GitHub - aayi/The-Tale-of-Li-Wa: People living in the digital age usually has difficulties in reading classical novels, in terms of obscure words, contextual difference and reading habits. This paper proposes a framework of digital models integrating spatial narrative theories to represent the narrative and narrative of experience of a Chinese classic novel, The Tale of Li Wa, which has been diversely interpreted by literature and historians in the past approximately 900 years. To help contemporary readers understand this classic narrative and its context in an integrated and in-depth approach, based on its knowledge graph about “narratives, experiences and geographical spaces”, the spatio-temporal information, derived from its text, its author, and readers, is extracted and fused to map the instantaneous spatial pattern perceived by readers in the flow of reading time.The discussion presents one of these possible interpretations on illustrating the growth of the novel’s male protagonist in the open framework of "Time-Space-time-Space", which unfolds dialogues between computation and literature, diachronic and synchronic, reader and the author.
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People living in the digital age usually has difficulties in reading classical novels, in terms of obscure words, contextual difference and reading habits. This paper proposes a framework of digital models integrating spatial narrative theories to represent the narrative and narrative of experience of a Chinese classic novel, The Tale of Li Wa, …



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People living in the digital age usually has difficulties in reading classical novels, in terms of obscure words, contextual difference and reading habits. This paper proposes a framework of digital models integrating spatial narrative theories to represent the narrative and narrative of experience of a Chinese classic novel, The Tale of Li Wa, which has been diversely interpreted by literature and historians in the past approximately 900 years. To help contemporary readers understand this classic narrative and its context in an integrated and in-depth approach, based on its knowledge graph about “narratives, experiences and geographical spaces”, the spatio-temporal information, derived from its text, its author, and readers, is extracted and fused to map the instantaneous spatial pattern perceived by readers in the flow of reading time.The discussion presents one of these possible interpretations on illustrating the growth of the novel’s male protagonist in the open framework of "Time-Space-time-Space", which unfolds dialogues between computation and literature, diachronic and synchronic, reader and the author.

Flows (black arrows) of variables and comparisons (white arrows) among variables in the logical loop of time–space-time–space

Flows (black arrows) of variables and comparisons (white arrows) among variables in the logical loop of time–space-time–space.

0. Digitization

  1. Electronically scanned version of The Tale of Li Wa in Complete Library in Four Sections 四库全书
  2. Proofreading Text Edition of The Tale of Li Wa based on the version on 中国哲学书电子化计划(CText)
  3. Raster map of Tang Chang'an with location information.
    It can be added in Arcmap/Qgis. It is an archaeological map in 「数字历史黄河·城市聚落资料集」from Remote Sensing Analysis of Historical Landscape and GIS Laboratory, Northwest Institute of Historical Environment and Socio-Economic Development, Shaanxi Normal University 陕西师范大学西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院历史景观遥感分析与GIS实验室
  4. 黄大宏. A chronicle of Bai Xingjian

1. Structuring

1.1 Text database on word level

S1 Table.xlsx (sheet1_name: term, sheet2_name: POS, sheet3_name: so, sheet4_name: sentiment classification score)

we manually create this database including terms (unigram), parts of speech (POS), sentiment orientations (SO) value, and sentiment shifters by Excel.

1) Term

Segment of Term Criteria: Broadening, Dictionary, and Semantic Transparency

Reference dictionary: 国学大师
Reference Word Segmentation platform: 语料库在线

2) Part of Speech

Tag n nt nd nl nh nhf nhs ns nn ni no nhh v vd vl vu a f m q d r p c u e o i w
pos Noun-general Noun-time Noun-direction Noun-location Noun-human noun-last name noun-first name Noun-space Noun-nation Noun-institution Noun-offical noun-human’s pronoun Verb Verb- direction Verb-linking Verb-auxiliary adjective difference numeral quantity adverb pronoun preposition conjunction auxiliary exclamation onaomatopoeia idiom punctuation

3) Sentiment oritention(so)

The assignment of the SO value is as follows: each positive sentiment expression in the novel such as laugh (欢笑) (v.) and magnificent (瑰奇) (a.) is given an SO value of +1 (172 in total), and each negative sentiment expression such as whimper (呜咽) (v.) and poor (贫窭) (a.) is assigned a SO value of −1 (177 in total).
We do two rounds of sentiment orientations (SO) value assignment(LIU_SO value and MA_SO value).
The percentage of consent of two rounds of SO value assignment is 81.5%.

