49 Facts about the movie Going in Style - Facts.net
Joanna Borrero

Written by Joanna Borrero

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Stan.com.au

The movie “Going in Style” is a captivating comedy that has captured the hearts of audiences around the world. Directed by Zach Braff, this film tells the story of three elderly friends who decide to rob a bank in a desperate attempt to escape financial hardship. The movie explores themes of friendship, adventure, and the lengths people will go to in order to provide for their loved ones.

With an all-star cast that includes Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Alan Arkin, “Going in Style” showcases the incredible talents of these veteran actors as they navigate the hilarious and sometimes dangerous world of heists. This article will delve into 49 fascinating facts about the movie, shedding light on its production, behind-the-scenes anecdotes, and interesting trivia that will give you a deeper appreciation for this entertaining film. So sit back, relax, and prepare to uncover the secrets of “Going in Style!

Key Takeaways:

  • “Going in Style” is a heartwarming heist comedy with a star-studded cast, relatable storyline, and timeless appeal, making it a must-watch for a delightful movie experience.
  • The film sheds light on financial struggles faced by the elderly, delivers a positive aging narrative, and sparks conversations about societal issues, all while providing a perfect blend of humor and heartfelt moments.
Table of Contents

A Remake with a Twist

Going in Style is a 2017 American heist comedy film. Interestingly, it is a remake of the 1979 film of the same name, but with a modern twist.

The Plot

The movie follows the story of three elderly friends, Joe, Willie, and Al, who decide to rob a bank after their pensions are cancelled.

Star-Studded Cast

The film features an impressive ensemble cast, including Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Alan Arkin in the lead roles. These legendary actors bring their A-game and deliver unforgettable performances.

Legendary Director

Going in Style is directed by Zach Braff, known for his work on the hit TV series Scrubs and the indie film Garden State. His unique directing style adds depth and charm to the movie.

Heartwarming Friendship

One of the key aspects of the film is the heartwarming friendship between the three main characters. Their bond and chemistry on-screen make the audience instantly fall in love with them.

Hilarious Moments

The movie is filled with laugh-out-loud moments that will keep you entertained from start to finish. The witty dialogue and comedic timing of the actors make it a joy to watch.

Relatable Storyline

The concept of elderly individuals resorting to crime due to financial struggles strikes a chord with audiences of all ages. It sheds light on the harsh reality faced by many senior citizens.

Lovable Characters

The characters in Going in Style are not only relatable, but they are also incredibly lovable. Each character has their own quirks and unique personality traits that make them endearing.


The film features a fantastic soundtrack that perfectly complements the scenes and adds to the overall enjoyment of the movie. The songs chosen are a mix of old classics and catchy tunes.

Box Office Success

Going in Style was a commercial success, grossing over $85 million worldwide. It resonated with audiences and proved to be a crowd-pleaser.

Critical Acclaim

Aside from its box office success, the movie received positive reviews from critics. The performances and the film’s lighthearted nature were praised for providing a delightful movie-watching experience.

Inspirational Message

Beyond the comedic aspects, Going in Style also delivers an inspirational message about living life to the fullest, regardless of age or circumstances. It encourages viewers to cherish their friendships and embrace new adventures.

Realistic Portrayal

The film does a great job of portraying the struggles faced by the elderly population, such as financial insecurities and health issues. It sheds light on the importance of social security and support systems.

Filming Locations

The movie was primarily filmed in various locations in New York City, giving the film an authentic and vibrant feel. The backdrop of the city adds to the overall atmosphere and charm of the story.

Improvised Dialogues

Some of the best moments in the film were a result of improvised dialogues by the talented cast. Their spontaneity and chemistry shine through in these unscripted moments.

Costume Design

The costume design in Going in Style reflects the characters’ personalities and adds another layer of authenticity to the film. The outfits worn by the characters perfectly suit their individual styles.

Hints of Nostalgia

Throughout the movie, there are subtle nods to the original 1979 film, paying homage to its predecessor. These nostalgic elements add an extra layer of enjoyment for fans of the original.

A Story of Redemption

Going in Style explores the theme of redemption and second chances. It shows that it is never too late to take control of your life and make a positive change.


The film was nominated for two awards, including Best Supporting Actor for Alan Arkin at the ALMA Awards. This recognition further validates the outstanding performances delivered by the cast.

Cultural Impact

Going in Style sparked conversations about the financial hardships faced by senior citizens and the importance of supporting the elderly population. It brought attention to a relevant and often overlooked issue.

Unique Heist Concept

Unlike typical heist films, Going in Style presents a unique and unconventional heist plan. The elderly protagonists rely on their wit and experiences to pull off the robbery in an unexpected way.

Emotional Depth

While the film is primarily a comedy, it also explores deeper emotions and themes. It touches on topics such as loss, regret, and the fear of being forgotten.

Positive Reception from the Elderly Community

The movie resonated well with the elderly community, who appreciated its portrayal of older individuals fighting against societal pressures. It provided a voice to a demographic often underrepresented in mainstream media.

Memorable Lines

Going in Style is filled with memorable lines that will stay with you even after the credits roll. The witty and poignant dialogues add an extra layer of enjoyment to the movie.

Character Development

Throughout the film, the main characters undergo significant development, overcoming their initial fears and limitations. Their personal growth adds depth and substance to the story.

Ensemble Chemistry

The chemistry between the main cast members is undeniable. Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Alan Arkin’s camaraderie shines through on-screen, making their characters’ friendship feel genuine and heartfelt.

Social Commentary

Going in Style subtly addresses societal issues, such as income inequality and the struggles faced by the working class. It prompts viewers to question the fairness of the system and the treatment of the elderly.

