The funeral of Grand Duke Jean in Luxembourg – NettyRoyal

The funeral of Grand Duke Jean in Luxembourg

My friends Stefan and Gabi from the South of Germany decided to travel to Luxembourg for the funeral of Grand Duke Jean at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg on Saturday 4 May 2019. Stefan wrote me a quick report and sent dozens of photos. I share some of those with you.

Stefan’s report

I (Stefan) arrived on Friday afternoon. I first went to the Grand-Ducal Palais to pay respect to the Grand Duke. As I arrived at the entrance, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume came back from the memorial service at the Chambre, and went into the palace on the left side (the chapelle ardente was on the right side). Afterwards I and some others had to wait in the backyard until we were allowed to leave again, because Guillaume got into his car and drove away.

On Saturday Gabi and I went outside to look for a good spot. After about one hour we discovered Arjan from the Netherlands and decided to wait together. When the busses with German nobility came, at first we could make good pictures, as the busses stopped right in front of us. But then more busses arrived all at the same time and it started to become more difficult. Especially when they started arriving in seperate cars. Most of them left the car and then walked around it.

After all the guests were in the church Arjan and I quickly ran to the other entrance and sawe the coffin and the family arriving. Luckily I had a stool with me on which I could stand, otherwise I wouldn’t have seen anything. We were just in time, as we were hardly there when we already heard the music and the funeral procession arrived.

I went back to Gabi afterwards and we searched for a good spot to see the guests leaving the cathedral. When the coffin was carried out of the cathedral I quickly ran to take a few pictures of it and of the family.

After the service Gabi and I ate something and then went back to the palace to see the guests leaving. We did see Queen Margrethe II of Denmark. And the Belgians who however went into their cars at the courtyard. But King Albert II and Queen Paola had opened their window and waved.

After they had closed the blue gate and the barricades were removed we went to the backside of the palace. There we among others saw the Duke of Bragança and his children. Also Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, accompanied by Prince Félix and Princess Claire passed us in one car. We also saw Archduchess Marie-Astrid of Austria and Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein with their families. But they got into busses at the courtyard, so it was difficult to take pictures.

Then I had to go to the railway station as my bus left at 5.10pm. Finally at 10.15pm I arrived home again.

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