Test about the sentiment words having context-dependent orientations:


We assumed that the sentiment words in ancient Chinese follow the same logic in today’s sentiment analysis–– sentiment words have context-dependent orientations, i.e., the total distance among words with the same orientation sentiment expression is closer than that among different.
Based on the unigrams removing stop words, we complete the training of its word2vec model with gensim package, and get the correlation(cosine_similarity, -0.4 ~ 1) between each two words.

This correlation between word A (Source) and word B (Target) multiplied by the SO value of word B is taking as the weight of the edge, to set up a words’ sentiment network in Gephi.
#tips for create edge to gephi.csv

Source Target Weight
WordA WordB cosine_similarity*WordB_sentiment

#tips for operation step in Gephi:
File → Improt spreadsheet → edge to gephi.csv → charset: GB2312 → Graph Type: directed
run all analysis of "Avg. Weighted Degree" on the right manue
Data Laboratory → Nodes → Export Table#
The weighted output distribution calculated by gephi is divided into three different types of manually collected sentient words (1, - 1,0), which are made into scatter diagram by Excel.

Weighted outdegree distribution of words’ sentiment network (a. SO=1, b. SO=-1, c. SO=0)

Weighted outdegree distribution of words’ sentiment network (a. SO=1, b. SO=-1, c. SO=0).

4) Sentiment classification score

SO_value_effective = IF(sentiment_shifter_-1=-1,SO value * sentiment_shifter_-1,SO value)   

for_phrase_sentiment_classification_score = IF(POS<>"w",SO_value_effective,"")  

for_phrase_sentiment_classification_score = SUM(for_phrase_sentiment_classification_score) #tips for operation step: Ctrl+G--> "Null(k)"--> "∑"(which means Automatic summation) #

phrase_sentiment_classification_score = IF(POS="w",for_phrase_sentiment_classification_score)

1.2 Text database on phrase level

S2 Table.xlsx (sheet1_name: phrase, sheet2_name: time, sheet3_name: character, sheet4_name: character & SO, sheet5_name: place, sheet6_name: place & SO)

The phrase-level framework assigns the recalculated value of POS and SO value to a relevant phrase by Excel. These values can be applied to the next time level because the sequence number of phrases is defined as read-time. Specific data mining approaches for the following parameters, i.e. places, story-time, and sentiment classification scores are valuable.

1) Phrase

sentiment_classification_score(SCS) inherits the value of phrase_sentiment_classification_score

2) Time

Noun-time (nt.) such as the Tianbao period (天宝), 10 years later (十年), more than a month later (月余), and another day (他日), which is 2.7% of the total texts, are used to simulate the whole story-time in an interval of every single day. The entire story timeline we constructed from the texts started from when Student Zheng entered Chang’an in 747A.D. and ended around the happy ending of the novel, that is, the year Zheng is appointed to become an officer is 754 A.D., and Li Wa is conferred the title Lady Qian‘guo (汧国夫人) in 775 A.D. The story-time is defined by the exact time record of the story that occurred during the period of 742 to 746 A.D.(天宝年间), Bai Xingjian wrote the tale in August of 795 A.D. (贞元中……乙亥岁秋八月) and the nt. phrases.

the sequence number of phrases is defined as read-time

3) Character

character1character2character3, and character4 contain one character in each phrase(since one phrase contains at most 4 characters).

