How to Learn Vietnamese for Beginners: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide - Cooljugator

How to Learn Vietnamese for Beginners: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Updated on: November 1, 2023

Learning Vietnamese can be a rewarding process that opens doors to new cultural experiences and communication. In this guide, we will explore how to learn Vietnamese using accessible resources that can help you connect with the Vietnamese language and culture.

Studying a new language, like Vietnamese, not only enhances cognitive abilities but also broadens your horizons by connecting you with people from diverse backgrounds. On a professional level, learning Vietnamese can create new job opportunities and give you a competitive edge.

Vietnamese is not just limited to Vietnam; its global influence is growing. Vietnam is known for its rich culture, history, and economic growth. Are you ready to start your journey? Let's begin!

Getting Started with Vietnamese Language

The Vietnamese Alphabet

The Vietnamese alphabet, known as the "Chữ Quốc Ngữ," consists of 29 letters, including some unique to the language, such as "đ" and "ơ." Each letter has a distinct sound, making it relatively easy for beginners to understand the language's phonetics.

A - [ah]B - [beh]C - [seh]D - [deh]E - [eh]
G - [geeh]H - [haah]I - [ee]K - [kaah]L - [el]
M - [em]N - [en]O - [aw]P - [peeh]Q - [kew]
R - [er]S - [es]T - [teeh]U - [oo]V - [veh]
X - [iks]Y - [ee-grêk]Đ - [đee]Â - [âah]Ă - [ăah]
Ê - [êeh]Ô - [ôh]Ơ - [ơh]Ư - [ưh]

To learn the Vietnamese alphabet and pronunciation, create flashcards with each letter on one side and its corresponding sound on the other. Dedicate time each day to review these flashcards, focusing on proper pronunciation.

Additionally, listen to native speakers pronounce words containing these letters to develop an ear for the language's sounds. As you progress, try writing simple words and phrases using the alphabet to reinforce your knowledge.

Basic Vietnamese Grammar

Understanding Vietnamese grammar is essential for forming meaningful sentences. Here are some key grammar rules to get you started:

Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) Word Order

In Vietnamese, the standard word order for constructing sentences is Subject-Verb-Object (SVO). This means that the subject of a sentence is typically placed at the beginning, followed by the verb and then the object. 

For example: "Tôi (I) ăn (eat) bánh mì (bread)" is a simple SVO sentence, where "Tôi" is the subject, "ăn" is the verb, and "bánh mì" is the object.


Vietnamese is a tonal language, which means that the pitch, or tone, at which a word is spoken can change its meaning. There are six distinct tones in Vietnamese, and each tone conveys a different meaning. The same sequence of consonants and vowels, pronounced with different tones, can represent completely different words or concepts. 

For example, the word "ma" can mean "mother," "ghost," "rice seedling," or "cheek," depending on the tone used. The six tones in Vietnamese are:

  • High-level tone (ngang)
  • Low-level tone (huyền)
  • High-rising tone (sắc)
  • Low-rising tone (nặng)
  • Low-dipping tone (hỏi)
  • High-breaking tone (ngã)


In Vietnamese, the choice of pronouns is influenced by the level of formality and politeness in a conversation. There are distinct pronouns for addressing people of different ages, social statuses, and relationships. It's crucial to select the appropriate pronoun to show respect and politeness.

 For instance, "tôi" is a common pronoun for "I," but when speaking to someone older or in a formal context, "tôi" may be replaced by "tớ" or "mình."

Classifier Words

Vietnamese uses classifier words to specify the quantity or type of nouns. These classifiers indicate how the noun is used or counted. For example, the word "cái" is a common classifier used for general objects. The choice of classifier depends on the nature of the noun.

For instance, you would use a different classifier for counting people, animals, or flat objects. So, if you want to say "three chairs," you would use the classifier "cái" with the word "ghế" (chair) as in "ba cái ghế."

Verb Tenses

Like many languages, Vietnamese uses different verb tenses to convey when an action took place. These tenses include the past, present, and future. Some common tenses in Vietnamese include:

  • Present Tense: Used to describe actions happening at the current moment. For example, "Tôi ăn cơm" means "I am eating."
  • Past Tense: Indicates actions that occurred in the past. For instance, "Tôi đã ăn cơm" means "I ate."
  • Future Tense: Used for actions that will happen in the future. "Tôi sẽ ăn cơm" translates to "I will eat."

