47 Facts about the movie The Ten Commandments - Facts.net
Adela Graves

Written by Adela Graves

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Vox.com

Are you ready to embark on a journey back in time to the epic biblical film, The Ten Commandments? This iconic movie has captured the hearts of audiences for decades with its grandeur, timeless story, and memorable performances. Released in 1956, The Ten Commandments is directed by the legendary Cecil B. DeMille and stars Charlton Heston as the iconic Moses. Set against the backdrop of ancient Egypt, the film tells the story of Moses leading the Hebrew people to freedom from the tyrannical rule of Pharaoh. As we delve into the fascinating world of The Ten Commandments, we will uncover 47 captivating facts about this cinematic masterpiece that will leave you in awe. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and prepare to immerse yourself in the enchanting universe of The Ten Commandments.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Ten Commandments” is a 1956 movie directed by Cecil B. DeMille, featuring Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brynner as Pharaoh Rameses. It won an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and remains a beloved classic.
  • The film’s grandeur, iconic performances, and visually stunning scenes, such as the parting of the Red Sea, have solidified its place as a timeless cinematic masterpiece.
Table of Contents

The Ten Commandments was directed by Cecil B. DeMille.

Cecil B. DeMille is known for his epic films and The Ten Commandments is considered one of his masterpieces.

The movie was released in 1956.

The Ten Commandments was released on October 5, 1956, in the United States.

Charlton Heston played the lead role of Moses.

Charlton Heston’s portrayal of Moses is one of the most iconic performances in film history.

The Red Sea parting scene is one of the most famous scenes in the movie.

The scene where Moses parts the Red Sea is a visual spectacle and is highly memorable.

The film won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects.

The Ten Commandments was recognized for its groundbreaking special effects, especially in the Red Sea parting scene.

Yul Brynner played the role of Pharaoh Rameses.

Yul Brynner’s portrayal of the antagonist Pharaoh Rameses is equally impactful.

The movie was initially released in VistaVision format.

VistaVision was a widescreen format developed by Paramount Pictures, which provided crystal-clear image quality.

The budget of the film was around $13 million.

The Ten Commandments was a high-budget production for its time.

The movie runs for a total of 220 minutes.

The Ten Commandments is a lengthy film, spanning over 3 hours and 40 minutes.

The film depicts the story of the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in Egypt.

It is based on the biblical story of Exodus from the Old Testament.

The Ten Commandments was the highest-grossing film of 1956.

It was a major box office success and remains a classic even today.

The movie was shot on location in Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula.

The production crew went to great lengths to create an authentic visual experience by filming in the actual locations.

The iconic line “Let my people go!” became synonymous with the movie.

This line, spoken by Charlton Heston as Moses, has become one of the most widely recognized quotes in cinematic history.

The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards.

In addition to winning the award for Best Visual Effects, The Ten Commandments received nominations for Best Picture, Best Cinematography, and Best Art Direction, among others.

The Ten Commandments has been remade multiple times.

There have been several adaptations and remakes of the biblical story, but the 1956 version remains the most iconic.

The movie features impressive sets and costumes.

The production design and costume department spared no expense in creating lavish and historically accurate sets and costumes.

The film’s score was composed by Elmer Bernstein.

Elmer Bernstein’s music adds a powerful and dramatic element to the storytelling.

The Ten Commandments was nominated for a Golden Globe Award.

It received a nomination in the category of Best Motion Picture – Drama at the 14th Golden Globe Awards.

The movie has been restored and re-released several times.

Due to its enduring popularity, The Ten Commandments has been restored and re-released to new generations of viewers.

The film’s screenplay was written by a team of writers.

The screenplay was a collaborative effort, with various writers contributing to different sections of the story.

The Ten Commandments received critical acclaim upon its release.

The film was praised for its grandeur, performances, and adherence to the biblical story.

The Ten Commandments was included in the National Film Registry in 1999.

It was selected for preservation by the Library of Congress for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”.

The movie has inspired numerous parodies and references in popular culture.

From television shows to comedy sketches, The Ten Commandments has left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.

The Ten Commandments was a major undertaking for Paramount Pictures.

The studio invested heavily in the production, considering it a prestigious project.

The movie showcases Cecil B. DeMille’s signature spectacle style.

DeMille was known for his extravagant and visually stunning productions, and The Ten Commandments is no exception.

Charlton Heston wore a wig during filming.

To achieve the desired look for his character, Heston wore a wig that resembled the traditional depiction of Moses.

The film’s special effects team used innovative techniques.

For its time, The Ten Commandments pushed the boundaries of special effects, utilizing miniature models and inventive tricks.

The Ten Commandments features an all-star cast.

In addition to Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner, the film includes notable actors such as Anne Baxter and Edward G. Robinson.

The movie premiered at the Criterion Theatre in New York City.

The premiere was a star-studded event, attended by many Hollywood celebrities at the time.

The film’s production took several years to complete.

