What Pride Means to Me: David Wain Coon | Dream.Learn.Achieve

What Pride Means to Me: David Wain Coon

June 27th, 2022 - 1:19pm

Person sitting at a table with two awardsDavid Wain Coon, Ed.D.
Pronouns: he/him

Q. What does pride mean to you?

A. Over the years, having “pride” in being gay has had different meanings and significance for me depending on where I was at in my life at the time. When I first became a CEO in the California Community Colleges system 17 years ago, there were only two to three of us who were openly gay. While I didn’t fully realize the impact that may have had at the time, I was proud to be a positive role model for LGBTQ+ students. Fast forward, there are now many more openly gay CEOs, trustees, and administrators. I hope in some way my journey as an out CEO made a difference in the journey of those who are now out and proud in our system. I’m thrilled to have played a role in recently forming the LGBTQ+ Caucus within the Community College League of California (CCLC).

Q. What is your call to action around LGBTQ+ solidarity?

A. Step out, step up, lean in, be heard, and reach out to those who may need the necessary support to do the same.