The Beatles - Abbey Road review by Prismoz - Album of The Year
The Beatles - Abbey Road
Apr 28, 2024
The Beatles' twelveth album, 'Abbey Road', is the album of all time, such a deeply warm album with so much fun and charm, so pretty in every angle, so pure and full of passion, they went back to the deep love themes to give it a perfect finisher, such a perfect ending to the band's career as their definitive final album.
The way the whole album feels so connected, it has its own world just like some other Beatles albums, it's so deeply beautiful, its a painting of sound, the way the second half transitions is so good, mainly because of the beautiful production, oh the production is just immaculate, this album has so much care and love put into it, even though it apparently had a production hell behind the scenes (the band literally hates Maxwell's Silver Hammer just because of how much Paul made them re-do it).
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