80 Awesome Goodnight Texts To Send Your Partner - Her Norm

80 Awesome Goodnight Texts To Send Your Partner

Are you looking for some memorable goodnight texts to send your partner?

Perhaps you’re spending some time apart, but you want to remain in his thoughts? 

If so, we’ve got your back. Below are 80 goodnight texts that are bound to keep you on his mind.

However, before you scroll down to find your favourite messages, it’s important that you read the next few sentences carefully.

There’s one aspect of male psychology that is crucial for you to understand - and this goes beyond anything you can write in a goodnight text. 

A deep understanding of this psychological trigger can make all be the difference to have he perceives you as a partner. 

I’m talking about the ‘Hero Instinct’. A deep primal instinct that all men seem to hold closely inside them.  

Once I took the time to activate this, my relationships became far more passionate and meaningful (read my personal story to learn more).

It’s a pretty simple skill to learn, yet so few people seem to know about it. 

So, if you’re looking to make a lasting impact on your partner, I’d highly recommend you to read more about how I discovered the ‘Hero’s Instinct’

Having said that, a thoughtful goodnight text will always have your man thinking lovely thoughts about you. 

So, feel free to pick your favourites from our list below.

Tell them you’re missing sleeping next to them.

If you are missing your partner, there is a great chance that they are missing you too. Of course, you could just say, “I miss you” but it simply just doesn’t have enough expression and meaning behind it. You need to tell them what you’re missing about them and why you miss them. Not only will it make them feel really loved to know that you miss them when they’re gone, but they will also start to think about how much they miss you and wish they were with you.

1.       I miss your cuddles and kisses so much tonight. Sleep well, my love.

2.       I miss you spooning me to sleep. Goodnight baby.

3.       I miss you so much. Hopefully, my dreams are filled with you. I hope you dream the same kind of sweet dreams. Goodnight.

4.       I miss the way your skin feels on mine in bed. Sleep well babe.

5.       Tonight I know that I will even miss the way that you sleep talk and wake me up. I can’t believe I am saying that, but it’s true. I miss you that much.

6.       I would do anything to have you lying next to me right now. Night boo.

7.       Bed doesn’t feel the same without you by my side. I miss you so much. I can’t wait until we are back together again.

8.       I know that tomorrow when I wake up I will be sad that I’m not waking up to you. Even if you do have morning breath, I miss it. I miss everything about you. Goodnight my dear.

9.       The nights are so difficult for me when I’m not with you, I just miss you so much. I want you here so bad. Night night lovely.

10.   I miss stroking your back as you fall to sleep. Hopefully, it won’t be long until I will be with you and doing that again.

11.   I am counting down the days until I get to cuddle up to you and fall asleep in your arms. I miss you.

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

12.   I miss making love to you and then falling into a deep and relaxed sleep with you right next to me. I can’t wait to be reunited, my love. Goodnight.

13.   Every night that you aren’t next to me, I dream of you. So, I will see you in my dreams later baby. Goodnight.

14.   I miss your big arms being wrapped around me while I sleep. Goodnight my man.

15.   It’s so unfair that you are so far away right now. All I want is to fall asleep on your chest. I miss that.

16.   I miss our bodies being intertwined all night, and I miss waking up to you so close to me. It’s hard to get to sleep without you here but it’s even harder to know I’ll be waking up without you to smile at.

17.   I just want to let you know that I miss you so much and I am thinking of you, always. Goodnight lovely.

18.   I can’t describe how strange my bed feels without you in it. Get back as soon as possible please, I miss you.

19.   I find it so hard to fall asleep without you here playing with my hair and providing me with so much warmth and comfort. I miss you.

20.   Sleeping without you sucks. I miss you so much. I just can’t wait until you are back here in my bed cuddling and caressing me.

Tell them how much you love them.

When you are away from your partner, it is still really important to tell them and keep reminding them about how important they are to you, and how much you love them. The majority of couples will always tell each other that they love each other before they go to sleep. Even when you’re apart, you should still be telling your partner this, and it should be reciprocated. It keeps the romantic and loving connection alive between the two of you. If you don’t tell your partner that you love them when they are away, they might feel unwanted. You need to make sure they know that even though you might be far apart, you never stop loving them and thinking about them.

