Max Payne 4 plans confirmed by developer

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Max Payne 4 plans confirmed by developer

Max Payne 4 plans confirmed by developer

Max Payne 4 plans confirmed by developer

The founder of Apogee/3D Realms has revealed the plans Remedy had for Max Payne 4 before the studio was bought by Rockstar Games.

Founder, Scott Miller has recently spoken about the plans Remedy had for the future of the Max Payne franchise before it was taken in a different direction by Rockstar. The studio planned on four games being released which each one being set in a different season in New York City. The third instalment currently called Max Payne 3 would have instead been titled The Heat of Max Payne and would have been set during the summer.

Check out the Max Payne 3 trailer below!

“Rockstar’s Max Payne game (Max 3) was nothing like the direction Remedy/Apogee would have taken the series”, Miller said on Twitter. “We had in place the plan for each of the first four Max games taking place during a different season (winter, fall, summer, spring) in NYC, revealing a long arc story.”

Despite Rockstar taking the series in a different direction, Max Payne 3 was still a hit when it launched in 2012 and still sits at a “very positive” rating on Steam. Although Rockstar are yet to announce the fourth instalment, it’s clear that Remedy already had concrete plans for it so it’s a shame that we will never see it come to fruition. Miller who worked on the first two Max Payne games at Remedy was asked what he thought about Rockstar’s attempt. “I bought it and tried playing it back when it came out but Rockstar’s anti-piracy crap wouldn’t let me play it. So I released my finger from the mouse button, and it was over.”

Since it was first launched in 2001, Max Payne has gone on to help define the third-person shooter genre. Introducing the “bullet time” mechanic which can slow down time when shooting has become a key feature in many shooters over the years. It is a shame that we will never see Remedy’s plans for the series but let us hope Rockstar has it covered.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Rockstar Games