Best Air Purifiers for June 2024 | Top Consumer Reviews

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The Best Air Purifiers

Who Makes the Best Air Purifiers?

The air purifier marketplace is a very mature one. That means there are a lot of well-established companies essentially offering the same products in different form factors and for different room sizes. That also means that air purifier manufacturers that can find a way to set themselves apart through innovative technologies, product designs, and form factors are going to stand out in the crowd of contenders.

Why would you even need an air purifier? Isn't the filter on your HVAC system enough? For some people, perhaps - but for those with pervasive airborne allergies, asthma, COPD, or any other host of respiratory conditions, a separate system is a must.

Monday, June 3rd

2024 Air Purifier Reviews

Alen Review Top Consumer Reviews Best-In-Class Blue Ribbon Award 5 Star Rating


5 Star Rating Top Consumer Reviews Best-In-Class Blue Ribbon Award

Alen air purifier products feature customizability with interchangeable color panels and different filter types. The smart sensor and indicator let you know if the air is clean or dirty. You get free shipping, a forever guarantee, and a 60-day return policy. Their air purifiers are visually customizable and quite attractive looking on their own. We give Alen our highest rating.

Blueair Review 4.5 Star Rating


4.5 Star Rating

Blueair has a family of air purification products with advanced features like quiet operation, app-controlled settings via WiFi, and fast and thorough cleaning of the air via advanced filtration technology. Subscription filters helped push this brand close to our highest rating.

Dyson Review 4 Star Rating


4 Star Rating

Dyson is an enormously popular brand not only for air purifiers but for vacuum cleaners, hair care devices, lighting, and even a new wearable air filtration system in the form of active noise-canceling headphones. However, their brand name does command higher prices and therefore a lower than first-place rating.

Bissell Review 4 Star Rating


4 Star Rating

Bissell's air purifiers seem to stand on their own in terms of customer satisfaction, brand recognition, and loyalty. However they do have a smaller selection, so we couldn't give them a higher ranking over brands with more to choose from.

Coway Review 3.5 Star Rating


3.5 Star Rating

Coway was founded in 1989 and is now a global provider of air purification systems that focus on the health of homes, schools, hospitals and clinics, retail stores, and offices. They combine modern design with efficiency to help you breathe clean air. However, poorer customer service responses rank them lower in our book.

Honeywell Review 3 Star Rating


3 Star Rating

Honeywell air purifiers have good price points for multiple budget ranges. They have over 30 individual devices that cover a spectrum of features and functions. However, the large number of air purification variants they offer makes it hard to differentiate enough to know what to buy, and their customer service issues are troubling.

InvisiClean Review 3 Star Rating


3 Star Rating

InvisiClean is a manufacturer of portable air purifiers. The units they sell are light and mainly for small to medium-sized rooms. Several models have multiple levels of filtration to cover everything from particles to viruses. The price points are also very reasonable. But, they don't seem to take customer service very seriously here.

Levoit Review 3 Star Rating


3 Star Rating

Levoit carries a wide array of very affordable air purifiers for individual rooms in residential settings or offices. It doesn't include the typically larger-coverage air purification systems that other manufacturers do. Prices are good, but the overall design aesthetic on these air purifiers is boring.

IQ Air Review 2 Star Rating

IQ Air

2 Star Rating

iQAir developed a range of air purification systems that include up to 6 levels of filtration depending on the speed of the fan plus three different filter types with unusually long times between having to change the filters. This fact led to some users testing the air purifiers and finding they were not doing a good enough job.

Winix Review 2 Star Rating


2 Star Rating

Winix air purifiers are pretty basic and uninteresting compared to the differentiated and specialized products we were used to from other manufacturers. Winix's selections seemed vanilla in both sizes and features.

Compare the Best Reviews

Continued from above...

We looked at a huge variety of brands and devices to compare their individual features across a number of factors including room size, filter technology, convenience and ease of operation, energy efficiency, innovation, and even aesthetics.

When shopping for air purifiers, it is important to keep the following factors in mind:

  • Product Features. How big of a room will the product work effectively for? How quickly does the air fully circulate? How many filter types are available and what do they each do? Is there a mobile app that connects to WiFi so you can control the device from anywhere? Which certifications does each air purifier have?
  • Pricing. How expensive is the highest-end air purifier and how many square feet can it clear the air for? How much do replacement filters cost as a percentage of the price of the air purifier? Is there a high energy cost to running the air purifier continuously?
  • Shipping. Does the manufacturer or retailer offer free shipping for all products or just for ones at a specific cost threshold?
  • Returns. How are returns handled? How long is it between when you buy the product and when you can initiate a return?
  • Warranty. What is the warranty period for each product? Regardless of the period, what other stipulations and conditions do the manufacturers place on being able to redeem the warranty and get the unit repaired or replaced?
  • Customer Reviews. Do customers feel satisfied with the product and with the customer service they're receiving? Do they have confidence that the air purifier is doing its job?

To help you get the cleanest air possible in your home or office, has evaluated and ranked the top brands on the market today. We're confident that this information will have you breathing easy in no time!

The Best Air Purifiers Compare Air Purifiers Compare Air Purifier Reviews What are the best Air Purifiers Best Air Purifier Reviews

Air Purifier FAQ

Air purifiers are machines that clean the air in a room or in an entire home or office. They remove pollutants like pollen, pet dander, and dust mites from the air you breathe. Given that the EPA says that the level of indoor pollutants can be as much as five times higher than outdoors, it's obvious why so many people use an air purifier to breathe easy!
An air purifier draws in the air from the environment, passes it through a filter that catches pollutants and/or odors (depending on the filtration type you choose), and pushes out clean air into the room. Some purifiers are portable, while others are installed with your HVAC system to clean the air in your whole house.
HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air; these filters remove 99.97% of any particles that are 0.3 microns or larger, making them the best choice if you're trying to remove dust mite residue, pollen and pet dander particles from your air. Carbon filters target chemicals and odors, like cigarette smoke, kitchen smells, pet odor, and so on.
They can be - but they don't have to be. You can find small single-room air purifiers for under $60, but most fall in the $200-$700 range. Whole-house air purification systems are going to be the most costly, usually from $1,000 to $5,000+ (which includes professional installation). And, don't forget to factor in the cost of filters, which will need to be replaced periodically depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.
Check the instructions on your machine. Yours may have filters that can be cleaned and reused, or they may have to be replaced every time. Expect your air purifier to have anywhere from 2-6 filters that need to be changed every 6-12 months - but again, be sure to read the specs on your particular air purifier and follow the recommended maintenance schedule.
Most manufacturers recommend running your air purifier continuously. If yours comes with multiple speeds, you can set it to a lower speed while you're away to save energy and then turn it up when you return.
That depends on the machine you choose. If you buy a portable one designed to cover a single room, it will typically cover up to 700 sq.ft. Read the specs carefully to determine if the air purifier you're considering will be effective in the space where you intend to use it. For larger-scale air purification, a whole-house model might be a better investment.
Not necessarily. Most machines will be louder when you first turn them on, to get a good start on cleaning the air in the room you're in. But, once the pollutants have largely been removed, the fan speed usually slows down automatically for quieter operation. They're typically not much louder than a portable fan.
The Best Reviews of Air Purifiers