Common Vietnamese Phrases

Start speaking Vietnamese with these common phrases:

  • Xin chào! (Sin chow) - Hello!
  • Cảm ơn! (Kam un) - Thank you!
  • Không có gì. (Khong koh zi) - You're welcome.
  • Xin lỗi. (Sin loi) - Excuse me / I'm sorry.
  • Vâng. (Vang) - Yes.
  • Không. (Khong) - No.
  • Chào buổi sáng. (Chow buh-ooi saang) - Good morning.
  • Chào buổi chiều. (Chow buh-ooi chi-eu) - Good afternoon.
  • Chào buổi tối. (Chow buh-ooi toi) - Good evening.
  • Chúc ngủ ngon. (Chuk ngoo ngon) - Good night.
  • Bạn có khỏe không? (Ban koh khe khong?) - How are you?
  • Tôi yêu bạn. (Toy yeu ban) - I love you.
  • Bạn đang thế nào? (Ban dang te nao?) - How are you?
  • Nó ở đâu? (No oh dow?) - Where is it?
  • Tôi không hiểu. (Toy khong hieu) - I don't understand.
  • Bạn có thể giúp tôi không? (Ban koh te zyup toy khong?) - Can you help me?
  • Bao nhiêu tiền cái này? (Bao nyeu tien cai nay?) - How much does this cost?
  • Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu? (Nha veh sinh oh dow?) - Where is the restroom?
  • Tôi muốn đặt hàng. (Toy muon dat hang) - I would like to order.
  • Hẹn gặp lại! (Hen gap lai) - See you soon!

To improve your pronunciation in Vietnamese, focus on mastering the six tones, which are crucial in this tonal language. Practice pronouncing words with different tones and pay attention to pitch changes. Additionally, work on pronouncing diphthongs and consonant clusters to achieve smooth and accurate pronunciation.

Tips and Tricks on Learning Vietnamese

Here are some tips and activities to help you enhance your Vietnamese language skills:

  • Read Vietnamese Texts: Start with simple texts like children's books or news articles in Vietnamese. Gradually work your way up to more complex materials. Reading exposes you to vocabulary and sentence structures.
  • Listen Actively: Tune into Vietnamese radio stations, podcasts, or watch Vietnamese TV shows and movies with subtitles. Active listening helps improve your comprehension, pronunciation, and understanding of natural speech patterns.
  • Keep a Journal: Write a daily journal in Vietnamese. Describe your day, thoughts, and experiences using the language. This practice reinforces vocabulary and grammar while encouraging you to think in Vietnamese.
  • Use Flashcards: Create flashcards to review vocabulary and grammar rules. Regularly practice with them to reinforce your memory and understanding of Vietnamese words and concepts.
  • Practice Pronunciation: Record yourself speaking in Vietnamese and compare it to native speaker recordings. Pay attention to tones, intonation, and pronunciation, and work on improving your spoken Vietnamese.
  • Engage in Language Challenges: Set weekly or monthly language challenges for yourself, such as translating short texts or creating a dialogue in Vietnamese. These challenges keep your learning goals on track and motivate you to improve.
  • Label Everyday Items: Label objects in your home with their Vietnamese names. This reinforces vocabulary and helps you make language connections in your daily life.

By incorporating language practice into daily activities, such as labeling items in your home, keeping a journal, or engaging in conversations, you create continuous exposure to the language. This immersion solidifies your understanding, boosts retention, and accelerates your proficiency, fostering a genuine connection to the language and culture.

Advanced Learning Tips for studying Vietnamese

After mastering the basics of Vietnamese, students should delve into more advanced rules to further their language proficiency. Here are some advanced areas to explore:

  • Verb Conjugation: Vietnamese has a complex system of verb conjugation, including various tenses, aspects, and moods. Study these intricacies to communicate with precision.
  • Complex Sentence Structures: Vietnamese can employ complex sentence structures to convey nuanced meanings. Understanding these structures is crucial for fluency.
  • Idiomatic Expressions: Learn common idiomatic expressions and proverbs to make your speech sound more natural and culturally rich.
  • Advanced Vocabulary: Expand your vocabulary with specialized terms related to your interests or profession. This will enable you to engage in in-depth conversations on specific topics.
  • Slang and Colloquialisms: Familiarize yourself with Vietnamese slang and colloquial expressions, as they are commonly used in everyday conversations.
  • Cultural Insights: Explore Vietnamese literature, films, and music to gain cultural insights and context. This will not only deepen your understanding of the language but also allow you to connect with native speakers on a cultural level.

Online Courses for Learning Vietnamese

Online courses provide a convenient and structured way to learn Vietnamese. Here are some reputable online courses:

  • Indiana University Bloomington - Online Vietnamese Courses:These courses are designed to provide a solid foundation in the language, focusing on essential skills such as pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Students can access course materials, engage in interactive lessons, and interact with instructors online. 
  • University of Queensland (UQ) - Vietnamese Language Course: The University of Queensland's Institute of Modern Languages (IML) offers online Vietnamese language courses that cater to different levels of proficiency, including beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners. These courses are designed to help you acquire practical language skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 

Vietnamese Tutoring

Working with a tutor is an effective way to accelerate your Vietnamese language learning. Tutors provide personalized guidance, answer your questions, and help you practice speaking and listening. Consider these platforms for finding a Vietnamese tutor:

  • iTalki: It is an online language learning platform with a diverse selection of Vietnamese tutors, including native speakers and experienced teachers. You can browse tutor profiles and select the one that best matches your learning needs, offering a personalized one-on-one learning experience.
  • Preply: This is an online tutoring platform that connects you with Vietnamese language tutors who provide personalized lessons tailored to your goals. It offers flexible scheduling, allowing you to choose lesson times that suit your availability and preferences.
  • Verbling: The platform offers Vietnamese language instruction through experienced tutors via video chat and interactive tools, creating a virtual classroom environment. You can choose a tutor that aligns with your proficiency level and learning objectives, and lessons are highly interactive.

