Debra Winger interview: 'Lots of people don't like me'

Debra Winger interview: 'Lots of people don't like me'

debra winger, the ranch, netflix, ashton kutcher
Debra Winger

‘You had to do some pretty crazy s--- to get the press that I did,” Debra Winger says in a throaty timbre. “Now, you just have to get out of a car without any underwear on, and you are on the front of a magazine.”

Indeed, Hollywood’s current crop of media-trained starlets could learn a thing or two about raising hell and making headlines from 60-year-old Winger. 

For more than a decade in the Eighties and early Nineties, Winger was the darling of both the tabloids and the box office.  In 1982, age 26, she was nominated for an Oscar for her role in An Officer and a Gentleman, co-starring Richard Gere, and again, a year later, for the weepie Terms of Endearment, in which she played Shirley MacLaine’s ill-fated daughter.

debra winger, the ranch, netflix, ashton kutcher
Winger with Richard Gere in the famous final scene of An Officer and a Gentleman


A third nomination came in 1993 for her role alongside Anthony Hopkins in Shadowlands.

Winger was the Jennifer Lawrence of her time, as popular with the film-going public as she was with the critics, but a less safe proposition than Lawrence. Her particular combination of sex and subversiveness was a large part of her appeal to fans, who glimpsed a wilful wildness beneath the attractive exterior. 

But her electrifying on-screen presence soon vied with a growing reputation for obstreperous on-set behaviour, and feuds with her co-stars and directors. She compared Gere to “a brick wall”, and called John Malkovich “nothing more than a catwalk model”. MacLaine fled the set of Terms of Endearment and had to be dragged back from the airport. 

debra winger, the ranch, netflix, ashton kutcher
Winger with Shirley MacLaine in the 1983 film Terms of Endearment


Winger was also truculent with the press, apparently making one journalist conduct an interview standing up in the open air, so she could walk off if she didn’t like his questions.

So it is with a little trepidation that I enter the hotel room in Los Angeles where we are due to meet to talk about her latest project, the new Netflix series The Ranch. I am relieved, and slightly disappointed, to find an infinitely more approachable Winger, who even compliments me on my questions. 

Happily she remains as straight-talking as ever, praising the rise of sites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime as a positive alternative to traditional television networks, which, she believes, “are just finding a new way to sell you s---”.

A cosy half-hour comedy, The Ranch is shot in front of a live studio audience, with Winger playing the sassy bartending mother to her former sports star son, played by Ashton Kutcher, who has returned home to help run the family business.

“This is all about the vibrant quality of making something every week,” says Winger. “Coming in on a Friday, getting your script, and by the following Friday you are in front of a live audience. It’s really exciting.”

debra winger, ashton kutcher, the ranch
Winger with Ashton Kutcher in new Netflix sitcom The Ranch


Winger herself lives partly in Manhattan and partly on a farm two hours  north of the city, with her husband, the actor Arliss Howard. And while she may be perceived to have dropped out of Hollywood 20 years ago (her absence was so keenly felt that Rosanna Arquette made a documentary called Searching for Debra Winger), she insists she never fully retired. 

“If you had been waiting in front of a screen, then, yes, I might have looked like I went away,” she concedes. “But I taught at Harvard, and I raised three children, and all the time I was doing an indie here and there.”

Some of her indie choices have been superlative ones, too, such as Sometimes in April, an HBO drama about the Rwandan genocide, and the 2008 film Rachel Getting Married, in which she played Anne Hathaway’s estranged mother.

She has little regard, anyway, for the movie-making treadmill. “When you see actors go from role to role, they just look like they are changing their hair,” she says.

Though it’s refreshing to hear honest opinions, plainly spoken, Winger admits that her forthrightness has been a hindrance. “There are lots of people who don’t like me,” she says. “I probably don’t get half as many Christmas cards as you do.”

Does that concern her, though? She pauses for thought.

“The thing that I look at [now] is where I might have caused damage, or hurt someone unnecessarily,” she says. “That is not something I had time for when I was young, and that’s a mistake, but that’s also part of youth.” 

And she often had good reason to kick up a fuss. Winger was always a feisty opponent of sexism in the image-driven film industry. Explaining her clashes on the set of An Officer and a Gentleman, she has said: “I did not have a great time on that set. Studio mishegoss. I was being really jerked.

"And most of those guys are dead now. So I don’t feel bad. People like Don Simpson — they were pigs. I’m sorry, may he rest in peace, but he’d go to dailies and bring me a water pill. They treated girls very badly. I was trying to stand up to it. And it was hard. I was really young."

She admits, though, that sometimes she went too far. 

“I think I was overwhelmed on a regular basis, hence my bad behaviour,” she says. “But I was just white-knuckling it. It’s amazing, really, that I lived, let alone that I am healthy and sitting in front of you.”

After Terms of Endearment, she reportedly checked into rehab; not surprising, perhaps, given the company. “I went on my first publicity tour with Jack Nicholson,” she says, with a laugh. “He taught me everything I knew about publicity tours. There was some scorched earth.” 

Afterwards, her private life was played out in public, too, including a relationship with Bob Kerrey, at the time Governor of Nebraska, then a four-year marriage to the Oscar-winning actor Timothy Hutton, with whom she had a son, Noah. 

In 1996, a year after she decided to take a hiatus from acting, she married Howard. The couple had a son, Babe, Winger became stepmother to Howard’s son from his previous marriage, and they bought their farm in upstate New York. 

Today she looks very healthy, with an ability – becoming rare among Hollywood women – to move every part of her face. What does she think about her industry’s infatuation with plastic surgery?

Gloria Steinem, who is a very good friend of mine, would probably be very upset with me for saying this, but sometimes women are their own worst enemy,” she says. “Come on, girls, let’s look our age, and let’s lead with it. Let’s put the word out that it’s OK to be getting older, and to command respect for it.”

The world could do a lot worse than listen to some wisdom from Winger – a point on which her current co-stars and crew, unlike many in the past, seem to agree.

“I always told people to jump off when I thought they were out of line,” she says, shrugging. “And I am still doing that. These guys just happen to like it.”

The Ranch is available to stream on Netflix from April 1

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