Circus Maximus - The First Chapter - Metal Temple Magazine

The First Chapter

Circus Maximus

There's got to be something in the water they drink up there in Norway. I […]
By Michael Dalakos
August 23, 2006
Circus Maximus - The First Chapter album cover

There's got to be something in the water they drink up there in Norway. I really can't see another explanation how this country releasing so many brilliant albums from virtually the entire spectrum of heavy music. Latest example is Circus Maximus that comes to finish what Pagan's Mind has started some months ago: solidify Norway's position in the progressive metal map of the world.
Circus Maximus became a full line up in 2000, consisting of long time band-mates Michael Eriksen on vocals and brothers Mats & Truls Haugen on guitar and drums respectively. In addition the band consists of keyboard mastermind Espen Storø and Mats' old high school buddy Glen Cato Møllen on bass. After recording 2 demos Circus Maximus hooked up with Danish based metal agency Intromental Management in April 2004, and soon after got signed to the American label Sensory Records (who in turn licensed the album out to Frontiers Records for the European release).
Can you imagine how Dream Theater would have sounded if there was still flame in their song-writing? If you can't simply check The 1st Chapter. Take Images And Words and amplify it X 2!!! No kidding guys! This is heavy shit, is epic, rock, prog... don't make me write down all the genres of metal here! Add on all these a brilliant vocalist, high pitcher yet quite groovy (almost poser-like). All these are proven in split-second once you start listening Alive or Glory of The Empire? Do you think that their lengthy compositions flow like water simply by coincidence? I don't think so! It takes MUCH MORE than skills to write lengthy songs without becoming boring.
It also takes a huge amount of balls to put this down and stomp it with an amazing production. That's why the album was recorded in various studios in Norway, and mixed in October 2004 in Denmark at Jailhouse Studios with well-known producer Tommy Hansen (Helloween, Pretty Maids, Wuthering Heights) at the helm.
As long as bands like Circus Maximus form and manifest progressive metal has a future. Fans of progressive metal, and hard rock I think, will find this one a great gift for the summertime! Invest immediately!!!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"The First Chapter" Track-listing:

Glory Of The Empire
Silence From Angels Above
Why Am I Here
The Prophecy
The 1st Chapter
Haunted Dreams (Bonus Track Europe)
Imperial Destruction (Bonus Track USA)

Circus Maximus Lineup:

Michael Eriksen - Vocals
Truls Haugen - Drums
Espen Storø - Keyboards
Mats Haugen - Guitars
Glen Cato Møllen - Bass

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