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Why do people hate Matt Davis?


Sorry if its a dumb question, but have seen many people say stuff about him, and never figured out why

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u/eli454 avatar

Oh god. Racist comments about covid 19, old videos of him making his female costars uncomfortable (Nina, Kat, Danielle).


recently saw he made both racist & homophobic comments to Kaylee too ♥️


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honestly it came from a tiktok a few weeks ago, some interview where the guy that played marcel said he would kill off "Matt Davis" specifically and not Alaric if given the chance and Phoebe started awkwardly laughing

Found the Tik Tok if anyone was curious https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdoNQR8S/?k=1

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old videos of him making his female costars uncomfortable (Nina, Kat, Danielle).


u/Vpd111 avatar

Yeah need more info on this!

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Those videos are doctored to make it look like he's making them uncomfortable, if you watch the original videos then you'll see something completely different.

Oh hi Matt Davis. You are all over this thread aren’t ya?

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It's because of his sketchy and inappropriate behavior.

There's a popular clip of him putting his arm around Nina Dobrev whilst sitting next to her at a comic con event and it was clear she was uncomfortable. Paul Wesley had to look over him and basically say without saying: "dude back off".

He also either wrote or endorsed a fan fiction in which his character Alaric, Bonnie (Kat), and Elena (Nina) all have a threesome, and I believe he made it clear he would've supported that. I think he also expressed his desire to have Alaric and Nina date on the show (despite his fatherly role towards Elena).

He's just a creepy dude who proudly presents a bunch of red flags... God knows what else he's said or done and I'm sure (despite me not knowing for sure) that there's some drama between him and Danielle Rose Russell too...

u/Lacey_The_Doll avatar

And that's why Elle chose Emmett.

u/cigposting avatar

Lol thank GOD. Warner was a prick.

u/Lacey_The_Doll avatar

Emmett is also hotter than Warner.

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Um that Comic-Con that you are referring to, please watch the entire thing before you make comments. I actually watched the entire video Julie Plec says that SHE wanted Elena and Alaric to hook up Nina Dobrev says "wait Elena and Alaric are gonna hook up" and Julie says "that would be hot" to which Nina fake kisses Matt and Matt rolls his eyes.

Their is another video where Julie not so subtlety mentions Nina's return and Ian acts like a jerk and Matt insults Julie by sarcastically bringing up when Julie wanted Elena and Alaric to hook up.

A lot of these Matt Davis videos are doctored, simply because some people suspect him of being conservative, whether he is or isn't that is his choice, and it is wrong of small-minded people to ridicule him just for having a difference of opinion, so that makes us worse than him.

Um, I HAVE watched the entire video... and if you're going to call people small-minded for talking about what is shown in VIDEOS of those people, I think that in of itself presents a degree of small-mindedness :). These videos aren't "doctored", they're just clips that have cut out everything else so people don't have to sift through 30 minutes of footage to find what we're talking about. Also when Julie brought up Alaric and Elena, she didn't bring it up because that's what SHE wanted to happen but rather because Matt wanted it. Literally go back and watch the video before you come at me.

Interviewer: "What's a couple that never happened that you guys would think would be really fun to see?"

Julie: "Matt Davis has been advocating for "Alonnie" for quite some time, and also Alar-Elena?"

Matt: "Yeah"

Ian: "That's you and Bonnie and Elena?"

Matt: "Yeah. Threesome."

In regards to the comic-con, if you can't see what everyone else can so clearly see then you're simply blind/incapable of reading body language. Matt Davis clearly gets salty after Paul nods at him to back off...

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Matt Davis being creepy

This isn't the best clip but at this point most of the public videos are just tiktok edits...

If you search "Matt Davis making people uncomfortable" on YouTube everything regarding the multiple people it's involved pops up.


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Like I said the clip doesn't really capture the three of them and their interactions the best but the problem with it is Matt Davis encroaching on Nina's space when she's clearly uncomfortable with it.

