11 Years Later: Gillian Chung Finally Opens Up About Photo Scandal – JayneStars.com

11 Years Later: Gillian Chung Finally Opens Up About Photo Scandal

In 2008, a photo scandal involving Edison Chen (陳冠希) rocked the Asian entertainment industry, forever changing the careers of women who were also involved. One of the victims, Gillian Chung (鍾欣潼) was reaching the peak of her solo career, but the scandal caused her to lose everything in one night.

11 years later, Gillian has successfully recovered from the scandal, rejoined Twins with Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍), and married Michael Lai (賴弘國), starting her own family. In a recent appearance on the Chinese reality show Everybody Stand By <演員請就位>, Gillian and Taiwanese actor Ming Dao (明道) redacted a scene from the 1991 film Classic Stage <阮玲玉>, an autobiography of the silent film actress Ruan Lingyu (阮玲玉). Under the guidance of Chinese director Chen Kaige (陳凱歌), Gillian played Ruan.

Despite a successful screen career, Ruan’s private life and romantic relationships came under public scrutiny. At age 24, Ryan committed suicide, leaving behind her final words: gossip is a fearful thing.

When Gillian was asked to comment about her take on Ruan, Gillian expressed that she was able to relate to the character personally. “When I was at my lower point, I also wasn’t able to face people. Gossip really is a fearful thing.” Gillian seemed to be referring to her personal struggles after the 2008 photo scandal broke out.

“Even people today can’t handle such a thing, let alone the people in 1935. [Gossip] can really kill.”

Gillian’s first collaboration with Chen Kaige actually occurred in 2007, when she was cast in the film Forever Enthralled <梅蘭芳>. Unfortunately, due to the scandal, Gillian had to be deleted from the movie. She is grateful for another opportunity to reunite with Chen Kaige, finally fulfilling a long-time wish.

Source: Ettoday.net

This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.

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