4) Character & SO

ZHENG_SCS = IF(character1="郑生" or character2="郑生" or character3="郑生" or character4="郑生",sentiment_classification_score(SCS),"")  

ZHENG_so_IF= SUM(ZHENG_SCS) #tips for operation step: K15=SUM(J$15:J15), K18=SUM(J$15:J18), K50=SUM(J$15:J50)#

5) Place

A noun-space (ns.) such as Chang’an City, and specific place names inside the city such as the Buzheng Ward (布政坊) and Xingyuan Garden (杏园) (located in Tongshan Ward [通善坊]), account for 1.1% of the total texts tagged as the level of residential wards and streets directly mentioned (e.g., Buzheng Ward) or most likely to be located (e.g., Tongshan Ward). These uniformly fine-grained places are applied to cover the corresponding story phrases of which plot takes place in these places.

6) Place & SO

Anyi_SCS = IF(ward_in_chang'an="安邑坊",sentiment_classification_score(SCS),"")  

Anyi_so_IF= SUM(Anyi_SCS) #tips for operation step: I526=SUM(H$526:H526), I535=SUM(H$526:H535), I606=SUM(H$526:H606)#

1.3 Chronicle of Bai Xingjian

S3 Table.xlsx (sheet1_name: circumstance, sheet2_name: poems) is bassed on A chronicle of Bai Xingjian collated by 黄大宏

Detail contians Bai's specific experience every year
circumstance_orientation_value is assigned manually based on the good/bad of Detail. Such as "祖母殁于新郑县私第(Bai's grandmother died)"is assigned a value of −1, "行简进士及第...行简同年...应制举(Bai passed the Imperial Examination...Bai passed passed the Palace Examination)" is assigned a value of +2.
Circumstances_of_Bai = SUM(circumstance_orientation_value) #tips for operation step: E2=SUM($D$2:D2), E10=SUM($D$2:D10), E52=SUM($D$2:D52)#

circumstance_orientation_value_chang'an = IF(Place="长安",circumstance_orientation_value,"")  

1.4 [Spatial syntax of Chang'an]

S4 File.graph
Vector file of street of chang'an is created by Autocad and then imported into Depthmap(a technology used to analyze the spatial layouts, and human activity patterns in urban areas)

Integration analysis of the road network of Chang’an city by Depthmap

Integration analysis of the road network of Chang’an city by Depthmap
#tips for operation step:
Using Autocad to depict the main road axis map of Chang'an map(Vector file of street of chang'an) → Save as dxf file → Open the depthmap software and create a new workspace → Map-import-Choosing Chang'an Road Axis Chart → ap-convert drawing map → tools-axial/convex/pesh-run graph analysis-Radius/list of radii – input n,2,3,5,7-choose include choice(betweenness)/local measures/RA,RRA and total depth/weighted measures-length#

The degree of integration (a space syntax parameter) reflects the ease of access to streets, that is, it may determine which street is more likely to attract Zheng, as an explorer of Chang’an.

1.5 Spatially embedded semantic data

S3, place.xlsx, shikong-vt.shp, link_between_places.shp) combines Text database with spatial data by Arcmap.

1) path.xlsx

create path.xlsx semi-manually by Excel based on Text database on phrase level
Each time when ward_in_chang'an in sheet "place & SO" changes, an ID is added in path.xlsx with Origin to Destination
sentiment score between places: value difference of sum_sentiment_effective_classification_score between Origin and Destination

straturm classification: The classification of social stratum of the character The classification of social stratum in the story from untouchable to nobles is as follows: (1) beggar, servant, and sex worker; (2) businessman, civilian, madam; (3) ward head (里胥), candidate student, successful candidate, county judicial official (贼曹); and (4) Chang’an officials (京尹) and officials from other places.

