The Meaning Behind The Song: Daylight Again by Crosby, Stills & Nash - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Daylight Again by Crosby, Stills & Nash


The Meaning Behind The Song: Daylight Again by Crosby, Stills & Nash

As an avid music lover, I have often found solace and meaning in the lyrics of songs that resonate with me. One such song that has made a deep impact on my heart is “Daylight Again” by Crosby, Stills & Nash. Released in 1982 as part of their Greatest Hits album, this song holds a powerful message that still rings true today.

The Song Details

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Daylight Again Crosby, Stills & Nash Stephen Stills Greatest Hits (2005) June 21, 1982 Pop Graham Nash, Stephen Stills & David Crosby

Stephen Stills, one of the renowned members of Crosby, Stills & Nash, penned the lyrics of “Daylight Again.” The song was released in 1982 and falls under the pop genre. The thought-provoking lyrics and timeless melody captured the essence of societal issues that have persisted for centuries.

The Deep Meaning

“Daylight Again” begins with the haunting line, “Following me to bed.” This powerful imagery sets the tone for the introspective journey that the song takes. It speaks of the haunting thoughts that keep the narrator awake at night, a constant reminder of the sacrifices made by their forefathers a hundred years ago.

In the next verse, Stills paints a vivid picture of a valley covered with blue bones, symbolizing the countless lives lost in war. The line “All the brave soldiers that cannot get older” strikes a chord, reminding us of the young lives cut short in the pursuit of freedom.

The chorus of the song introduces a plea for understanding and dialogue. Stills questions the state of the world, with everyone talking but no one truly listening. He challenges us to consider how we can make meaningful decisions and find common ground when communication breaks down.

The final verse of “Daylight Again” delves into the cost of freedom. Stills wonders if the price we pay for it is buried in the ground, suggesting that the true value of freedom lies in the lives sacrificed. The powerful imagery of Mother Earth swallowing our bodies urges us to recognize the fleeting nature of our existence and the importance of appreciating the freedom we have.

A Personal Connection

Listening to “Daylight Again” has always evoked a myriad of emotions within me. The poignant lyrics and haunting melody transport me to a place of introspection and contemplation. The song’s message resonates deeply with my own values and beliefs.

Reflecting on the sacrifices made by previous generations and the ongoing struggles for freedom and understanding in the present, I am reminded of the importance of empathy, compassion, and open dialogue. “Daylight Again” serves as a powerful reminder to listen to others, even amidst the noise and chaos of our modern world, and to seek understanding rather than division.

The timeless nature of this song is a testament to the enduring power of music. Regardless of the time period in which it was written, its message remains relevant, urging us to reflect on the past, question the present, and strive for a more harmonious future.


“Daylight Again” by Crosby, Stills & Nash is not just a song; it is a powerful anthem that captures the essence of the human experience. Stephen Stills’ thought-provoking lyrics and the evocative melodies echo the universal desire for understanding, freedom, and unity.

As I listen to this song, I am reminded of the importance of embracing our shared humanity, respecting the sacrifices of those who came before us, and working towards a brighter future. “Daylight Again” reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope for a better tomorrow if we choose to listen, understand, and act.

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