Annemie Dillen

Annemie Dillen
Sint-Michielsstraat 4 - box 3101
3000 Leuven
room: 00.19

+32 16 32 84 01

Annemie Dillen (Lier, 1978) is Full Professor in Pastoral and Empirical Theology and Vice-Dean for Education at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven. Her research focuses on theology regarding families and children, domestic violence, religious education in families, empirical theology, and fundamental practical theological reflections.

In addition to articles in journals and edited volumes, she has published a number of books (as author and editor), such as, to name a few: Dillen, A. & S. Gärtner, Discovering Practical Theology: Exploring Boundaries, Leuven, Peeters, 2020; Dillen, A., Het gezin: à-Dieu? Ethisch, theologisch en godsdienstpedagogisch denken over gezinnen vandaag (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Nieuwe Reeks), Brussel, KVAB, 2009 and Dillen, A., Ongehoord vertrouwen. Ethische perspectieven vanuit het contextuele denken van Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, Antwerpen-Apeldoorn, Garant, 2004. In 2017 she published, with Judith Cockx and Bernard Spitz, Een kind beleven. Over kinderwens, zwangerschap, geboorte en pril ouderschap (Acco, 2017). 

Annemie Dillen was the editor of a number of English volumes: Dillen, A. & A. Vandenhoeck (ed.), Prophetic Witness in World Christianities. Rethinking Pastoral Care and Counseling (International Practical Theology, 13), Münster, Lit-verlag, 2011; Dillen, A. & D. Pollefeyt (ed.), Children’s Voices. Children’s Perspectives in Ethics, Theology and Religious Education (betl), Leuven, Peeters, 2010; Dillen, A. (ed.), When ‘Love’ Strikes. Social Sciences, Ethics and Theology on Family Violence, Leuven, Peeters, 2009.

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  • journal-article
    Desmet, Lindsy;Dezutter, Jessie;Vandenhoeck, Anna;Dillen, Annemie; 2024. Healthcare Chaplaincy for Geriatric Patients: A Quasi‑Experimental Study into the Outcomes of Catholic Chaplaincy Interventions in Belgium. Journal Of Religion & Health; 2024; Vol. 63; iss. 3; pp. 1 - 26
    The present non-randomized clinical trial examined the short-term outcomes of one-on-one chaplaincy interventions with 416 geriatric patients in Belgium. Participants were interviewed one or two days before a potential chaplaincy intervention (baseline measurement), and one or two days after a potential intervention (post-measurement). Patients in the non-randomized intervention group received an intervention by the chaplain, while the non-randomized comparison group did not. Patients in the intervention group showed a significant decrease in state anxiety and negative affect, and a significant improvement in levels of hope, positive affect, peace, and Scottish PROM-scores, compared to the comparison group. Levels of meaning in life and faith did not significantly change after the chaplaincy intervention. This study suggests that geriatric patients may benefit from chaplaincy care and recommends the integration of chaplaincy care into the care for older adults.
    Publisher: Springer (part of Springer Nature)
    Published online
  • thesis-dissertation
    Mamic, Ino; 2024. Friendship, Spirituality and Personal Transformation: A Study of the Practices of the Cenacolo Community.
    This research delves into the addiction recovery approach of the Cenacolo community from a theological perspective, particularly focusing on the significance of friendship in the recovery process. Founded in 1983 by Sister Elvira Petrozzi, the Cenacolo community has expanded globally, offering a three-year residential recovery program centred around work and prayer. Despite its rather long history and media presence, there is limited knowledge about the specifics of the community's recovery method. The research utilises testimonials from former addicts within the community to understand their spiritual experiences and growth during recovery. The study adopts a theoretical framework influenced by Scottish theologian John Swinton's understanding of spirituality, which encompasses elements of religion but is not confined by it. Grounded theory methodology is employed to extract key features of the recovery method as experienced by participants. Grounded theory provides a framework for understanding the values, challenges, and aspirations of individuals within the Cenacolo community, offering insights into their faith-based practices. The findings suggest that while the community emphasises the importance of developing a relationship with God, former addicts primarily attribute their recovery to the support and friendships formed within the community. Friendship is highlighted as a crucial factor in overcoming challenges and maintaining sobriety, reinforcing trust in life and humanity. The research also seeks to integrate its findings with current theological scholarship on practical theology of friendship, aiming to contribute to understanding Cenacolo spirituality and its interplay with friendship, work, and prayer. By aligning with Anne-Marie Ellithorpe's work in the practical theology of friendship, the study aims to enrich the theological discourse on the significance of friendship in the context of addiction recovery. At the same time, by comparing the Cenacolo empowerment model with other recovery approaches, the research provides context for understanding its strengths and limitations. Engagement with thinkers such as Moltmann, Levinas, Metz, and Sobrino contributes to a deeper understanding of friendship as a transformative and inclusive force and adds depth to the discussion by addressing complex relational dynamics, power asymmetries, and the role of community in the recovery process. This dissertation represents the first scholarly articulation of the Cenacolo community's recovery approach. By proposing a theological framework based on the lived experiences of former addicts, it sheds light on the spirituality of work and prayer within the Cenacolo community, emphasising the importance of relationality among community members. By highlighting the pivotal role of friendship within the Cenacolo community's recovery approach, this dissertation enriches theological discourse on the significance of relationality in spiritual and personal transformation. Furthermore, this research bridges the gap between addiction care, pastoral support, and spirituality studies, offering valuable insights for researchers in these fields. Finally, by shedding light on lesser-known faith-based trajectories of addiction recovery, the dissertation broadens the scope of available knowledge for both pastoral workers and addiction recovery professionals. The findings of this study enhance understanding of alternative approaches to recovery and equip professional staff with valuable insights and perspectives that can inform their practice and interventions.