2) place.xlsx

create place.xlsx( sheet1_name: stratum_statistics, sheet2_name: place_statistics) by Excel based on Text database on phrase level
stratum_statistics inherits the value in path.xlsx
#tips for operation step in place_statistics:

place sum_sentiment_effective_classification_score phrase_count averge_sentiment_classification_score effective_sum_sentiment_classification_score effective_phrase_count averge_sentiment_effective_classification_score averge_stratum STDEV_stratum COUNT_stratum
ward SUM(place_SCS) in sheet" place & SO" COUNT(place_SCS) in sheet" place & SO" AVERAGE(place_SCS) in sheet" place & SO" IF place_SCS<>0,SUM(place_SCS),"" in sheet" place & SO" IF place_SCS<>0,COUNT(place_SCS),"" in sheet" place & SO" IF place_SCS<>0,AVERAGE(place_SCS),"" in sheet" place & SO" AVERAGE(place_stratum) in sheet" stratum_statistics" STDEV(place_stratum) in sheet" stratum_statistics" COUNT(place_stratum) in sheet" stratum_statistics"

#tips for operation step:
create shapefile of Polygon( Ward& Palace) based onRaster map of Tang Chang'an with location information#
This shapefile is not uploaded to github due to copyright issues


#tips for operation step:

  • create Point( centroid of Polygon)--> add field ward_in_chang'an and fill in
  • Text database on phrase level is joined with Point by field ward_in_chang'an#


#tips for operation step:

  • create Point( centroid of Polygon)--> add field ward_in_chang'an and fill in
  • place.xlsx is joined with Point by field NAME#

temporal simulation path in sapce.shp

#tips for operation step:
Arcmap--> Toolbox--> XY to Line--> import shikong-vt.shp#

  • create polyline The rules of the simulation are from the characteristics of the streets: first, prefer the shortest path, and second, prefer the street sections with the highest degree of spatial syntax integration.
  • path.xlsx is joined with polyline by field ID

2. Representation

2.1 Time

Trajectory of the integral function of SO value by sigmaplot

Trajectory of the integral function of SO value by sigmaplot
#tips for operation step:
create graph--> simple straight line--> data format--> XY Pair--> select data
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: SO_value_Integral_function(so_IF)#

Trajectory of the integral function of SO value and characters’ appearance by sigmaplot

Trajectory of the integral function of SO value and characters’ appearance by sigmaplot
#tips for operation step:
create graph--> multiple straight line--> data format--> XY Pair--> select data
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: SO_value_Integral_function(so_IF)
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: ZHENG_so_IF
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: LI_Wa_so_IF
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: LI_Wa's_mother_so_IF
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: ZHENG's_father_so_IF#

Trajectory of the integral function of SO value and places’ appearance by sigmaplot

Trajectory of the integral function of SO value and places’ appearance by sigmaplot
#tips for operation step:
create graph--> simple straight line--> data format--> XY Pair--> select data
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: SO_value_Integral_function(so_IF)

add new plot--> graph types--> vertical bar chart--> graph styles--> grouped bars--> data formats--> many Y
data for Y: Anyi_so_IF
data for Y: Buzheng_so_IF
data for Y: Chongren_so_IF
data for Y: EastMarket_IF
data for Y: Pingkang_IF
data for Y: DepartmentOfStateAffairs_IF
data for Y: TianmenStreet_so_IF
data for Y: Tongshan_so_IF
data for Y: Tongyi_so_IF
data for Y: WestMarket_so_IF
data for Y: XingqingPalace_IF
data for Y: Xuanyang_so_IF

graph page--> add axist--> Y#

Trajectory of the integral function of SO value versus the story-time’s appearance by sigmaplot

Trajectory of the integral function of SO value versus the story-time’s appearance by sigmaplot
#tips for operation step:
create graph--> multiple straight line--> data format--> XY Pair--> select data
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: SO_value_Integral_function(so_IF)
data for X: storytime_day data for Y: readtime_phrase

graph page--> add axist--> Y#

Bai Xingjian's up and down by sigmaplot

Bai Xingjian's up and down by sigmaplot
#tips for operation step:
create graph--> vertical bar chart--> graph styles--> grouped bar--> data format--> many Y
data for X: Age data for Y: Circumstances_of_Bai data for X: Age data for Y: Circumstances_of_Bai_Chang'an#

2.2 Space-time

import shikong-vt.shp, temporal simulation path in sapce.shp and link_between_places.shp into Arcscene

