Study Opportunities - Information for International Applicants - University of Coimbra
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Study opportunities

Learn about the several opportunities for study, training and research offered by the University of Coimbra:

Foundation Year Programmes for International Students

Information for international applicants who need to acquire linguistic proficiency in Portuguese or additional training in specific subject areas in order to apply to undergraduate and integrated master degree programmes at UC.

Undergraduate Studies

Information for international students who would like to obtain their first higher education degree at UC.

Post-graduate Studies
Information for international students who already have a first higher education degree and would like to apply to 2nd cycle (master) and 3rd cycle (PhD) degree programmes at UC.
Post-doc, projects, research
Information for international post-doc and other applicants who would like to carry out their research projects at UC.

Non-degree courses

Information for students and professionals interested in distance learning and specialised non-degree courses at UC.

Learn Portuguese
Information for international students who would like to improve or learn Portuguese at UC.
Student exchange programmes
Information for international students enrolled in foreign universities who would like to spend an exchange period of studies or a traineeship at UC.

Financial support

Information on funding opportunities, scholarships and awards.