Group visits | Stad Oudenaarde

Group visits

Fancy a trip to MOU with friends, colleagues or family? Then you can opt for a guided tour. A guide speaks passionately on the wonderful world of tapestries, each and every one a masterpiece from the 16th and 17th centuries. 

Tour of the permanent collection – 30 April 2024

Housed in one of Belgium’s most beautiful town halls, MOU Museum Oudenaarde exudes history from cellar to rooftop. Hardly surprising, as this iconic 16th-century monument with a belfry tower has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. And let’s not forget the cloth hall, a splendid space where outstanding tapestries from the 16th and 17th centuries adorn the walls.

Also classified as truly outstanding: a substantial collection of silver donated by the De Boever-Alligoridès family with the intention of letting everyone enjoy absolute masterpieces from 11 European countries.

Also on the program are a smith’s workshop in the attic, the impressive people’s chamber with murals and stained-glass windows referring to Charles V, and the richly decorated aldermen’s chamber with a Renaissance portal and portrait gallery. A real M(O)Ust-see with a guide!


2 hours


€ 70 per guide + € 4 admission per person                                                                                                                     

max. 20 people per guide


• People’s and aldermen’s chambers

• Tapestries and silver collection

Visits are not possible on Mondays and subject to the rental of the people’s and aldermen’s chambers for receptions, anniversaries and weddings.

Info and booking | 055 31 72 51 

Guided tour of the exhibition Margaret: The Emperor’s Daughter between Power and Image – from 21 September 2024 to 5 January 2025

MOU unveils the unique exhibition Margaret: The Emperor’s Daughter between Power and Image, dedicated to an exceptional woman, Margaret of Parma (1522–1586), born in Oudenaarde, and the first – but illegitimate – child of Emperor Charles V and the maid Johanna Van der Gheynst. As the emperor’s eldest daughter, Margaret would help determine the course of history in turbulent 16th-century Europe.

Really become acquainted with this “grande dame” for the first time while the most important portraits, Margaret’s personal belongings and a surprising collection of unique objects have been brought together. The exhibition also pays special attention to Margaret’s role as a passionate patron and collector of Flemish tapestries.


1.5 hours


€ 70 per guide + € 10 admission per person                                                                                                                     

max. 20 people per guide


• Exhibition Margaret: The Emperor’s Daughter between Power and Image

Info and booking | 055 31 72 51