The Meaning Behind The Song: Thats What I Want by Lil Nas X - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Thats What I Want by Lil Nas X


In late September 2021, Lil Nas X released a new single called “That’s What I Want” from his highly anticipated debut album “Montero.” While the song is quickly climbing up the charts, it’s leaving fans and critics alike wondering what the true meaning behind the lyrics is. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into “That’s What I Want” and explore what Lil Nas X is really trying to convey.

The Inspiration Behind “That’s What I Want”

Before we analyze the lyrics of “That’s What I Want,” we need to understand the inspiration for the song. In an interview with Apple Music’s Zane Lowe, Lil Nas X revealed that “That’s What I Want” was inspired by a real-life experience. He said, “This song was inspired by an experience I had with someone I was talking to. It was a brief time, and then it was over, and I had to come to terms with the fact that I really liked this person, and I did want something more with them.”

The Lyrics of “That’s What I Want”

Now that we know the inspiration behind the song, let’s take a closer look at the lyrics of “That’s What I Want.”

Verse 1:
“I want someone to love me
I need someone to hold me
I want someone to save me
That’s what I need

Verse 2:
“I’m not looking for a moment
I’m not looking for a temporary
I’m not looking for a shoulder
I want something to hold”

In the first verse, we can see that Lil Nas X is looking for someone who can love him, hold him, and save him. He’s not looking for a temporary fling or someone to lean on. He wants something real and long-lasting. In the second verse, he reiterates this desire for something to hold onto.

“That’s what I want (That’s what I want)
That’s what I want (That’s what I want)
Follow my dreams, not chasing a feeling
Do what I want (Do what I want)”

The chorus is the most memorable part of the song, and it’s where Lil Nas X sums up what he wants. He’s not chasing a fleeting feeling, but instead, he’s following his dreams and doing what he wants. He’s also looking for a relationship that aligns with his goals and aspirations.

The Theme of Love and Longing

One of the most prominent themes in “That’s What I Want” is love and longing. Lil Nas X is not afraid to express that he’s looking for someone to love and hold him. The lyrics are vulnerable and honest, and it’s clear that he’s not looking for a fling. He’s looking for a real connection.

The Theme of Self-Awareness

Another theme that we can see in “That’s What I Want” is self-awareness. Lil Nas X knows what he wants, and he’s not afraid to express it. He’s also aware that he’s not looking for a temporary fling but a long-lasting relationship that aligns with his goals and dreams. This self-awareness is something that we can all strive for in our relationships.

The Impact of “That’s What I Want”

Since its release, “That’s What I Want” has been gaining popularity, with millions of streams on Spotify and YouTube. Many fans and critics have praised the honesty and vulnerability in the lyrics of the song. Lil Nas X has never been one to shy away from controversial topics, and “That’s What I Want” is no different. The song is a testament to his growth as an artist and his willingness to express his true feelings through his music.


In conclusion, “That’s What I Want” is a powerful song that explores the themes of love, longing, self-awareness, and following your dreams. Lil Nas X is not afraid to express his true feelings in the song, and it’s clear that he’s looking for a real connection. The song has resonated with many fans, and it’s a testament to Lil Nas X’s growth as an artist. As we look forward to the release of “Montero,” we can expect more vulnerable and honest songs from the Grammy-winning artist.

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