St Mary’s Catholic High School, Chesterfield - Hallam Diocese
St Mary’s Catholic High School, Chesterfield

Headteacher: Mrs Maria Dengate
Address: St Mary’s Catholic Voluntary Academy
Newbold Road
Upper Newbold
S41 8AG
Telephone: 02146 201191
E-mail: [email protected]

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St Mary’s is an 11-18 Catholic Voluntary Academy serving NE Derbyshire.

We are a thriving, highly successful and over-subscribed school with a long and well established reputation. Indeed, our record of academic achievements is outstanding, with examination results consistently well above the national average. Since our last Ofsted visit we have been designated a Teaching School. We were also designated a National Support School in July 2013 and the Headteacher designated a NLE (National Leader in Education).

The aim of our school is to help everyone in the school community to grow in faith and to make the most of their innate ability. The culture and ethos of the school are such that we all have high expectations of one another, we recognise that everyone learns differently and that making mistakes and taking risks are both part of learning. Our students are wonderful, they are our ambassadors: hardworking, friendly, fun to be with and genuinely pleasant and polite young people. They are supported by an outstanding team of staff who are united in encouraging and challenging all our students to be the best they can be.

There are many aspects of life which are important for our children, not just exam results, but also human wholeness, laughter, fun, caring for others and spirituality. These qualities will remain with them for the whole of their lives if nurtured in the right way in our school. At St Mary’s our extra-curricular activities are an essential part of a young person’s development and all students are encouraged to profit from the wide range of activities on offer. Whatever their talents and abilities they will have opportunities to succeed. Different children have different abilities and aptitudes. Many may not know what their own are when they join us simply because they may not have been given the opportunity to find out. I see our role as helping to provide those opportunities, developing talent and celebrating achievement (academic and non-academic). You will find our school friendly and inviting. When you pay us a visit you will be met with courtesy and politeness from students and staff alike. We try to put our mission as a Catholic School into practice every day in the way we treat others.

S48 St Mary’s Chesterfield Report April 2018

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