21.   You don’t know how much I love you. You make me so happy I feel like this isn’t real. Goodnight babe.

22.   I feel so lucky to have someone in my life that I love so much. Sleep well handsome, I love you.

23.   Even though we are far apart, never doubt my love for you. I will always love you. Goodnight sweetie.

24.   I just want to tell you that I love you so much, and I can’t wait to be with you forever.

25.   You mean so much to me, you know. Goodnight my love.

26.   You mean the absolute world to me and I am so grateful for you. Sleep well, my baby.

27.   I hope you sleep well, my man. I love you more than I ever thought was actually possible.

28.   We are so lucky to be so in love with each other. We really are soulmates. I love you.

29.   You are my favorite person in the world and I just want to tell you that I love you. Goodnight babe.

30.   You are the last thing I think about and the first thought I wake up to. My mind never stops thinking of you. I guess that’s what true love feels like.

31.   You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I love you. Sleep well, my dear.

32.   I can’t deal with how much I love you. It makes me want to shout from the tallest building in town about you. Sleep tight gorgeous.

33.   I have never felt the way I feel about you. You are my best friend and soul mate. I love you more than anything.

34.   I might not be able to be with you right now to put a smile on your face, but I can tell you how much I love you and hopefully, that will make you light up.

35.   I adore you. I love you. I can never stop thinking of you. Goodnight my sweetheart. I will dream of you, as always.

36.   You are the absolute love of my life. Goodnight.

37.   You complete me. You are my other half. You make me whole and I love you for that. Sleep tight, my love.

38.   I have clearly never known love before I met you. You make me feel such amazing and such intense feelings. I love you more than anything.

39.   I can’t wait to be with you, forever. I love you so much that I never want to spend this kind of time away from you, ever again.

40.   I can’t tell you how much I love you. No words could tell you how I feel about you. So, I will have to just tell you that I love you. Goodnight baby. I love you.

41.   Your mine and I am forever yours. I love you.

42.   You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. One day we won’t have to text each other saying goodnight because we will just be laying next to each other, every night. I love you so much.

43.   I need to tell you something really important…I love you.

44.   How are you so amazing? I am so lucky to be with you and to be so in love with you.

45.   You are the most important thing in my life and you always will be. My love for you is endless.

46.   The love I feel for you takes over my body and just makes me feel so happy and warm inside. 

47.   I wish you were here so I could physically show you how much I love you.

48.   Goodnight my darling. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me and how strong my love is for you. My love for you exceeds all the limits. I hope that you dream sweet dreams, and I will see you in them.

49.   I hope that you sleep well. You are the love of my life. Goodnight.

50.   I can never stop thinking about you. It’s not only in my waking moments my mind is full with thoughts of you. I dream of you as well. Hopefully I will see you in my dreams tonight. I love you. Goodnight babe.

Tell them how much you want them.

Your sexual connection with your partner is undeniably important, and it makes the love that you share together even more special. You need to show your partner how much you want them, even when they aren’t with you physically. Also, once you get your man thinking about you being turned on, he won’t be able to stop himself from being turned on. Even though it’s horrible that you are away from each other, it can actually be a great time to build some sexual tension and frustration up between you. Then, when you do see each other again you can get all of that frustration out, together. Essentially, you need to keep the sex life alive, even when you aren’t with each other and having sex.

Obviously, these are goodnight texts so you might expect that you will both fall asleep after sending them. However, I guarantee that when you send a risqué text like the ones listed below, your man will reply back straight away and you might start to sext each other or even have phone sex. As long as you don’t need your sleep too desperately, this can be a great way for a couple to bond on an even deeper level.

51.   I wish you were here with me right now. I don’t feel tired, and you make sure I am super tired before going to sleep. I need some of that physical exertion tonight.

52.   I can’t stop thinking about how much I want you tonight. But, we need to sleep I suppose so goodnight my sexy hunk.

53.   Last night I had a dirty dream about you, and I am hoping that I get a repeat tonight. Sleep well, sweetie. Who knows, maybe you will have a dream about me too.

54.   I miss having you inside me. I can’t wait until we next see each other. Goodnight my love.

55.   All I want right now is to have you on top of me, making me scream. I miss you. Goodnight and I hope you have some sweet dreams.

