The Four Minute Interview: Gary Lydon

Gary Lydon. Photo: K. O'Halloran.

Award winning actor Gary Lydon reveals the best/worst moments of his life, and his secret skill.

What's been the best decade of your life so far and why?

The Noughties. I became a dad and got a lot of happiness out of the responsibilities of parenthood.

What was the worst moment of your life?

My brother Jimmy ringing to tell me my dad had died. I was in Dublin at the time, and dad was in Wexford, so part of me felt I didn't get to say a proper goodbye.

What secret skill or talent do you have?

I'm a soccer player, or at least I was a soccer player. I played with the local squad in Wexford. In my head I'm Gazza.

If there was one song you associated with your youth, what would it be?

Tommy Gun by The Clash.

What was the last lie you told?

To myself. Jazzing myself up, and telling myself everything would be okay.

What do you consider the greatest work of art?

The Gigli Concert by Tom Murphy. It's an amazing play, operatic, emotional and grandiose, and with great parts for actors.

Which local star in any field should the world outside of Britain and Ireland know about?

Corner Boy is a group from Wexford whose music is very original and heartfelt.

What is your greatest regret?

I had a flat in London which I sold in 2007. I wish I had held onto it.

What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?

I eat big bags of Pick & Mix when I go to the cinema with the boys.

Who is/was the love of your life?

I'm separated, so I don't think I've met them yet.

What is your present state of mind?

Fairly chilled. I go for long walks most days and it keeps me on an even keel.

What are the consolations of getting older?

You learn how to spend time more wisely. You have the knowledge not to waste time on things which don't matter to you.

What living heroes or heroines do you have?

Luke Ming Flanagan. He's a local politician who stands up for the ordinary people.

What is your best chat up line?

Let me think. "Is it just me or have we met somewhere before?"

What is the best lesson life has taught you?

You can't control other people's view of you. When you're younger you spend so much time minding what other people think of you. But not when you get older.

Actor Gary Lydon stars as Inspector Gerry Stanton in the film Calvary which opened in cinemas nationwide last week