
Key Stage 3 Curriculum 

In Years 7 to 9, we aim to give all students a broad education in a wide variety of subjects. Students study the following subjects:




These are known as  'core' subjects. Other subjects include:




 Design and Technology


 French and/or Spanish



 Religious Studies


As they progress through the school from Year 8 onwards, students are increasingly taught in ability group sets.  Setting ensures that the teaching level and pace of work is appropriate to students’ needs. Within each subject, detailed schemes of work have been developed, which include a variety of teaching approaches, including group work and whole-class teaching.

During Year 9, students receive a full programme of advice and information on which to base their choice of courses for Key Stage 4. 


Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Our Key Stage Four curriculum offers a broad range of subjects leading to GCSE, it consists of a two-year syllabus, culminating in a public examination at the end of Year 11. Students are expected to take nine subjects though in some cases a student may take fewer or more. A wide range of subjects at Key Stage 4 offers students a balanced education while keeping future study and career choices open. Choices are made bearing in mind a breadth of disciplines, possible career choices, aptitude and enjoyment.

All students study the following core GCSE subjects – English Language, English Literature, Maths, and Science. In addition, students may select from a very wide range of ‘option’ courses.  There is a very thorough guidance process to help students select the most appropriate course. They also all receive PE lessons and a programme of Religious Education. These courses generally lead to GCSE examination.  In Science there are a number of Science pathways, including the separate Science entries of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. There is an expectation that all students capable of GCSE success in either French, or Spanish will follow a language to the end of Year 11. 

Currently, the KS4 options are:

GCSE History, GCSE Geography, BTEC Health & Social Care, BTEC Children’s Play Learning and Development, GCSE Geology, GCSE Computing, GCSE Hospitality and Catering, GCSE Design and Technology, GCSE Resistant Materials, GCSE Textiles, NCFE Graphic Design, GCSE Art and Design, GCSE Photography, GCSE Drama, GCSE Music, GCSE Dance, BTEC Creative Digital Media Production, GCSE Citizenship, GCSE French, GCSE Spanish, GCSE PE.

Courses and qualifications at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) - click here 

For more information about courses students are taking in Year 10 - click here

For more information aboutcourses students are taking in Year 11 - click here


Key Stage 5 Curriculum 

At KS5 our curriculum is designed to enable students to choose to study a range of subjects at A-Level or Level 3 vocational courses.  Full qualifications are usually achieved after two years and students choose four subjects to study at the start of Year 12. We offer a broad curriculum which provides students with a choice of subjects to help prepare them for life after school including entering employment or studying at University.  Through our innovative collaboration with our sister academy in Ryde, we provide a wide range of subject choice to suit the combination of subjects choices that students require.  In addition to academic lessons, all students follow a course of enrichment and receive support and guidance for future pathways.   Any student who has not gained a C grade equivalent in their English Language or Maths GCSE’s will be expected to work towards achieving a C at the earliest opportunity in the Sixth Form. 

For more information about courses within the Key Stage 5 curriculum - click here 



In most subjects students are set by ability. Data is received from Primary Schools and used to create sets. Students are moved between sets during their time here according to a complex set of assessments. Setting is reviewed at least annually. 


Challenge and Achievement Days 

Sometimes in school we need longer 'chunks' of time to teach learners skills or to focus on particular areas of their learning.  During each year, on carefully selected days, we will ‘re-shape’ the regular timetable and re-direct all students and staff onto year-based activities. These are known as Challenge and Achievement Days. 

The principal aim of Challenge and Achievement Days is to allow the opportunity for experiences and activities which don't necessarily fit into a on hour lesson blocks - including study visits, problem solving, confidence and team building projects, workshops, careers advice, work experience, additional study support sessions, performances and guest speakers and presenters. Students may also have the chance to develop specific skills and undertaken additional qualifications e. g Sports Leadership. 

These days not only allow groups of learners to focus on different themes or skills for a longer period of time, they also provide an ideal opportunity to deliver the governments statutory curriculum requirements in RE, Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education and Careers information and Guidance in a more relevant and integrated manner.  

Challenge and Achievement Days are normal school days in terms of timings, uniform, punctuality and attendance. If a student is involved in an activity which takes them out of school, or is a longer day than normal, parents/carers will be contacted by the activity organisers. 

You can click on the links above to find more detailed information about the curriculum in each subject area. If you would like further information about any aspect of the Curriculum then please contact Andrew Hencken, Vice Principal Academic on 01983 409184. 

KS4 Subjects (2) (1).pdf
Karen Bricknell,
10 Nov 2016, 06:21