56.   I can’t stop thinking about the last time I stayed at yours and how you took so much control over me. It was so hot. It’s distracting me from sleeping. Goodnight you naughty thing.

57.   I miss the feeling of your hands and lips all over my body. It’s the best goodnight routine I have ever had. Goodnight babe. I can’t wait until we next see each other.

58.   I am so horny for you tonight, I think I’m going to have to take care of myself and then I’ll be ready for some sleep. Sleep tight my love, I’m thinking of you.

59.   All I can think about is how much I want you. It’s so unfair that we are so far away from each other. Sleep well, baby.

60.   As much as I love to cuddle you, I think that if you were here tonight, we would be doing something a lot more intense than that. I miss you, goodnight.

61.   You make me feel so turned on, and I have so much to do tomorrow so I need to stop talking to you before I have to touch myself. Night my love.

62.   I was so sad that tonight I had to use sex toys instead of you being here to please me. I can’t wait until it’s you inside of me, not them. Goodnight baby.

63.   I can’t sleep thinking about how hot it’s going to be between us tomorrow. I’m so excited and turned on thinking about it.

64.   I wish I was going to be waking up to you in the morning, and your hard cock. That would be the best. Goodnight you sex god.

65.   I miss you. I miss all of you. Right now, I especially miss the fact that you aren’t here going deep inside of me. Goodnight baby. I miss you and I’ll be dreaming of you.

66.   Goodnight my love. Say goodnight to your dick for me too, I miss him.

67.   Sleep well tonight babe, because you’re going to need all your energy for when I come over tomorrow night.

68.   I hope that I have a sex dream about you again tonight. Last time I did, I woke up so wet and it was a fun way to start my day thinking of you. Goodnight my love.

69.   There is nothing I want more right now than having you next to me, naked. Goodnight, I miss you and your amazing body.

70.   All I want to feel right now is you inside of me. But instead, you’re not here. I miss you, so bad. I can’t wait to be reunited with you, my big sexy man. Goodnight.

Show them how you feel and what you want to say.

Although we have just been focusing on written texts, if you send photos to your partner this can also show how you feel. Pictures of you in bed or getting ready for bed are also going to be very well received by your partner. They will go crazy about receiving a photo from you because they can see what you look like right at that moment and they will almost be able to imagine that they are with you. You can show them how you feel through what type of photo you send them too, of course. For example, photos can be sexual or cute, it’s up to you. Your partner will love anything that you send him, and If you accompany a text with the photo it will make his heart flutter.

71.   Send him a photo of you in your cutest lingerie and say, “Do you like what I’m wearing to bed?”

72.   Send him a photo of your face looking cute while you’re snuggled in bed and say, “I wish you were snuggling next to me tonight.”

73.   Send him a video of you blowing a kiss and say, “This is my goodnight kiss to you.”

74.   Send him a video of you biting your lip and say, “I miss you baby, so bad.”

75.   Send him a photo in one of his shirts and say, “I miss you so much that I put your shirt on tonight and it made me feel like you were here.”

76.   Send him a video of you teasing him. Run your hands up and down your naked body and say, “It’s not as fun touching myself. I wish you were here.”

77.   Send him a photo of you sticking your bottom lip out and say, “It’s so unfair that you’re not here in bed with me tonight. It makes me sad.”

78.   Send him a photo of you and a teddy bear and say, “This little guy is going to have to cuddle me tonight instead of you. I miss you.”

79.   Send him a photo of you getting out the shower and say, “I wish you were in my shower before bed tonight. It would have been a lot more fun.”

80.   Send him a naked photo and say, “Tonight I have decided to sleep naked. What do you think? I like it.”

Important information

You should only ever send a text that you feel comfortable sending, especially when it comes to sending photos of yourself to your man. All of these texts in this article are great examples of texts you can send to your man at night time, but you need to make sure that you are happy to send them. Also, make sure that the texts actually say what you feel towards your man, otherwise you’re acting fake.


I really hope that this article will have given you some ideas about the kind of texts you should send to your man to say goodnight. Maybe you are happy to use them as they are, or you want to make them a little more personal. Whatever you do with the texts, I hope that they have helped to spice up and cement your relationship, even when you are apart from each other.

Did this article help you at all? If it did and you liked what you read, please let us know in the comments. We would love to hear from you.

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