Letra de Move Under de Mudhoney | Musixmatch

LetraMove Under


Última actualización realizada el: 9 de marzo de 2023

When you′re on top They're gonna take their shots You gotta find cover

And interrupt their plot Yeah You gotta dig deep Down to the core of those false beliefs Undermine the foundation Of the lies that they repeat You gotta move under (you gotta move under) Yeah, you gotta move under (you gotta move under) You gotta move under (you gotta move under) ′Til it all comes down Ooh! Aw! Woo! When you're on top They're gonna take their shots You gotta find cover And interrupt their plot You gotta move under (you gotta move under) Yeah, you gotta move under (you gotta move under) You gotta move under (you gotta move under) ′Til it all comes down

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