From pre-production to post-production, The Ten Commandments was a lengthy and complex project.

The Ten Commandments was one of the last films to be shot in the VistaVision format.

As the industry transitioned to other widescreen formats, VistaVision gradually fell out of use.

The movie has become a staple of religious holiday programming.

During religious holidays, The Ten Commandments is often broadcasted on television as part of the programming lineup.

The film’s opening prologue was narrated by Cecil B. DeMille himself.

DeMille’s authoritative voice sets the tone for the epic story that follows.

The Ten Commandments features extensive costume designs.

From the Pharaoh’s robes to the attires of the Israelites, the costumes contribute to the authenticity of the film.

The movie explores themes of faith, freedom, and the consequences of power.

The story delves into the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by its characters.

The Ten Commandments is a visually stunning film.

The grand sets, elaborate costumes, and wide cinematography make for a visually immersive experience.

The movie’s success solidified Cecil B. DeMille’s legendary status as a filmmaker.

DeMille was already a respected director, but The Ten Commandments elevated his reputation further.

The Ten Commandments was a major influence on biblical epics in Hollywood.

Following its success, several other films based on biblical stories were produced in a similar grandiose style.

The film features an impressive cast of thousands.

From the depiction of the Hebrew slaves to the elaborate crowd scenes, The Ten Commandments showcases the scale of its production.

The movie’s religious themes resonated with audiences of all backgrounds.

Although rooted in biblical narrative, The Ten Commandments explores broader themes of morality and human nature.

The film’s production faces numerous challenges.

From adverse weather conditions to logistical hurdles, the making of The Ten Commandments was not without obstacles.

The Ten Commandments is an emotionally charged film.

The story captures powerful moments of triumph, sorrow, and redemption, eliciting a range of emotions from viewers.

The movie’s success led to a surge in interest in biblical stories in Hollywood.

The popularity of The Ten Commandments sparked a renewed interest in adapting biblical narratives for the big screen.

The film’s release was accompanied by a large-scale marketing campaign.

Paramount Pictures promoted The Ten Commandments extensively, generating anticipation and excitement among audiences.

The movie’s box office success contributed to its enduring legacy.

The Ten Commandments’ financial achievements ensured its place in cinematic history.

The film’s storyline focuses on the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai.

It explores the moral and ethical guidelines that shape the lives of the characters.

The Ten Commandments remains a beloved classic in cinema.

Even after several decades, the film continues to captivate audiences with its epic storytelling and timeless messages.


In conclusion, The Ten Commandments is an iconic film that has left a lasting impact on the world of cinema. With its grand scale, captivating storytelling, and remarkable performances, it continues to be revered by audiences of all generations. The film’s timeless themes of faith, redemption, and the power of God have resonated with viewers for over six decades.From its epic production design and breathtaking visual effects to its unforgettable soundtrack and memorable performances by Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner, The Ten Commandments has solidified its place as a cinematic masterpiece. Its influence can be seen in subsequent biblical epics and its imagery has become ingrained in popular culture.Whether you’re a fan of classic movies, religious dramas, or simply appreciate a well-crafted film, The Ten Commandments is a must-see. Its enduring legacy is a testament to the talent and vision of its creator, Cecil B. DeMille, and the dedication of the cast and crew who brought this biblical epic to life.


Q: Who directed The Ten Commandments?

A: The Ten Commandments was directed by Cecil B. DeMille. He also directed the original silent film version of the story in 1923.

Q: When was The Ten Commandments released?

A: The film was released on October 5, 1956.

Q: How long is The Ten Commandments?

A: The running time of The Ten Commandments is approximately 3 hours and 40 minutes.

Q: Who starred in The Ten Commandments?

A: Charlton Heston played the lead role of Moses, and Yul Brynner portrayed the pharaoh Ramses II.

Q: Was The Ten Commandments a critical and commercial success?

A: Yes, The Ten Commandments was both a critical and commercial success. It was one of the highest-grossing films of its time and received several Academy Award nominations.

Q: Is The Ten Commandments based on a true story?

A: The film is based on the biblical story of Moses and the Exodus, although it incorporates fictional elements and artistic interpretation.

Q: Are there any memorable scenes in The Ten Commandments?

A: Yes, there are several iconic scenes in the film, including the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, and the delivery of the Ten Commandments.

Q: Is The Ten Commandments still relevant today?

A: Absolutely. The themes of faith, morality, and the human quest for freedom are universal and continue to resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.

Q: Can I watch The Ten Commandments online?

A: The film is widely available on various digital platforms and can be rented or purchased for online streaming.

The Ten Commandments is a cinematic masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences. If you enjoyed learning about this epic film, why not explore more fascinating facts about the Old Testament figure Joshua, delve into the extraordinary life of actor Charlton Heston, or discover the incredible details surrounding the Exodus story? Each of these topics offers a wealth of intriguing information that will enrich your understanding of biblical history and Hollywood legends.

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