Visualization of the integral function of SO value and places’ appearance by Arcscene

Visualization of the integral function of SO value and places’ appearance by Arcscene
#tips for operation step:
"shikong-vt.shp"--> properties--> Element--> Single symbol "temporal simulation path in sapce.shp"--> properties--> Symbolic System--> Graded colour--> value--> sheet1_em#

Visualization of path trajectory based on spatial discipline: characters’ appearance versus places’ appearance by Arcscene

Visualization of path trajectory based on spatial discipline: characters’ appearance versus places’ appearance by Arcscene
#tips for operation step:
"shikong-vt.shp"--> properties--> Element--> Single symbol
"link_between_places.shp"--> properties--> Symbolic Systems--> category--> Unique value--> value--> 人物啊#

Visualization of path trajectory based on spatial discipline: characters’ appearance and the integral function of SO value versus places’ appearance by Arcscene

Visualization of path trajectory based on spatial discipline: characters’ appearance and the integral function of SO value versus places’ appearance by Arcscene
#tips for operation step:
"shikong-vt.shp"--> properties--> Element--> Single symbol "link_between_places.shp"--> properties--> Symbolic Systems--> Graded colour--> value--> 情感差#

Visualization of path trajectory based on spatial discipline: characters’ appearance versus places’ appearance and the integral function of SO value by Arcscene

Visualization of path trajectory based on spatial discipline: characters’ appearance versus places’ appearance and the integral function of SO value by Arcscene
#tips for operation step:
"shikong-vt.shp"--> properties--> Symbolic System--> Graded colour--> value--> sheet1_em
"link_between_places.shp"--> properties--> Symbolic Systems--> category--> Unique value--> value--> 阶级值#

2.3 Space

POS map

Statistics of the POS and places (noun-space of the whole document) by Photoshop

Statistics of the POS and places (noun-space of the whole document) by Photoshop

Statistics of the POS and places (adjective-space of the whole document) by Photoshop

Statistics of the POS and places (adjective-space of the whole document) by Photoshop

Visualization of path trajectory based on spatial discipline: characters’ appearance versus places’ appearance by Photoshop

Visualization of path trajectory based on spatial discipline: characters’ appearance versus places’ appearance by Photoshop
#tips for operation step:
create the wordcloud image of POS of each place by [wordart]( --> imported in Photoshop --> move to relevant place --> export into png#

Sentiment map

Inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation by ArcGIS of the sentiment classification score and places (a. sentiment classification score of place attribute, b. sentiment classification score/effective read-time of place attribute) by Arcmap

Inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation by ArcGIS of the sentiment classification score and places (a. sentiment classification score of place attribute, b. sentiment classification score/effective read-time of place attribute) by Arcmap #tips for operation step:
Toolbox → geostatistical analyst- interpolation analysis – IDW→ input layer“点数据” → Environment-range-“皇城里坊”#

[Social network]

S7, node.csv)
if two character co-occurr within two adjacent phrases, one edge will be added between them.

Statistics of characters in co-occurrence network, Girvan-Newman clustering, and betweenness centrality by Gephi

Statistics of characters in co-occurrence network, Girvan-Newman clustering, and betweenness centrality by Gephi

Statistics of characters in co-occurrence network, modularity class, and betweenness centrality by Gephi

Statistics of characters in co-occurrence network, modularity class, and betweenness centralityy by Gephi
#tips for operation step in Gephi:
File → Improt spreadsheet → edge.csv → charset: GB2312 → Graph Type: indirected
Tools → pluginss → Availible Plugins → Install
run all analysis of "Statistics" on the right manue
appearence → nodes → color → Partition → Modularity class → run
appearence → nodes → color → Partition → Cluster-ID → run
appearence → nodes → size → Ranking → Betweenness centrality → run#

