Demon Island (Film) - TV Tropes

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Film / Demon Island

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Demon Island also known as Piñata: Survival Island is a 2002 horror film directed by David & Scott Hillenbrand.

Many years ago, a tribe cursed for their sins by the spirits, crafted a clay Piñata to banish all their evil into. Now, a while later, a group of college kids travel to the island for an annual Cinco De Mayo treasure hunt. Little do they know that their holiday is going to turn into a horrifying experience as the living Piñata hunts them down.

This movie stars Nicholas Brendon(Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame) and Jaime Pressly(My Name Is Earl).

In October 13, 2023, this movie was riffed by Kevin Murphy, Michael J. Nelson and Bill Corbett from Rifftrax.

This movie provides examples of:

  • Bitter Sweet Ending: They manage to kill the piñata , but only 3 people out of the whole group survive the movie.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Many characters have these when the piñata kills them, noteably Jake, who gets his testicles ripped off by the piñata
  • Eldritch Abomination: The piñata looks like an actual demon.
  • Fanservice: Men with no shirts, girls in bikinis and midriff baring shirts? Definitely counts as fanservice.
  • Kill It with Fire: Kyle, Tina and Monica kill the piñata with a molotov cocktail.
  • Off with Her Head!: Carmen has her head chopped off by the piñata.