Apps for start learning Vietnamese

Language learning apps are flexible and accessible tools for learning Vietnamese. They often include interactive lessons, quizzes, and pronunciation exercises. Here are some popular language learning apps for Vietnamese:

  • Drops: This app focuses on expanding your vocabulary in Vietnamese through a visually engaging and game-based approach. Its benefits lie in the use of captivating visuals and interactive games that make vocabulary memorization enjoyable and effective. By connecting images and words, Drops aids in building a strong foundation of words and phrases in Vietnamese.
  • Memrise: It utilizes spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques to enhance vocabulary retention. One of its standout features is the availability of user-generated content, allowing learners to access a wide range of courses tailored to their specific interests. You can choose Vietnamese courses that suit your personal preferences and goals, making the learning experience highly customizable.
  • Tandem Language Exchange: The app connects you with native speakers and language exchange partners who can assist you in practicing conversational Vietnamese. It gives the learner the opportunity to engage in text, voice, or video chats with real speakers of the language. This immersive experience helps improve speaking and listening skills, and you can enjoy cultural exchange as you help your partner learn your language in return.
  • Babbel: It offers comprehensive Vietnamese courses covering vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The app's benefit lies in its well-structured and comprehensive approach to language learning. It ensures that learners have a balanced understanding of the Vietnamese language, including its essential components, making it a valuable choice for those looking for a thorough language education.

Books for learners of Vietnamese

Language learning books provide structured explanations of Vietnamese grammar, vocabulary, and cultural context. They often include exercises and practice materials. Here are some recommended Vietnamese teaching books:

  • Vietnamese for Beginners by Jake Catlett: This book serves as a comprehensive introduction to the Vietnamese language. It covers pronunciation, grammar, and essential vocabulary. What sets it apart is the inclusion of cultural insights, providing learners with a deeper understanding of the language's cultural context. This helps students not only grasp the language but also appreciate its cultural nuances.

This book offers a collection of Vietnamese short stories. It is a valuable resource for language learners, as it includes vocabulary lists and exercises that help students practice reading and comprehension. The stories engage learners with real-world language use and context, allowing them to improve their language skills while enjoying captivating narratives.

Vietnamese Language Videos and Podcasts

Videos and podcasts are excellent resources for immersing yourself in the Vietnamese language and culture. They provide dynamic and engaging content beyond traditional textbooks. Here are some video channels and podcasts for learning Vietnamese:

  • Learn Vietnamese with Annie: Annie's YouTube channel provides learners with a range of video lessons, encompassing vocabulary, grammar, and cultural insights. These lessons offer a well-rounded approach to learning the language and understanding its cultural context, making it a valuable resource for learners of all levels.
  • VietnamesePod101: This podcast offers a comprehensive selection of audio lessons, including practical conversations and cultural insights. It is ideal for on-the-go learning. This platform caters to various aspects of language learning, making it suitable for learners at different proficiency levels.
  • Vietnamese with SVFF Podcast: Designed for beginners, this podcast covers essential aspects of the Vietnamese language, from basic phrases to common expressions. It serves as an accessible and structured resource for those just starting their Vietnamese language learning process.
  • VTV4: The international channel of Vietnam Television, broadcasts a variety of programs and news in Vietnamese. Tuning in to VTV4 helps learners improve their listening comprehension, as they are exposed to real-world conversations and news broadcasts in the language.

How to Learn Vietnamese: Conclusion

Learning Vietnamese is the gateway to an enriching academic, professional, and cultural journey that you will cherish. With dedication, the right resources, and a passion for the language, you can achieve fluency.

Remember that studying a new language is not about how challenging it is but how you approach it. Start your Vietnamese learning adventure today and enjoy the process of mastering this captivating language.


How long does it take to learn Vietnamese?

The time it takes to learn Vietnamese varies based on your dedication and daily practice. Basic conversational fluency can be achieved in about 6-12 months of consistent effort.

How hard is it to learn Vietnamese?

Vietnamese may seem challenging due to its tones and unique features, but with patience and the right resources, it's an attainable goal for anyone.

How can I learn Vietnamese quickly?

To learn Vietnamese quickly, immerse yourself in the language through daily practice, interact with native speakers, and use a variety of resources like apps, courses, and books.

How can I learn Vietnamese at home on my own?

You can learn Vietnamese at home by using language learning apps, online courses, books, and engaging with native speakers through language exchange platforms.

How can I become fluent in Vietnamese?

Becoming fluent in Vietnamese requires dedication and practice. Continuously engage with the language, practice speaking with native speakers, and explore advanced grammar and vocabulary to reach fluency.

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Paula is an accomplished content strategist, communicator, and journalist with over 7 years of experience creating materials for language learners. Having worked on language curriculums and learning platforms in Colombia, Spain, and Australia, Paula offers an international perspective on second language acquisition. Her background in journalism and brand messaging allows her to develop content that informs and engages language learners across diverse platforms and learning styles.