Here's a short compilation

The first clip is of an argument between Matt and Danielle because he apparently was messing with her feet/shoes...

The second is a discussion regarding the threesome I mentioned above; I believe it was Kats first time hearing about the written fanfic.

The third is of Nina having to explain to Matt why it wouldn't be a good idea for their characters to date on the show (which you would think wouldn't be necessary but its Matt Davis).

The fourth and final clip is the same as the initial link I sent.

There's of course a lot of missing context here and if you have no prior knowledge of the situations in question it can be somewhat easy to overlook the underlying meanings behind it all but yeah Matt Davis is a weirdo.

Btw try "Matt Davis being inappropriate" instead; that's what I ended up clicking on to find these shorts/videos.

Matt Davis Interview

^ Here's the specific interview where Matt Davis openly talks about wanting a threesome to happen; go to 3:15...

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OMG, that video is way doctored, please watch the entire Comic-Con before you start speculating, they were all uncomfortable because of the relationship nonsense that Julie was spewing, please go to YouTube and look up season 6 Comic-Con and watch the entire thing and then comment on it.

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You can be racist and still have fantasies about POC


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Not really… degrading porn towards a POC is very common

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u/Mysterious-Try-4723 avatar

I mean, this is on the very extreme end of the scale obviously, but plenty of slave owners raped their slaves. Finding someone sexually attractive and considering them lesser or unworthy are unfortunately not mutually exclusive.

I'm genuinely confused too; literally nowhere did I say anything about him being a racist... I've read that he's made racist comments in tweets to other people but I haven't actually seen those tweets myself so I'm not going to speak on them.

On a side note: you can be racist towards POC and find them attractive at the same time. Those two generally don't go together sure but to be racist is to discriminate based on someone's skin color which generally isn't related to sexual attraction (though it can be) so they aren't mutually exclusive.

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He’s made racist comments about COVID, made inappropriate jokes about his female co-stars, and wrote and fanfic about Alaric and Elena living together under a fake name. I don’t know if this is true or not but I heard that he doesn’t think women should have rights.

I remember Paul calling him out on Twitter during their argument and using the fake name 😂


Yeah I use to have a lot of respect for Paul, until that twitter war, so uncalled for.

Lmfao what? You sound weird. He was calling out matt Davis for being a weirdo. That’s no reason for u to get your panties in a bunch and lose respect for Paul

He was calling out Matt Davis for defending Mike pence the only honorable man in the Trump administration, it makes me wonder if Paul Wesley is a Trump supporter.

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Caroline Dries wrote that sickening fanfiction, and put Matt's name, he However did write a fanfiction about Alaric and Bonnie being in a relationship, Matt like Chris, Nate, Steven and Ian all wanted to be in relationships with Bonnie so he wasn't going to see it in the show so he wrote his own fanfiction.

u/bexsapphic avatar

the thing is, alaric was like a father figure to her, the others werent.

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u/bexsapphic avatar

racist, homophobic, threatened a minor, sexualizes his female costars, etc.

u/RippersVervain avatar

Which minor did he threaten?

someone on twitter. i forgot why, but the kid (a teenager i believe) tweeted at matt that they knew his address (idk if the kid was provoked or not) and matt tweeted back that if anyone threatened his family he would shoot them as was his right under the second amendment.

although the kid was surely joking bc thats kind of just how people on the internet talk, it was still an inappropriate comment to make and understandably sounded threatening to a semi-well-known actor who is probably too old to understand how kids talk on the internet. but publicly threatening gun violence to some stranger on the internet is not an appropriate response

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Where to even start? He wrote an explicit Alaric/ Elena fanfic and then SHOWED it to Nina. Constantly tried to get the writers to make a relationship between Alaric and Elena. Made several of his female co-stars feel uncomfortable with his actions and words towards them. Was aggressive towards Paul Wesley on Twitter. Threatened to kill a teenager (admittedly it was somewhat provoked, but he's a full grown adult and should have known better). Racist. Trump supporter (not necessarily the end of the world on its own, but in conjunction with everything else paints a picture of who he is).

