Scene And Heard: Jackée Harry (Paulina) On Her DAYS OF OUR LIVES Daughters - Soap Opera Digest


Scene And Heard: Jackée Harry (Paulina) On Her DAYS OF OUR LIVES Daughters

Jackee Harry, Sal Stowers, Raven Bowens


The Mother Load: Harry weighs in on the differences between her TV daughters, Raven Bowens (Chanel) and Sal Stowers (Lani)

Jackée Harry (Paulina) realizes she’s hit the jackpot with her two DAYS OF OUR LIVES daughters, Raven Bowens (Chanel) and Sal Stowers (Lani). “They’re great, and we really have a nice relationship,” says the actress. “I feel like [Raven’s] mother, but with Sal, I feel more… What’s the word? Equal or on par. She instills such good feelings. She’s a very positive individual, and she uplifts everyone. And maybe it’s because she’s a little bit older, and she’s been [at DAYS] a little longer. Her understanding of life is different. So, I treat them accordingly.”

Both onscreen and off. “Chanel is the younger sister, and Lani is the older sister, who grew up with a different parent,” explains Harry. “So, I’m trying to make up for lost time with Sal, with her character, Lani. There’s a little guilt going on. As opposed to Chanel, who is just a fighter. She’s like Paulina. She’s a scrapper.”

According to Harry, Bowens is a fighter too. “If I’ve got something going on, she’s like, ‘Wait. Where are you at? What do you need? What do you need?’ ” recounts Harry. “Sal’s a smooth one, but strong. Sal is a really strong woman and gorgeous, like stunning. And she’s resolute in what she wants to do. She does yoga and other exercising, and she’s committed to that. You can see her spirit is different. But Raven… We can go anywhere, and she’s got my back.”