  • Dillen, Annemie;Reyes-Espiritu, Ma Adeinev; 2024. Gender. Atlas of Global Christianity in Western and Northern Europe; 2024; pp. 386 - 397 Publisher: Edinburgh University Press; Edinburgh

  • journal-article
    Buelens, Eva;Dewitte, Laura;Dezutter, Jessie;Vandenhoeck, Anne;Dillen, Annemie; 2024. The outcomes of healthcare chaplaincy on hospitalized patients. A quasi-experimental study in Belgium. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health; 2024; Vol. 26; iss. 2; pp. 141 - 164
    Research on the effects of chaplaincy care is scarce and hampered by methodological limitations. Our quasi-experimental study (n = 256 at baseline) aimed to gain insight into the immediate and intermediate impact of chaplaincy care on inpatients’ existential anxiety, peace, anxiety and depressive symptoms. Multilevel modeling was used to analyze the data. After controlling for age, gender, education, (non)religion/(non)belief and religiosity, participants receiving chaplaincy care demonstrated greater immediate improvement in peace compared to the control group at posttest. This was not found for anxiety, depressive symptoms or existential anxiety, nor for any of the outcomes at the three-week follow-up assessment.
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
    Published online
  • chapter
    Dillen, Annemie; 2024. Children and Christian Theology. St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology; 2024 Publisher: University of Saint Andrews;

    Published online
  • journal-article
    Schellekens, Tine;Dillen, Annemie;Toussaint, Loren;Dewitte, Laura;Dezutter, Jessie; 2024. Psychometric evaluation of the bottom-up developed Experiencing Grace Scale. Archive For The Psychology Of Religion-Archiv Fur Religionspsychologie; 2024

    Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
    Published online
  • chapter
    Dillen, Annemie;Wepener, Cas; 2024. Pebbles in (Post)Colonial Shoes The Precarious Knowledge of Public Ritual Performances in South Africa and Belgium. Precarious Knowledge. Practical Theology and Post/Colonialism; 2024; pp. 391 - 404 Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt; Leipzig

  • journal-article
    Dillen, Annemie;Casteel, Amy; 2023. Gastvrijheid en migratie: toekomstgerichte reflecties. Handelingen: Tijdschrift voor Praktische Theologie en Religiewetenschap; 2023; Vol. 2023; iss. 4; pp. 7 - 17

    Publisher: Radboud University
  • media
    Pollefeyt, Didier;Burggraeve, Roger;De Tavernier, Johan;De Volder, Jan;Dillen, Annemie;Haers, Jacques;Moyaert, Marianne; 2023. Searching for words amid unimaginable human suffering.

    Published online
  • media
    Pollefeyt, Didier;Burggraeve, Roger;De Tavernier, Johan;De Volder, Jan;Dillen, Annemie;Haers, Jacques;Moyaert, Marianne; 2023. Zoeken naar woorden te midden van onvoorstelbaar menselijk lijden.

    Published online
  • media
    Walraevens, Sylvie; 2023. Feministische theologie treedt uit de marge. Interview met Annemie Dillen. Tertio; 2023; pp. 8 - 8

  • presentation
    Dillen, Annemie; 2023. Reflecties over godsdienstonderwijs (deel 2).

  • chapter
    Dillen, Annemie;McBride, Jane; 2023. Looking back on a life of faith. Qualitative empirical research with Belgian missionary Sisters. Female Faith Practices: Qualitative Research Perspectives; 2023; pp. 220 - 233 Publisher: Routledge; London

  • journal-article
    Mapasure, Martha;Dillen, Annemie; 2023. Negotiating Catholic Sexual Ethics Catholic Women's Experiences of Sexuality and Reproduction. Exchange-Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context; 2023; Vol. 52; iss. 1-2; pp. 8 - 33

    Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
  • thesis-dissertation
    Nikitaki, Sofia; 2023. Living A Nonreligious Life: A Qualitative Empirical Exploration of Nonreligion in Belgium, Greece, and Norway..
    The academic discourse on religion, spirituality, and belief has traditionally been the task of academic theologians and religious studies scholars. Nevertheless, the increasing presence of individuals who do not identify with any particular religion in contemporary society has exposed a deficiency of representation of this demographic in academic theology and religious studies. This doctoral dissertation endeavors to address this lack of visibility by presenting the outcomes of a qualitative empirical exploration with nonreligious individuals from different European cultural contexts. In particular, this study demonstrates how nonreligious individuals from Belgium, Greece, and Norway comprehend and articulate their nonreligious outlooks, their personal histories, and their encounters with (non)religion in their everyday lives as well as explores how the participants understand and react to a range of relevant topics, such as spirituality, religion, and the concepts of god and a higher power. In addition to the formation and expression of nonreligion in the contexts explored, this research poses the question of the role of cultural settings in shaping these views. The present investigation illustrates that being nonreligious encompasses more than a mere absence of religion or a negation, dismissal, or uncertainty regarding the existence of a god or a higher power. Instead, the findings suggest that nonreligious individuals exhibit a great diversity of perspectives and understandings with regards to (non)religion and spirituality as well as a broad range of personal backgrounds and current realities. Through analyzing participants' personal histories, identities, and perceptions of religion, spirituality, and the concepts of god/a higher power, the study indicates that cultural context plays a significant role in how nonreligious views are formed and expressed. Specifically, the study identifies consistent and notable distinctions among participants from Belgium, Greece, and Norway concerning their experiences with religion during upbringing, their perceptions of church-state relations and religious presence in the public sphere, and their attitudes towards the majority religious institutions in their respective countries. Alongside these cross-cultural differences, certain important commonalities shared among participants regardless of their cultural background are also uncovered. This study aims to bridge the academic study of nonreligion with the academic study of religion, primarily in the field of theology. It posits that the examination of attitudes and opinions pertaining to (non)religion, secularity, and (non)belief ought to be undertaken in conjunction with other disciplines that take an interest in these topics. Furthermore, this research underscores the need for theologians and religious studies scholars to investigate nonreligion and its associated phenomena, broadening the scope of the study of religion and spirituality beyond dealing exclusively with the study of religious and spiritual views and culminating in a more comprehensive understanding of religion, spirituality, and the lack thereof. Adopting more flexible and open definitions of the study of (non)religion as an academic field that includes both religious/believing and nonreligious/nonbelieving (theological) thinking could benefit scholars in theology, religious studies, and the study of nonreligion alike by constructing a scholarly space that encourages (methodological and theoretical) openness, academic collaboration, interdisciplinary engagement, and ultimately leading to a more well-rounded understanding of the (non)religious landscape.

  • thesis-dissertation
    Lambert, Anne Antenita; 2023. Children's Spirituality and Peace: A Practical Theological Analysis in the Post-War Context of Sri Lanka.
    Children have their own spirituality through which they live their day-to-day lives. The children in Sri Lanka have faced a great disaster of war and now are getting adapted to the peaceful environment today. Amidst the growing consciousness of the spirituality of a child, this research seeks to find out how the spirituality of children becomes a means for peacebuilding in the post-war context of Sri Lanka. This is also an effort to show the similarities and differences of children's spirituality in Sri Lanka. My research aims to answer how the spirituality of war-affected children and non-war-affected children shapes their own lives. The research will provide a synthesis of how children's spirituality is experienced by children in Sri Lanka.

  • editedbook
    2023. Coping with Crisis. Practical Theology and the Search for Faithful Connections. Publisher: International Academy of Practical Theology; Tübingen
    This book offers essays on ‘crisis’ and practical theology written by participants in the IAPT conference ‘Coping with Crisis’ organized in Leuven, 2021. Here crisis is considered as a multidimensional phenom-enon that includes a sense of threat and also a sense of opportunity. The various contributions in this volume each depart from a specific context or locality of practices of people and communities in the midst of some form of crisis. Against the background of a practice oriented approach, different questions come to the fore, which will be addressed throughout this volume. How can a particular experience of crisis be (theologically) understood? How is this experience connected with or embedded in a particular social context? How does the phenomenon of faith relate to this experience? What do we mean when speaking about ‘coping’ with crisis? What are the core values that play a role in such an expression? How is living with crisis embodied in particular situations and how might faith communities act in such situations? The volume has been structured along five main aspects of the crisis experience where con-nections with the phenomenon of faith might be located and further explored: (1) Justice, (2) Uncertainty and fear, (3) Belonging, (4) Care, and (5) Being church.

  • thesis-dissertation
    Huygens, Eline; 2023. Living a Catholic life: Understanding the intimate lives of young Catholic women in Flanders.
    This PhD project takes the lives of (young) Roman Catholic women as a starting point to examine how religiosity is constructed and performed. I investigate how these women navigate between religious traditions and prescriptions, and secular society. Furthermore, I seek to explore how religious beliefs and teachings inform their interpretations, experiences, and practices pertaining to intimate relationships, and sexuality. The research adopts an anthropological framework by conducting empirical research among Catholic women who are active in the Church, and deploys a lived religion perspective. I draw upon feminist theory, gender studies, and religious studies in order to theorize the lived realities of these Catholic women.

  • conference
    Casteel, Amy;Dillen, Annemie;de Kock, Jos;Kummer, Armin; 2023. Crisis, fear and hope. An introduction into practical theological reflections.. International Academy of Practical Theology Conference Series; 2023; Vol. 3; pp. 1 - 2 Publisher: International Academy of Practical Theology

    Published online
  • presentation
    Dillen, Annemie; 2023. Finding a Way between Normalcy and Emergency. Practical Theology and Hope in the Anthropocene.


