Dynamic Realtime Apps with Pusher and Laravel

Dynamic realtime with Pusher and Laravel

Broadcast and receive realtime events in your Laravel apps using Pusher Channels. Hosted WebSockets for fully-featured interactive apps.

Broadcast and receive realtime events in your Laravel apps using Pusher Channels. Hosted WebSockets for fully-featured interactive apps.

We’ve solved complex realtime infrastructure so you don’t have to. Pusher scales with you, from 1 connection to millions, we’ve got you covered.

  • Out of the box support for Pusher Channels with Laravel

  • Share event names between your server-side code and client-side JavaScript application

  • Pusher Channels is one of the Laravel community’s favourite realtime tools

WebSockets with Pusher

Pusher Channels acts as a realtime layer between your client and server events, maintaining persistent connections to the clients.

Bi-directional data exchange/transfer

Reduce network delay by transmitting data in both directions simultaneously through a single connection

Traverse firewalls and proxies with ease

Support simultaneous two-way upstream and downstream communication with ease

Backwards compatible with HTTP connections

Switch between HTTP and WebSocket connections as required and fallback if necessary

Publish/Subscribe event pattern

Receive event-driven responses without continuously polling your server, for efficient data transfer

What can you build?

Channels lets you continuously stream data in realtime, so you can dynamically visualize all the information your users need now.

See what other developers are building with Channels

Simple to get started

With our client and server side libraries, you’re ready to get started with building realtime for your Laravel app today, we have hundreds of tutorials to get you started

With our client and server side libraries, you’re ready to get started with building realtime for your Laravel app today, we have hundreds of tutorials to get you started


$pusher->trigger('my-channel', 'my-event', [

'message' => 'hello world'


$pusher->trigger('my-channel', 'my-event', [

'message' => 'hello world'


pusher.trigger('my-channel', 'my-event', {

"message": "hello world"


pusher.trigger('my-channel', 'my-event', {

message: 'hello world'


pusher.Trigger('my-channel', 'my-event', new {

message = "hello world"


pusher.trigger("my-channel", "my-event", Collections.singletonMap("message", "hello world"));

pusher.trigger('my-channel', 'my-event', {

'message': 'hello world'


pusher.Trigger("my-channel", "my-event", map[string]string{

"message": "hello world",



var channel = pusher.subscribe('my-channel');

channel.bind('my-event', function(data) {

alert('Received my-event with message: ' + data.message);


var channel = pusher.subscribe('my-channel');

channel.bind('my-event', function(data) {

alert('Received my-event with message: ' + data.message);


Channel channel = pusher.subscribe("my-channel");

channel.bind("my-event", new SubscriptionEventListener() {


public void onEvent(String channel, String event, String data) {

System.put.println("Received event with data: " + data);



let channel = pusher.subscribe("my-channel")

channel.bind(eventName: "my-event", callback: { (optionalData: Any?) -> Void in

if let data = optionalData {

print("Received event with data: \(data)")



PusherChannel *channel = [pusher subscribeWithChannelName:@"my-channel"];

[channel bindWithEventName:@"my-event" callback:^void (NSDictionary *data) {

NSString *message = data[@"message"];

NSLog(@"message received: %@", message);


By developers, for developers

With 40+ libraries, we make it easy build realtime, whatever your stack


Get started for free with our sandbox plan

Including 100 connections, 200k daily messages and unlimited channels, Alternatively take a look at our simple self-serve packages, or speak to the team about a tailored solution to your enterprise requirements.