The Meaning Behind The Song: It's A Sin by Pet Shop Boys - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: It’s A Sin by Pet Shop Boys

The Secrets and Significance Behind “It’s A Sin” by Pet Shop Boys: A Comprehensive Analysis

The Emergence of Pet Shop Boys

Pet Shop Boys came into the music industry with their hit single “West End Girls.” The duo, Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, conquered the music scene with their unique sound and style. Their combination of electronic melodies and poetic lyrics fascinated audiences around the world and earned them a massive fan following.

The British pop duo is known for their music’s emotional resonance and social commentary. One of their most profound works is the song “It’s A Sin” from their second studio album, “Actually,” released in 1987.

The Musicality of “It’s A Sin”

“It’s A Sin” has a catchy melody with an upbeat tempo, but the lyrics tackle a rather ominous subject matter. The song was a commercial success, hitting the charts in several countries, and climbed to the top of the UK Singles Chart. The song even became the best-performing single of Pet Shop Boys.

The song’s intense and dramatic nature makes it unique and noteworthy. The first few seconds of the song, with the haunting sound of the church bells, signal the weight of the song’s subject matter. They provide a sense of urgency, a sense that something serious is underway.

The Meaning and Significance of the Lyrics

“It’s A Sin” explores the relationship between human desire and religious values, dealing with themes of sin, guilt, religion, and sexuality. The song was daring and controversial at the time of its release because it addressed homosexuality, the AIDS epidemic, and the church’s views on both. The lyrics are intense and emotional, delivering a message that speaks to people from all walks of life and social backgrounds.

The main theme of the song is the idea of sin, hence its title. What is “it” that the song is referring to, when it says “It’s a sin?” The lyrics can be interpreted in several ways, and all of them address contemporary issues. For one, the song is about being gay and experiencing the shame and guilt that society directs towards anyone who is not straight. This line from the chorus…

“When I look back upon my life, it’s always with a sense of shame. I’ve always been the one to blame.”

…captures this theme beautifully. Even today, the stigma around homosexuality and LGBTQ+ rights remains a potent issue. But, the song also deals with broader themes of guilt and regret, that everyone can relate to.

The Connection between Religion and Guilt

Religion and the church play a significant role in “It’s A Sin.” The song acknowledges the dictatorial nature of religious beliefs that prohibit and dictate human desires. The lyrics assert that religious doctrine conflicts with personal convictions and creates a sense of irreconcilable guilt in the human psyche. In some ways, the song is a critique of religious dogma that seeks to control human behavior.

The music video portrayed the church’s influence, symbolism, and imagery. The video featured Tennant, dressed head-to-toe in an oversized suit, wandering the halls of a Catholic Church. The video showcased several religious symbols, like the candles, crosses, the rosary beads, stained-glass windows, and religious paintings. The video conveys the message that religion, despite its goodness, can be a source of shame and guilt.

The AIDS Epidemic and Homophobia in the 1980s

“It’s A Sin” was released at the height of the AIDS epidemic, a crisis that affected the gay community worldwide. The song spoke directly to the fears and pain felt by the community and addressed the stigma and prejudice that they faced. AIDS was often called the “gay plague” and was perpetuated by the Reagan Administration’s silence and inaction. Pet Shop Boys used their music to confront and challenge this silence, an act of resistance that made a significant impact.


Today, “It’s A Sin” still resonates with people globally, and sadly, the song’s themes remain as relevant now as they did during the AIDS epidemic. Pet Shop Boys’ powerful and poetic lyrics have inspired and built solidarity within oppressed communities, made a statement to the wider world about social injustice, and provided comfort to those who feel the weight of religious guilt.

Arthur Schopenhauer once said, “Music is the core of all the arts, a direct road to our emotions.” Pet Shop Boys used their music to tackle the social, political, and philosophical issues of the day, and “It’s A Sin” is undoubtedly one of the most profound examples.

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