Sixth Form Life – Dover College

Sixth Form Life

Head of Sixth Form - Mrs Lee

Sixth form life at Dover College is an all-encompassing experience where we prepare you for success in the world. Sixth form studies are far more challenging than GCSE studies and, as you embark on this challenge, we are here to support you in your journey.

Throughout your Sixth form studies, there will be endless opportunities to improve your independence, take on responsibilities, develop leadership and public speaking skills.
These include a range of our enrichment activities such as The Young Enterprise Programme, Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award and earning a position as one of our school senior prefects. Our enrichment programme will help you greatly with your future CV and applications to set apart from the crowd.

Our Career’s Advice & Guidance programme will help you with successful progression into university, further education or employment. You will be given support with UCAS applications, employers and apprenticeship providers, opportunities to visit universities and comprehensive career guidance.

Our coaching and mentoring programme uses of one-to-one conversations to enhance a student’s skills, knowledge or academic performance. Coaching aims to produce optimal performance and academic improvement in our students.

We offer a diverse curriculum that provides an appropriate balance between A-Level subjects and “The Professional Pathway” to meet the needs, interests and ambitions of all our students. We hope that this prospectus will help you in your subject selection and we look forward to welcoming you to our Sixth form.