The Head and The Heart - Signs of Light - Reviews - Album of The Year

Signs of Light

The Head and The Heart - Signs of Light
Critic Score
Based on 6 reviews
2016 Ratings: #972 / 1006
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Based on 36 ratings
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The execution is inarguably impressive, but the Head and the Heart have made much better music with simpler technique, and Signs of Light is the sort of album that confirms a fan's worst fears about an indie act signing with a corporate label.

Rolling Stone

Signs of Light also sees them beef up their sound with sweeping rock guitars and radio-aware production that can sometimes feel overblown (see the Mumford-size stomp of the title track). Things work better when they balance the impulse to hulk things up with their natural traditionalist intimacy.

The Line of Best Fit

Most of the good ideas here have been drowned in arena rock ennui, and there aren’t that many of them to begin with.


Supremely disappointing. Their indie folk charm has been replaced by a clean, typical, and--all around--boring alt sound.

Notable Song: "All We Ever Knew"


Probably the most disappointing release of the year for me -- what happened? Their original sound that was once so compelling has been replaced with superfluous corporate rock -- more American Authors than Fleet Foxes. They're capable of so much better.


A big meh.

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Track List

  1. All We Ever Knew
  2. City of Angels
  3. Rhythm & Blues
  4. False Alarm
  5. Dreamer
  6. Library Magic
  7. Turn It Around
  8. Colors
  9. Take a Walk
  10. Oh My Dear
  11. I Don't Mind
  12. Your Mother's Eyes
  13. Signs of Light
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Added on: June 5, 2016