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Experience Copenhagen – choose your event

Whether you are interested in culture, food, music or sports, Copenhagen has something to offer. Here you can find upcoming events in all genres taking place in the Danish capital.

Copenhagen is well known for its culture, history and food scene. No matter the time of the year, you can find events in the city that suit all flavors. There are both one time events and a large number of events that take place annually or even several times every year. In the following compilation you find some of the most popular annual events in Copenhagen and can learn more about each happening.

Annual events

Copenhagen Fashion Week

Copenhagen Fashion Week is held twice a year in Copenhagen and consists of three big fairs: Gallery Int Fashion Fairat Bella Center, Vision at Øksnehallen and Gallery at Forum plus a mixed range of fashion shows at City Hall and the Royal Academy of Music. The Copenhagen Fashion Festival is the open part of the week, for consumers, citizens and tourists.

The event is the Nordic region's largest fashion event and takes place two times a year, in February and August. More than 1,600 exhibitors, 2,800 branded collections, 50,000 industry professionals with more than 40 runway shows are part of the official schedule.

Some of the fashion houses that participates in Copenhagen Fashion Week are Ivan Grundahl, Bruuns Bazaar, Wood Wood, Dagmar of Sweden, By Malene Birger, Henrik Vibskov, Baum und Pferdgarten and Day Birger et Mikkelsen.

Gallery Int Fashion Fair, that is a part of Copenhagen Fashion Week has managed to present 150 shows such as Stine Goya, Cheap Monday, Henrik Vibskov and Vivienne Westwood.

Copenhagen Carnival

The Copenhagen Carnival is an annual event taking place in Fælledparken and on the streets of Copenhagen during the Whitsun Holiday. Over the years it has developed into the largest Danish festival for World music with 120 bands, 2000 dancers and more than 100,000 spectators participating.

The main venue for the carnival is Fælledparken with many stages dedicated to various music genres. The festival's main focus is world music with traditional samba and steelpan music, but also features electronic music.

The first carnival in Copenhagen was arranged in 1982 by the "Carnival in May" association and attracted 500 dancers and 60,000 spectators. The main Copenhagen Carnival Parade moves from Kongens Nytorv to The City Hall Square along Strøget, then the day after, the parade is repeated in Fælledparken.

For children and young people there is a special programme, with various workshops, performances and a separate parade.

Copenhagen Jazz Festival

Copenhagen Jazz Festival is an annual Jazz event, taking place each July. The festival was established as a festival in 1979, but already in 1964 Tivoli Gardens presented a series of concerts under the name Copenhagen Jazz Festival with Thelonius Monk, Miles Davis among others.

Today the Copenhagen Jazz Festival numbers more than 100 venues, 1,100 concerts and about 260,000 guests - making it one of the largest music events in Europe, attracting a broad international audience.

Sonny Rollins, Oscar Peterson, Ray Charles, Keith Jarrett, Wayne Shorter, Dizzy Gillespie, John Scofield, Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheny, Svend Asmussen Quartet, Cassandra Wilson, Bobby McFerrin and Chick Corea are among the musicians who have performed at the festival over the years.

In terms of genres and audiences, jazz music expanded in the 1970’s and 1978 lawyer and project manager Poul Bjørnholt started Copenhagen Jazz Festival, when he realized how local jazz clubs, public spaces, theaters and large venues could contribute to this event.

Copenhagen Pride

Copenhagen Pride is an LGBT festival which is held every August in the City Hall Square, Copenhagen. This colorful and festive occasion combines political issues with concerts, films and a parade.

It usually starts on the Wednesday of Pride Week with a culmination on the Saturday with a great parade. In 2013, more than 20,000 gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals took part in the parade with floats and flags. In 1996, when Copenhagen was the European Capital of Culture, the start for Copenhagen Pride took place - and the city's pride festival has since been held every year

Copenhagen Sakura Festival

The Committee of the Copenhagen Sakura Festival was established in February, 2008 to arrange the cultural event Copenhagen Sakura Festival with the help of the Japanese Embassy in Denmark, the Municipality of Copenhagen and other Japan-related cultural and private organizations.

The idea for the annual Sakura Festival came from a noble donation of 200 cherry blossom (Sakura) trees, all planted in Langelinie Park, by Seiichi Takaki, President of Andersen Institute of Bread & Life. Mr. Takaki was appointed to the honorable position of ambassador of H.C. Andersen on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of H.C. Andersen’s birthday in 2005.

In Japan people love and admire Sakura blossoms and almost everybody goes out to enjoy its beauty together with families, friends, lovers, office-mates and so forth wherever and whenever the Sakura bloom.

The mission is to invite everybody to try a Japanese Cherry Tree Festival, tea-ceremonys, a chance to try out calligraphy, fold origami or eat mochitsuki. There are kimono-shows, ikebana, martial arts, Japanese dance and Japanese music.