Network parameters:
Average Degree: 1.462
Average Weighted Degree: 4.731
Diameter: 5
Radius: 1
Average Path length: 2.265625
Density: 0.095
Randomize: On (Modularity)
Use edge weights: Off (Modularity)
Resolution: 0.8 (Modularity)
Modularity: 0.351 (Modularity)
Modularity with resolution: 0.218 (Modularity)
Number of Communities: 6 (Modularity)
Number of communities:4 (Girvan-Newman Clustering)
Maximum found modularity:0.39129266 (Girvan-Newman Clustering)
Network Interpretation: undirectedAverage
Clustering Coefficient: 0.506
Total triangles: 6

Spatially embedded network

S8, edge.csv, indirect-node.csv) is based on path.xlsx

Network analysis of characters and places in modularity class analysis (use edge weights: On) and weighted degree centrality based on a full-text, spatially embedded, undirected network of characters by Gephi

Network analysis of characters and places in modularity class analysis and weighted degree centrality based on a full-text, spatially embedded, undirected network of characters by Gephi

. Network analysis of characters and places in Girvan-Newman clustering analysis and weighted degree centrality based on a full-text, spatially embedded, undirected network of characters by Gephi

Network analysis of characters and places in Girvan-Newman clustering analysis and weighted degree centrality based on a full-text, spatially embedded, undirected network of characters by Gephi
#tips for operation step in Gephi:
File → Improt spreadsheet → edge.csv → charset: GB2312 → Graph Type: indirected
Tools → pluginss → Availible Plugins → Install
run all analysis of "Statistics" on the right manue
appearence → nodes → color → Partition → Cluster-ID → run
appearence → nodes → color → Partition → Modularity class → run
appearence → nodes → size → Ranking → Weighed Degree → run#

Network analysis of characters and places in closeness centrality and betweenness centrality based on a full-text spatially embedded undirected network of characters by Gephi

Network analysis of characters and places in closeness centrality and betweenness centrality based on a full-text spatially embedded undirected network of characters by Gephi
#tips for operation step in Gephi:
File → Improt spreadsheet → edge.csv → charset: GB2312 → Graph Type: indirected
run all analysis of "Statistics" on the right manue
appearence → nodes → color → Ranking → Closeness centrality → run
appearence → nodes → size → Ranking → Betweenness centrality → run#

Network analysis of characters and places in authority and hub analysis based on a full-text spatially embedded directed network of characters by Gephi

Network analysis of characters and places in authority and hub analysis based on a full-text spatially embedded directed network of characters by Gephi
#tips for operation step in Gephi:
File → Improt spreadsheet → edge.csv → charset: GB2312 → Graph Type: directed
run all analysis of "Statistics" on the right manue
appearence → nodes → color → Ranking → Authority → run
appearence → nodes → size → Ranking → Hub → run#

Network parameters:
Average Degree: 3.000
Average Weighted Degree: 7.750
Diameter: 6
Radius: 3
Average Path length: 2.265625
Density: 0.200
Randomize: On (Modularity)
Use edge weights: On (Modularity)
Resolution: 0.8 (Modularity)
Modularity: 0.326 (Modularity)
Modularity with resolution: 0.194 (Modularity)
Number of Communities: 4 (Modularity) Number of communities:4 (Girvan-Newman Clustering)
Maximum found modularity:0.3949653 (Girvan-Newman Clustering)
Network Interpretation: undirectedAverage
Clustering Coefficient: 0.474
Total triangles: 9


MA Zhaoyi
LIU Shuaishuai
Dr. HE Jie
XIAO Tianyi


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Tang Chang’an GIS basemap provided by Prof. Pan Wei from Yunan University and his team from the GIS Lab at Northwest Institute of Historical Environment and Socio-Economic Development of Shaanxi Normal University. The first version of the historical GIS data of Tang Chang’an in this research are from Prof. Timothy Baker of National Dong Hwa University and Dr. Liao Hsiung-Ming of Acadmia Sinica.


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People living in the digital age usually has difficulties in reading classical novels, in terms of obscure words, contextual difference and reading habits. This paper proposes a framework of digital models integrating spatial narrative theories to represent the narrative and narrative of experience of a Chinese classic novel, The Tale of Li Wa, …








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