Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Gioachino Rossini" - Pesaro

Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Gioachino Rossini" - Pesaro

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Excerpt from "Guidebook to Pesaro" by Lamberto Bozzi

Rossini Conservatory

The Palazzo Macchirelli, designed by Gianandrea Lazzarini in the XVIII century, was taken over by the Music Lycée in 1892. In 1940 the Lycée became a Conservatory. The library dates back to the foundation of the Lycée in 1882 and has more than fifty thousand volumes. Pietro Mascagni, the composer of the "Cavalleria rusticana" (1895-1902) and Riccardo Zandonai, an honorary citizen of Pesaro (1940-1944) are among the distinguished directors of the Conservatory. The palazzo is the property of the "Gioachino Rossini Foundation" (with offices in the building) that publishes the critical editions of the works of the composer.

Statue of Rossini

In 1864, the Maestro was present at the unveiling of his monument, a gift from two foreign admirers, José de Salamanca, from Madrid, and Gustave Delahante, from Paris. The sculptor was the celebrated Carlo Marochetti RA, from Turin. Among his masterpieces: the statue of Richard the Lionheart, outside the House of Lords in London, and a panel for the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

Auditorium Pedrotti

The concert hall is named after Maestro Carlo Pedrotti, a composer from Verona and the first director of the Music Lycée from 1882 to 1893.

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