Hanna’s Sleeping Dogs (Hannas schlafende Hunde) - Cineuropa

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by Andreas Gruber


Nine-year-old Johanna grows up in the Austrian provincial town Wels as a good Catholic girl in the late 60’s. When her blind grandmother Ruth tells her the secret about their Jewish past, the “sleeping dogs” of the family history awake. But unlike her traumatized mother Katharina, she doesn’t want to hide. Instead, she wants to be proud. Johanna becomes Hanna.

international title: Hanna’s Sleeping Dogs
original title: Hannas schlafende Hunde
country: Germany, Austria
sales agent: Picture Tree International
year: 2016
genre: fiction
directed by: Andreas Gruber
film run: 120'
release date: DE 9/06/2016
screenplay: Andreas Gruber
cast: Nike Seitz, Hannelore Elsner, Franziska Weisz, Rainer Egger, Johannes Silberschneider, Christian Wolff
cinematography by: Martin Gressmann
film editing: Julia Drack
music: Gert Wilden Jr.
producer: Andreas Gruber
production: Enigma Films, BR Bayerischer Rundfunk, Mixtvision Film & TV
backing: Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF)

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