My Story

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 06-19-1965

Age: 58


Place of birth: United States (US)

Family Members

Spouse(s): Melissa Kashiwahara

Andrew Lauer

Andrew Michael Lauer (born June 19, 1965) (also known as Andy Lauer) is an American feature and documentary filmmaker, actor, and social activist. Lauer is the Founder President & CEO of ReelAid, a non-profit organization made up of filmmakers from the Hollywood community producing low to no-cost promotional videos for other non-profit organizations who in turn use them to fund-raise and create public awareness. Lauer was born in Los Angeles to an attorney father and an actress mother. He engaged as an actor from ages 9 to 11 and then stopped for the sake of normal childhood. Lauer is an athlete and a football player. He captained his high school's gymnastics team. He attended San Diego State University and then transferred to University of New Hampshire; he chose the Theater & Arts and Journalism there. He worked as a busboy to subsidize his studies at the New York Friars Club, where he was influenced by the comic legends Red Skelton, Milton Berle, Henny Youngman and Lucille Ball. After the completion of his studies, he traveled through Europe and then he settled in New York to start his career. In 1987, he returned to Los Angeles and improved his comedic abilities with The Groundlings and L.A. Connection.
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