn't work properly.
    02-19-16 08:57 AM
  15. thurask's Avatar
    Well, let's test this.

    I start with a Z10 STL100-3 running The blocklist is as expected: nothing under

    I run the autoloader, and the device is rebooting now. Will it boot into

    No, it didn't. OS + radio, oddly enough.

    So I'll try, now. Loading...

    Initial setup came up this time, without asking for Protect. The OS in the Settings > About > OS page is, the radio is still, the build number for the OS is 793740 (i.e.

    Myver says


    I'll see what CFP says:

    OS Version: DEV
      Hardware ID:       0x051D0001 RIM BlackBerry Device
      Metrics Version:   3.18
      Build Date:        Nov 30 2015
      Build Time:        19:49:00
      Build User:        developer
      OS Address:        0x801FF000-0x80C29DDF
      RAM usage:         0x00000000-0x00000000
      IRAM End:          0x00000000
      OS Extended Addr:  0x00000000
      STP Protocol Ver:  0.0.4 (release OS)
      HWV Map:
    OS Blocklist:
       range:              From DEV To PROD
        type:              Unsupported,Untrusted
       range:              From DEV To DEV
        type:              SFI
       range:              From DEV To DEV
        type:              MFI
       range:              From DEV To DEV
        type:              MFI
       range:              From DEV To DEV
        type:              SFI
    Radio Blocklist:
       range:              From DEV To DEV
    Now to try loading a pre-blocklist OS.

    RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer Version (Win32) [Dec 18 2014 17:12:10]
    Copyright 2012 Research In Motion Limited
    Connecting to Bootrom:
    Resetting Device: Connected
    [       Uploading RAM Image 0x80239D2C ] [############## 100 ##############]
    QCFMv1/v2 Hybrid File
        containing: IFS, OS, User File System
        IFS/OS Version: DEV
            Hardware ID:       0x051D0001 RIM BlackBerry Device
            Metrics Version:   3.18
            Build Date:        May 04 2013
            Build Time:        19:25:12
            Build User:        ec_agent
            STP Protocol Ver:  0.0.4 (release OS)
        Signature Trailer:
           EC521_512 Signer: 0x48584E51 (QNXH-OS-1)
           EC521_256 Signer: 0x4C584E51 (QNXL-OS-1)
    Error: Failed to load images.
    Error: This OS version is blocked from device.
    So, finally, 2876 again.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a spare BBID, so I can't test whether or not Protect is just a glorified BBID login. This was all done without a BBID on device, just to see if the blacklist can be circumvented. Still, if people can reproduce this...
    Last edited by thurask; 02-19-16 at 10:33 AM.
    Lusitano17 likes this.
    02-19-16 10:08 AM
  16. thurask's Avatar
    I'll try this again in a bit, but with Protect enabled.
    02-19-16 10:41 AM
  17. iMasterus7's Avatar
    Could you please explain in plain English the result of your test? Were you able to circumvent BlackBerry Protect so that device is fully functional? Thanks.

    Update: just saw your last post. Looking forward to your test results.

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    02-19-16 10:43 AM
  18. thurask's Avatar
    I have the Z10 on 2876 with Protect, but it'll have to wait for now.

    So Protect is on. Now to re-run the 2876 autoloader, to check if we get the BBID check. Which we do.

    Now, to load Same OS mismatch as before, but no Protect check upon setup.

    And now to reinstall 2876.

    Well, the anti-theft check came up. Bummer.

    It appears that there's also a network component to the anti-theft.

    Myth busted.
    Last edited by thurask; 02-19-16 at 11:38 AM.
    02-19-16 10:47 AM
  19. crmabbitt's Avatar
    Do you log in with new BBID on
    02-19-16 12:14 PM
  20. Lusitano17's Avatar

    Myth busted.
    Awesome work!
    Wanted to try this myself but don't have a spare device to brick .

    Posted via CB10
    02-19-16 12:19 PM
  21. thurask's Avatar
    I'd have to make one, so I'll get on that.

    OK, made. Same 2876 with no setup but anti-theft check in place. Will run 997, log in with new BBID, then re-run 2876.

    Hope it fails, but you never know.


    997 is installed and set up. New BBID in place. Same OS confusion in the About pages as before.

    Now to load 2876.

    Edit 2:

    Anti-theft, with the ORIGINAL BBID.

    Again, myth busted.
    Last edited by thurask; 02-19-16 at 12:43 PM.
    02-19-16 12:19 PM
  22. butcher99's Avatar
    Never say never. Let's wait for OP to try this, since he needs this badly

    Posted via BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
    I find it very hard to believe this will work as it requires a password. Says so right in the docs. We are looking for a way to get around the password. since this requires a password I cannot see how it will work but will let you know.
    06-20-17 01:28 PM
  23. yogeshenertrak's Avatar
    Both are nor confired
    10-13-17 09:14 PM
  24. Kaisar iqbal's Avatar
    03-03-18 12:02 PM
  25. Kaisar iqbal's Avatar
    03-03-18 12:04 PM

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