Welcome Home Review: Irani and Thigle showcase their acting prowess in this riveting crime thriller

Welcome Home

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Welcome Home

06 Nov, 2020
2 hrs 5 mins
Horror Thriller
Streaming on: SonyLIV
Critic's Rating
Welcome Home


In a world where black & white photos are being posted on social media to stop violence against women, ‘Welcome Home’ serves as a bitter reflection of the society we live in and we cannot stress enough the topicality of the subject at hand.
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Welcome Home Review : Irani and Thigle showcase their acting prowess in this riveting crime thriller

Critic's Rating: 3.5/5
STORY: Two unsuspecting school teachers, Anuja (Kashmira Irani) and Neha (Swarda Thigle), who are on their way to the only house in a secluded village in Maharashtra, show up at the doorstep of a family comprising oddballs. Logically, the ladies should have just upped and left but they stay. What ensues hereon epitomises madness, menace and mayhem.

REVIEW: That both Neha and Anuja are rustic and refined – dressed in loose salwars with pleated dupattas covering their bosoms, oily hair pulled back in a tight ponytail and no make-up – has been established in their respective introductory scenes. Life in a staunch patriarchal household must have hardened them and turned these two young girls into docile individuals. We say this as that aspect of their personas surface when they bob without protest, sob under their breaths and take verbal thrashings from the male members of their respective families for wanting to hold on to their jobs or returning late from work. One day, the duo is sent to a long list of hamlets as census enumerators. On their way home, at a crucial junction, Neha reconfirms with Anuja if she still wants to go to that only house in a far-off village. The latter responds in positive. On reaching the somewhat deplorable building, the two exchange quick whispers about this family of four being ‘very, very odd’ and scoot. But a person’s initial demons are hard to get over, and the bruises on childlike Prerna (Tina Bhatia) reopen old wounds. After much cajoling, Neha gives in to Anuja’s demand: they are going back for a thorough inspection and rescue a heavily pregnant Prerna, who is also clearly combatting mental health issues. That family is sociopathy personified and the house, a house of terrors.

Director Pushkar Mahabal’s ‘Welcome Home’ has an air of eerie silence looming over his story (written by Ankita Narang), which is juxtaposed against the heinous and senseless crimes that are mercilessly carried out by the paanch saal ka maun vrat-ee patriarch Ghanshyam (Shashi Bhushan) with his kook of a cook, Bhola (Boloram Das). Ironically, Ghanshyam is a loyal devotee of the Almighty and is often seen engrossed in chanting deep prayers in the hallway while in a room adjacent to the temple are two innocent, helpless humans begging for their lives – such is the intensity of his narcissistic God complex.

Mahabal has portrayed Bhola as the creepiest amongst all and embodies the spirit of a nymphomaniac – asking from time to time, “yeh ladkiyan jhoot bolti hain, main jaun unke paas, bhaiya? Main jaun? Main jaun?…” He is a sex-deprived and extremely deranged character; writer Narang has shown no leniency and gone to extreme lengths to develop this role and unleash the megalomaniac tendencies in him. Bholoram Das internalises the characteristic traits of a man you wouldn’t want to be in the same room with for a split second. Shashi Bhushan works in tandem with Das and together, they give the viewers an insight into the twisted world of pseudo machismo and toxic masculinity.

Tina Bhatia embodies the demeanour and mind-set of a deeply Stockholm-ed and fearful victim of domestic violence and female infanticide. As Prerna, Bhatia is trapped in the clutches of her own mind and there she remains. The performance is one that is bound to evoke pity. Akshita Arora’s the conniving and controlling mother of the aforementioned barbaric creatures, and she lacks empathy… just what her character demands out of her!

Leading the pack of these astounding performers are Kashmira Irani and Swarda Thigle. The actresses exhibit immense range in their roles as beat-up survivors who fight many a battle, both in that hell house and life in general, head-on! In several vital scenes, the duo – who share sisterly chemistry like most abused do – emote through their expressions: the twitching of the eyebrows, trembling of lips, breakdowns, and the resurrection of their stronger selves. The direction (and tight editing, too) by Pushkar Mahabal and the narrative by Ankita Narang – however impactful – wouldn’t have hit the right chord had it not been for their incredible cast. Also, the timeliness of it. In a world where black & white photos are being posted on social media to stop violence against women, ‘Welcome Home’ serves as a bitter reflection of the society we live in and we cannot stress enough the topicality of the subject at hand.

Saee Bhope does some brilliant work behind the camera and heightens the fright and drama in ‘Welcome Home’ with his well-thought-out shots. Creepy gets creepier, all thanks to Meghdeep Bose’s sinister music. Aptly, this crime-thriller has no songs or long rants about the issues it sets out to encapsulate.

Even for a movie with a humble budget, it is criminal that Irani’s face was smeared with so much tanning lotion that she was reduced to a haggard version of her usual gorgeous self. The make-up artists, Nitin Jha and Galib Sheikh, should have known by now that cultural appropriation is passé and frowned upon. Also, the gore is too much to process at times. Two scenes in particular stand out for their graphic detailing. We shall leave it at that.

When the credits rolled, we happened to realise that ‘Welcome Home’ is indeed based on a true story. If the film could terrorise us so badly, we cannot even begin to imagine the plight of the survivors when it had actually happened.

But, everything said, ‘Welcome Home’ gives hope: hope that every time a leach elbows a naïve-looking girl, she will fight back. Hope that every time a wife, mother or daughter is assaulted or murdered, the women would fight back and seek justice.

In-depth Analysis

Our overall critic’s rating is not an average of the sub scores below.

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Users' Reviews


Akshay Murali710 days ago

Thrilling and quite disturbing. Also induces a great amount of vigor in the audience to react to the happenings in the film. Performances is the biggest highlight. <br/>There might be some questions regarding certain events in the film like why exactly was the guy who was shown in the first scene of the film tied and tortured to death. Also I understand that the whole idea is to show the patriarchy in India which is done through different characters, ie Anuja's husband and father, Neha's brother, Bhola and Ghanshyam. Also patriarchy doesn't work only within a family it works even for unknown people. That is why when Anuja and Neha enter the house and are asked to stay back for the men to have sexual advances and when they deny it they are attacked. But somehow only the patriarchy over Prerna seemed natural and that over Anuja and Neha didn't seem natural. It seemed like they were placed as characters just to convey all that's happening in this house. This might not be exactly a drawback but just something that I felt. The two girls could have had some other bigger relationship with the house than mere govt. officials. <br/>The only drawback that I felt was that in the last half hour there was some unbelievable stuff where Anuja transforms instantly and decides to attack. There arises a question as to why she didn't do that from the beginning itself and she was made to wait till Neha got raped. <br/>Ultimately it's a really different attempt at creating something that is truly happening and very interesting.

User RAGHU110743 days ago

Extremely disturbing and thrilling.

Modassir Haider125916 days ago

One of the best horror movie on the recent times. Story is brilliantly written.

sinfo1137 days ago

Must watch.

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