We all know Jeff Daniels, right? A big guy, funny, with a dazzlingly serious look but hilarious comedic timing. No one comes close to matching his range (well, almost no one), and we’re not sure that he’s even aware of just how talented he is. He does, however, have a strong sense of intuition. He’s well versed in following his gut feelings. Most actors do, though, and tend to work off of feeling rather than fact (or actual good judgment). Following whims might seem out of reach for anyone but the most famous folks, but it’s good when it comes to work moves. It certainly worked for Jeff Daniels. He can still get work after being on record with a certain level of deprecating humor, poking fun at the fact that if he’s been around this long somebody must want him. And the truth is: yes! We do! And not only do we want him in our lives, but his long-suffering wife seems to want him too. This is due to the fact that they’ve been together for so long. Who is she? It’s hard to say. Not only does she have some very obscure photos out there, but she’s not the type to have an active social media either. This is an ongoing trend with the wives of famous men, and we think it’s a shame; we want to know about them, too! In the case of Kathleen Rosemary Treado, we decided to do a little digging. Let’s take a look, shall we?

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She’s Quiet

Now, we’re sure any mom of three has to have a set of lungs on her. But we’re not talking about child wrangling kind of volumes. We’re talking about social media volumes. And her volume is quiet. Very, very quiet. Treado and her husband Jeff Daniels have three kids, which certainly would have made for a hectic house while they were growing up. Now, though, they’ve been left to their own devices. We know that Daniels appreciates living outside of the Hollywood aura, and that certainly would go double for Kathleen Treado. If she doesn’t even want a social media account, she certainly wouldn’t want paparazzi.

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They Were Meant To Be

The most interesting fact? These two have been together for over 40 years. She was his high school sweetheart, and they got married back in ‘79. That’s like… At least 40 times longer than many celebrity marriages. She and Daniels live in Michigan still, which makes for some of the most interesting facts about them. Both really shunned the spotlight, making it difficult to pry. This is very purposeful and speaks to how much they both respect the sense of home and the sense of community present in their lives.

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All in all, we don’t know much about Kathleen Treado. We know that she’s a great mom, and enjoys her quiet family life more than the glitz and glamour of the celebrity world. Not only that, but she’s also got a huge amount of patience to be able to deal with Jeff Daniels flying around everywhere for work! While she isn’t the most out there, we know that she’s a good person and the perfect match for Jeff Daniels.

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