Why is Andrew Garfield so Amazing? Decoding the Charisma of Spider-Man - THE MOVIE CULTURE

Why is Andrew Garfield so Amazing? Decoding the Charisma of Spider-Man

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Why is Andrew Garfield so Amazing?

“How does it feel not fancying every person you meet?” Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a genius and no one should argue with me. That one line, without any context whatsoever, has so much power and truth in it. With context, there is vulnerability, pride and pain all screaming out. Yet it is the truth that hits the most.

I can’t answer that question because let’s be fair, I am obsessed with everything literature. Books, movies, tv-series and anything else that will give me solace from this pestering place called reality. I fancy every person I meet but that’s because every literature has at least one character that deserves all the love. For example- all of Andrew Garfield’s roles.

The Versatility of Andrew Garfield

I fancy each one of them. There is thought behind the characters and while a large part of the credit goes to their writers and directors, a significant part goes to Garfield for bringing them to life in the way he has. One can’t even argue that Andrew doesn’t have versatility. His entire career is filled with roles that are wildly different from each other. Take the movies from the past two years for example. Jonathan Larson (Tick, Tick…Boom), Peter Parker (Spider-Man: No Way Home) and Link (Mainstream) are each so different from the other.

Jonathan Larson is a struggling artist who is so passionate that he would rather go through pain for 8 years than compromise on the integrity of his art. On the other hand, Garfield plays the role of an older Peter Parker who has gone through a dark mental space and is now trying to save another young boy from going through that. In 2020, the movie, Mainstream was released where Link was a fame-hungry man who was crazier than he was compassionate. All three characters had one thing in common, the charisma of Andrew Garfield.

It is the love with how Garfield approaches each character. He cares about them. Don’t take my word for it. Stalk Garfield and find out how intensely he talks about his movies, his roles and the dedication he has for his craft. You will also have the time of your life, so stalk Garfield for research purposes. If you don’t want to, fret not, I already have. Only for this article, obviously.

The Origins of Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield is a gift to mankind. He is from Los Angeles, USA and is part English. For a major part of his early career, he was struggling to get projects and had then run into James Dornan who at that time was also trying to make work. While they both had projects and movies to act in but they hadn’t quite made it yet. It is arguable which movie can be counted as his breakout role but for me, it is The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.

The movie is underrated, to say the least. With a cast that includes Colin Farrell, Jude Law, Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger, Lily Cole, there is the young Andrew Garfield. While the movie in itself has a unique plot and thought, it is the performance of the cast that blew me away. It was nominated for Oscars and won many prestigious awards. One can see that Andrew had given his all to the film in his multiple interviews along with the cast.

Moving on, he had The Social Network. A movie rediscovered now that the Andrew Garfield era has started again. “Lawyer up, asshole” a line that you will hear me mutter several times and then excuse it as a mindless joke of a law student is still as iconic as it was back in 2010. Jesse Eisenberg starrer, the movie was the talk of the town then and now.

Andrew, for this movie, wasn’t only in love with the work but also with Eisenberg. The way Andrew adorns his roles shows when even after a long time since he worked on them, he carries small quips of it. From The Social Network, he picked up loyalty and an everlasting dedication to Jesse. He makes sure that he has chemistry with everyone. Personally, it would be very easy to have chemistry with him but kudos to him for that.

Andrew Garfield Advocating For LGBTIA+

If not only in movies, Garfield is the person to protect at all costs. The way he passionately advocates for the LGBTIA+ community without making it about himself or saying anything remotely problematic shows that he has taken his time out to know as much as he can. He does the research for every matter he talks about and that makes a difference. It isn’t halfhearted because the commitment to it can be seen. All his interviews and press conferences are enlightening. Buzzfeed’s thirst tweet segment also could do nothing to Garfield’s need for intellectual and informative ranting.

Now to the part we all have been waiting for. Garfield’s Peter Parker. Yes, the stories cannot be said to be the best Spiderman movies out there but it isn’t a stretch to say that Garfield loves Parker. He will forever be in love with the opportunity he got to be SpiderMan because growing up he was a huge Marvel nerd. On top of that, hearing him speak about The Amazing Spider-Man series is overwhelming. While for 2 years he argued that he wasn’t in the movie, not once did he seem to not relish the opportunity if he gets it. Like all of us, he is a fan. A fan who will never get tired of the superhero.

Andrew Garfield's Amazing Spider-Man

Andrew Garfield’s Amazing Spider-Man

All the Peter Parkers are completely different from each other but Garfield knows the pain in a way that I hope none of the others knows. His chemistry with Emma Stone is legendary. People will never be over that pair. The way he describes Stone is the most beautiful literature ever.

In line with everything he does, he besotted himself to Peter Parker and thus to everyone in that world. Now, with the surge of want for 3rd part of Amazing Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield has risen again. His importance has finally been brought to light and so has his craft.

The Movie Culture Synopsis

Unfortunately, I will have to end this article but before that, here are some of his underrated movies that everyone should watch to understand why Andrew Garfield is not only the most precious human on this planet but also madly talented.

  • The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
  • The Social Network
  • Hacksaw Ridge
  • Tick, Tick…Boom
  • Mainstream
  • Never Let Me Go
  • The Other Boleyn Girl
  • Under the Silver Lake
  • The Eyes of Tammy Faye
  • The Amazing Spider-Man

While all it will take is 1 interview video to fall in love with Andrew Garfield, after watching these movies, like him, you too will be completely besotted to all the movies. Andrew Garfield is also a person who fancies every person he meets and he does it beautifully.