Ferdinand Christian Baur and the History of Early Christianity | Oxford Academic Skip to Main Content

Ferdinand Christian Baur and the History of Early Christianity

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Oxford University Press

Ferdinand Christian Baur and the History of Early Christianity

Martin Bauspiess (ed.),
Martin Bauspiess

Department of New Testament Studies

Department of New Testament Studies, University of Tübingen
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Christof Landmesser (ed.),
Christof Landmesser

Professor of New Testament Studies

Professor of New Testament Studies, University of Tübingen
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David Lincicum (ed.)
David Lincicum

Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies

Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, University of Notre Dame
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2 March 2017
Online ISBN:
Print ISBN:
Oxford University Press


Baur has been described as “the greatest and at the same time the most controversial theologian in German Protestant theology since Schleiermacher.” The contributors to this volume regard Baur as an epoch-making New Testament scholar whose methods and conclusions, though superseded, have been mostly affirmed during the century and a half since his death. The book focuses on the history of early Christianity, although as a historian of the church and theology Baur covered the entire field up to his own time. He combined the most exacting historical research with a theological interpretation of history influenced by Kant, Schelling, and Hegel. The first three chapters discuss Baur’s relation to Strauss, Möhler, and Hegel. Then a central core of chapters considers his historical and exegetical perspectives (Judaism and Hellenism, Gnosticism, New Testament introduction and theology, the Pauline epistles, the Synoptic Gospels, John, the critique of miracle, and the combination of absoluteness and relativity). The final chapters view his influence (the reception of Baur in Britain, Baur and Harnack, and Baur and practical theology).

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