Charlie Hunnam Katharine Town Terrible Marriage

Charlie Hunnam Said His 3-Year Marriage To Katharine Towne Was "Terrible"

Photo: Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock.
As the saying goes, it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, but Charlie Hunnam isn't so sure. The actor told AP that his short-lived marriage to Katharine Towne was "terrible" — and that was the nicest thing he had to say about it.
The former lovebirds, who met at a Dawson's Creek audition, were extremely young when they decided to get married. Hunnam was just 18 years old, and the duo had only known each other for three weeks before they tied the knot at the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.
"I'd known the girl for three weeks and we'd fallen madly in love," he explained. "We thought, 'What if we never see each other again? Let's get married and we'll have to see each other again even if it's just to get divorced.'"
So they did what any impulsive couple would do: they went to Vegas.
"But I couldn't even get a drink!" he remarked. "So I didn't think I was going to actually be able to get married! I thought it was just a lark! But we sort of psyched ourselves into it and then at two o'clock in the morning, we ended up getting married."
Their marriage lasted for three years, which the now-37-year-old describes as "terrible, painful," and "expensive."
They went their separate ways in 2002. Hunnam eventually starred in shows like Sons Of Anarchy and the upcoming movie King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, and Towne has appeared in CSI: NY and Tell Me You Love Me.
Hunnam has moved on romantically as well. He and jewelry designer Morgana McNelis have been together since 2005, E! News reports.
"This is a girl I love very much and have spent the last eleven years of my life with and hope to spend the next sixty years," he wrote on Facebook after she was the target of harassment online. "She has been my loyal and supportive partner long before I had any success or money."
Plus, just last month Hunnam said sex is his favorite form of exercise, so it sounds like things are going pretty well.

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