It's a huge shame because I really loved Alaric. Before I found out about all this, Matt Davis was in my top 5 celebrities I wanted to meet and I would have paid good money to do so. Now I wouldn't meet him even if he were free.

I don't know about this fanfiction that everyone keeps bringing up, but Julie was the one who wanted Elena and Alaric to hook up and when Matt brings it up he's doing it in a sarcastic way and taking small digs at Julie, you know like how Ian and Kat do it.

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Makes me so sad because Alaric was one of my favourite characters. SO SAD the actor is a garbage person 😔🥺

Yeah right he was like a father to Elena, and I was so sad when he died the first time

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u/linz-12 avatar

I don’t hate him. I just find his character boring.

**reading these comments, I had no idea 😳


I’m honestly baffled by anyone going out of their way to defend him on this post when it’s not just rumors. We’ve seen proof of him being problematic. The whole “doctored videos” and “being republican” thing aside……

He made jokes about a Bonnie/Alaric/Elena threesome when those characters are minors and Alaric is an adult. He also liked a tweet shipping Hope and Alaric…Hope who is a minor and Danielle who plays her who was 17 years old when she joined Legacies…..yeah highly creepy and very inappropriate.

He posted anti Asian and anti trans tweets. Threw shade at his Asian co star who’s like half his age because her fans were calling out his racist behavior on Twitter (and is more than likely the reason why she left the show but there’s no actual proof of that so I’ll call that speculation for now).

He also made a racist comment while defending Julie Plec when the whole Kat/Julie drama was happening. He threatened to shoot a minor on Twitter. Also a freaking writer from Legacies liked a tweet after the show got cancelled that said “at least Matt Davis is out of a job.” Like what more proof do you need that the man is problematic??

Sure there might be some things the fans have blown out of proportion or videos they’ve taken out of context but you can’t ignore the actual facts of what we’ve seen. Matt Davis is a problematic white man who doesn’t deserve to be defended.

u/catsinsunglassess avatar

It’s literally just one person defending him, and considering how out of the way they’re going on this entire thread, they may need some help themselves.


Okay gotcha I didn’t notice it was the same person. That’s slightly better but still……lmao.

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u/Master-Currency3841 avatar


u/RippersVervain avatar



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His Racist and Rapey behavior.

How is him wanting to be in a relationship with Bonnie racist, OK I guess you can call Chris Wood, Nate Buzolic, Steven R. McQueen and Ian Somehalder racist too.

u/bexsapphic avatar

why are you excusing him? theyre most likely talking abt his comments abt covid 19

What did he say about covid-19?

u/bexsapphic avatar

he blamed covid on asian people and said that it was their fault

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I was talking about that fanfiction he wrote about wanting his character to get with Elena who’s a great deal younger than him and when he was at Comic Con when he was inappropriately touching the actress that please hope. She was even telling him to stop.

And of course there’s the comments he’s made about COVID-19 on his Twitter account.

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u/latrodectal avatar

in addition to what others have mentioned he’s harassed minors/fans and threatened people with gun violence.


they literally threatened to post his address and or show up to his house. I’m not saying threatening a minor is okay, but he was also threatened. A lot of people use guns to defend themselves at home. This is coming from someone who has been threatened and feels safer with protection. You want to hate him? okay lol but that’s ridiculous

u/latrodectal avatar

you’re going a long way to try and defend his behavior for someone who’s not trying to say that him harassing minors is okay.


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u/wlldfoxx avatar

he's a terrible gross person outside of his role, but his character is just boring annoying selfish stuck up egotistical didn't really need to be kept alive for as long as he was

He’s a CREEP!!!!! He wrote an Elena x Alaric fanfic … and always made inappropriate comments ab the girls (on both tvd + legacies)

Racism , behaving inappropriately , etc , even paul called him out on something.. I remember both of them fighting on twitter lmao

Because he's conservative, pretty shallow reason if you ask me.

That’s not a all the reason

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