Ageless Humor

The humor in the film transcends age barriers, appealing to both younger and older audiences. It proves that comedy can be enjoyed by people of all generations.


The movie has a runtime of 96 minutes, making it a perfect choice for a lighthearted and enjoyable movie night.

Positive Energy

Going in Style radiates positive energy throughout the film. It leaves viewers with a warm and uplifting feeling, reminding them of the importance of friendship and finding joy in unexpected places.

Social Media Buzz

The movie generated a buzz on social media platforms, with users sharing quotes, memorable scenes, and their overall love for the film. It became a topic of conversation and further solidified its popularity.

Financial Theme

The movie’s central theme revolves around financial struggles faced by senior citizens. It sheds light on the challenges of aging and the need for financial security in later stages of life.

Cinematic Homage

Going in Style pays homage to classic heist movies, bringing a fresh and modern twist to the genre. It flawlessly combines nostalgia with contemporary storytelling.

Stellar Supporting Cast

In addition to its main cast, the film also boasts a talented supporting cast, including Ann-Margret and Christopher Lloyd. Their performances add depth and additional layers to the story.

Heartfelt Moments

Amidst the comedy and heist elements, the film also delivers heartfelt moments that tug at the audience’s heartstrings. These emotional scenes add a touch of vulnerability to the characters’ stories.

Societal Commentary

Going in Style subtly comments on the societal perception of the elderly and challenges ageist stereotypes. It encourages viewers to appreciate and respect individuals regardless of their age.

Unexpected Twists

The film keeps viewers on their toes with unexpected twists and turns. It adds an element of suspense and excitement to the overall narrative.

Character-driven Story

The movie focuses on character development and their personal journeys. It allows audiences to connect with the protagonists on a deeper level.

Relevant to Today’s Society

The film’s themes of financial struggles and the value of friendship are highly relevant in today’s society. It sparks conversations about the treatment of older individuals and the importance of empathy.

Positive Aging Narrative

Going in Style challenges the stereotypes often associated with aging. It showcases the resilience and strength of its elderly characters, proving that age is just a number.

Comedic Timing

The comedic timing of the actors adds an extra layer of humor to the movie. Their impeccable delivery of punchlines and witty banter keeps the audience entertained throughout.

Heartwarming Soundtrack

The film’s soundtrack consists of nostalgic and heartwarming songs that perfectly complement the story. It enhances the emotional impact of certain scenes and creates a memorable viewing experience.

Balanced Tone

Going in Style strikes a perfect balance between comedy and drama. It seamlessly transitions between humorous moments and more poignant scenes, keeping viewers engaged from beginning to end.

Cultural Diversity

The movie celebrates cultural diversity through its diverse cast and representation. It showcases the universal relevance of its story, regardless of background or ethnicity.

Social Impact

Going in Style sparked conversations about financial struggles faced by the elderly and the need for improved social support. It shed light on an important issue and raised awareness among viewers.

Memorable Performances

The performances delivered by the cast are memorable and captivating. Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Alan Arkin bring their characters to life and leave a lasting impression.

Effective Humor

The humor in the film is effective and well-executed. It ranges from subtle jokes to hilarious physical comedy, catering to a wide range of comedic preferences.

Audience Connection

Going in Style successfully establishes a connection with the audience. Whether through its relatable characters or its humorous moments, it creates an emotional resonance that leaves a lasting impact.

Timeless Appeal

The themes explored in Going in Style, such as friendship, financial struggles, and the pursuit of happiness, have timeless appeal. It ensures that the movie remains relevant and enjoyable for years to come.

With these 49 facts about the movie Going in Style, it is evident that the film offers a delightful and heartwarming experience. From its star-studded cast to its relatable storyline and clever humor, it captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression. Whether you’re a fan of the original 1979 film or a newcomer to the story, Going in Style is a must-watch for a perfect blend of laughter, camaraderie, and meaningful messages.


In conclusion, Going in Style is a must-watch movie for both comedy and heist film lovers. With its stellar cast, hilarious moments, and clever plotline, it manages to entertain the audience from start to finish. The film’s success can be attributed to its unique blend of humor, heart, and action, which make it a truly enjoyable cinematic experience.Whether you’re a fan of the original 1979 version or new to the story, Going in Style will not disappoint. It delivers on all fronts, showcasing the talent of Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Alan Arkin, who bring their characters to life with charm and wit.So gather your friends, grab some popcorn, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride of laughter and suspense! Going in Style is a worthy addition to any movie night lineup and is sure to leave you with a smile on your face.


Q: Who directed the movie Going in Style?
A: Going in Style was directed by Zach Braff.

Q: Is Going in Style a remake?
A: Yes, Going in Style is a remake of the 1979 film of the same name.

Q: What is the genre of Going in Style?
A: Going in Style is a comedy heist film.

Q: Who are the main cast members of Going in Style?
A: The main cast members of Going in Style are Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Alan Arkin.

Q: What is the plot of Going in Style?
A: Going in Style follows the story of three retirees who plan to rob a bank after their pensions are canceled.

Q: Is Going in Style suitable for all ages?
A: Going in Style is rated PG-13, indicating that some content may not be suitable for children under the age of 13.

Q: When was Going in Style released?
A: Going in Style was released on April 7, 2017.

Q: How long is the movie Going in Style?
A: The runtime of Going in Style is approximately 96 minutes.

Q: Was Going in Style a box office success?
A: Yes, Going in Style performed well at the box office, surpassing its budget and earning positive reviews from audiences.

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