BLACK STONE CHERRY To Release 'Live From The Royal Albert Hall… Y'All' In June - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

BLACK STONE CHERRY To Release 'Live From The Royal Albert Hall… Y'All' In June

April 20, 2022

BLACK STONE CHERRY will release "Live From The Royal Albert Hall… Y'All" on June 24 on CD + Blu-Ray, LP and digital via Mascot Records / Mascot Label Group.

On Wednesday September, 29 2021 — the year of the band's 20th anniversary — Kentucky's favorite sons BLACK STONE CHERRY realized their childhood dream of playing at the legendary Royal Albert Hall, London. Sat on the stage at the iconic Victorian building, singer-guitarist Chris Robertson pauses, looks around and says: "When you're a kid, and you see your heroes' playing places, and then all of a sudden you find yourself sitting on the stage, it's pretty emotional. But we're gonna royally rock it this evening. You better believe that."

And they don't disappoint as they open with the explosive "Me And Mary Jane". From clubs to arenas and festival headline performances, no one puts on the kind of show that these boys do. Hit after hit — it's all killer — the rapturous crowd roar back.

BLACK STONE CHERRY was one of the first international bands to tour the U.K. following the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions being eased, and they gave every single fan in there that night a euphoric dose of happiness. They tear through an impressive back catalog, playing songs from their most recent studio album "The Human Condition""In Love With The Pain", "Again" and "Ringin' In My Head" — through to their biggest hits and fan favorites. "Blind Man", "Hell And High Water", "Blame It On The Boom Boom" and "White Trash Millionaire" rock the building alongside moments of tenderness such as the touching rendition and emotional performance of "Things My Father Said".

Talking about playing the Royal Albert Hall, drummer John-Fred Young said: "To be honest, I was terrified. It was heavy walking in there. You think about how many great acts have played this place. The prestige behind it. We've wanted to play the Royal Albert Hall since the first U.K. tour in 2007." He continued: "Dudes from the middle of the country in Kentucky to go out here and have built an amazing group of people that we care about and come to our shows and support us. To know that with all that hard work and dedication we have put into BLACK STONE CHERRY, we've accomplished something here. Walking in that place, it's just breath-taking. You walk on that stage, and you say, we did it, and it's a feeling that I will cherish for the rest of my life."

New bandmember Steve Jewell Jr. replaces founding bass player Jon Lawhon and criss-crosses the stage with Ben Wells and Robertson projecting boundless enthusiasm.

"We've headlined Wembley Arena, we've headlined festivals, but you walk into this place, and it's different. I remember watching footage of ZEPPELIN here, and now we're here," Robertson reflects.

On the Blu-ray, the live footage is dotted with behind-the-scenes interviews, fly on the wall footage and archival insights into the band as kids first starting out, snippets of their first ever U.K. tour and heartfelt moments of reflection.

Track listing:

01. Me And Mary Jane (Live)
02. Burnin' (Live)
03. Again (Live)
04. Yeah Man (Live)
05. In My Blood/Island Jam (Live)
06. Ringin' In My Head (Live)
07. Like I Roll (Live)
08. Cheaper To Drink Alone (Live)
09. Hell and High Water (Live)
10. Soulcreek (Live)
11. Devil's Queen (Live)
12. Drum Solo (Live)
13. Things My Father Said (Live)
14. In Love With The Pain (Live)
15. Blind Man (Live)
16. Blame It On The Boom Boom (Live)
17. White Trash Millionaire (Live)
18. Lonely Train (Live)
19. Peace Is Free (Live)

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