The Meaning Behind The Song: Deck The Halls by Traditional - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Deck The Halls by Traditional

Title: The Joyful Meaning Behind The Song: Deck The Halls


Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la! As soon as you hear these words, you know that it is that time of the year- the holiday season. One of the most beloved and classic Christmas songs, Deck the Halls, has been celebrated for centuries. The lively tune and lyrics of this song make it a Christmas favorite that is enjoyed by people of all ages. However, what is often left unnoticed are the deeper meanings and stories behind this timeless classic. In this article, we will unravel the delightful and significant historical and musical roots of Deck the Halls.

History of Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls, also known as Deck the Hall, originated from Wales in the 1700s. The original version was called “Nos Galan,” which means “New Year’s Eve” in Welsh. The melody was written by Welsh harpist John Parry, also known as “Bardd Alaw,” and its lyrics were added later on by Welsh poet Thomas Oliphant. The song found immense popularity in the United States in the late 1800s after being published in a Christmas songbook.

The Meaning behind the Lyrics

The lyrics of Deck the Halls are full of imagery, joy, and celebration. They depict the spirit of the holiday season and the warmth of spreading love and happiness. The opening verse talks about “decking the halls with boughs of holly,” which symbolizes the tradition of decorating houses with greenery during the festive season. Holly, with its green leaves and red berries, was believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. The use of “fa-la-la-la-la” also adds a festive touch to the lyrics, encouraging people to sing along and have fun.

The second verse’s lyrics, “See the blazing yule before us, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la,” talks about the Yule log, an ancient tradition celebrated during the winter solstice. The Yule log was a large log, often made of oak, that was burned in the hearth to welcome the longer days of sunlight. The burning of the Yule log, just like the decorations, was believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

The third verse takes us through a journey of the sights of Christmas, “Strike the harp and join the chorus, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.” The lyrics painted a picture of families gathered around the fire, playing instruments, and singing Christmas carols. It encouraged people to come together, spread happiness, and feel the warmth of community.

The final verse encourages people to have fun and celebrate, “Fast away the old year passes, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.” The lyrics urge people to forget about their worries and embrace the new year with open arms, spreading joy and hope.

The Music of Deck the Halls

The melody of Deck the Halls is uplifting and cheerful. It has a traditional chord progression that makes it sound familiar and comforting. The song is often sung in a cappella, but it can also be accompanied by a variety of instruments such as the harp, violin, or piano. The most unique and memorable aspect of this song is the use of “fa-la-la-la-la” in the chorus. The syllables add a playful and catchy element to the song and encourage people to sing along.

Cultural Significance of Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls has become a staple in the Christmas music canon. It is played in malls, on the radio, and sung in churches all around the world. The song has become an essential part of the holiday season, bringing people together and inspiring joy and hope. Its message of spreading happiness, embracing community, and embracing change is incredibly relevant today, especially in light of the challenges that we all faced in 2020.


Deck the Halls is a festive and joyful song that has stood the test of time. Its lyrics and melody evoke the spirit of the holiday season and celebrate the traditions and cultures that make Christmas so special. From its Welsh roots to its global popularity, Deck the Halls has become a cultural icon that unites people across generations and backgrounds. So, the next time that you hear this classic carol, remember its historical and musical significance and let its message of joy and hope fill your heart.

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