General Conditions of Use

Article 1.

All the rights and obligations of the users, access and use of the website are subject to the following General Conditions of Use. Any user shall read, agree and totally comply with these General Conditions of Use prior to the access to this website.

1.1 These General Conditions of Use include all the terms and conditions under the contract existing between the user and Where the user fails to enforce any terms and conditions under this contract, is entitled to punish the user.

1.2  Users agree to have legal capacity requirements to engage in these General Conditions of Use.

1.3 General Conditions of Use are accessible at any time by clicking on the �General Conditions of Use� button on website.

1.4 is entitled to amend these General Conditions of Use at any time, without any obligation to give advance notice or compensation to the user. In compliance with these General Conditions of Use, it is up to the user to keep informed about the rules on this page.

1.5 Should you do not agree to these General Conditions of Use, please do not use this website.

Article 2. Terms and conditions of access to services

2.1 provides a free messaging service on the Internet for meetings and private discussions including audio-visual aid and text.

2.2 Any use of this website by minors (younger than age 18 years) is prohibited without the previous express authorisation of a person having parental responsibility for the minor.

2.3 Any user older than age 18 years, who has access to the Internet, has the right to use, as age is the only restriction. Factors such as gender, race or nationality shall not cause any restrictions.

2.4 Any charges incurred to access the service, including those related to hardware, software or Internet access, shall be paid by the user. The user is the only responsible for  any malfunction of his computer equipment and Internet access.

2.5 By using this website, the user agrees to have the right and legal capacity to accept and fully comply with these General Conditions of Use.

Article 3. Contract between the user and

These General Conditions of Use, as well as the pages of as referred to herein, shall be considered as a contract creating legal relations between the user and
They shall nullify and replace any previous provisions not referred to herein or in annex and they include all the rights and obligations of and users falling within their object.

Article 4. Intellectual property

4.1 Trade names, corporate logos, images, photographs, animations and texts displayed on this website are proprietary to They may only be copied, used or depicted with express authorisation of Any abuse will be punished by law. Users cannot modify, copy, download, pass on, use for commercial purposes and/or distribute by any mean the services, website pages, or the source codes underlying the content of the website.

4.2 The use of the website shall not confer any property right. All the texts, photographs, videos, data, pictures or other contents displayed on are proprietary to their author and they are protected by intellectual property rights.

Article 5. Obligations of the user of

When using services, the user commits himself to comply with legal provisions in force, to respect third party rights and to agree to any provisions under these General Conditions of Use.

Users have the obligation:

The failure to fulfill any of the obligations as defined under these General Conditions of Use constitute a serious breach of this agreement by the user. Where an user fails to fulfill any of these obligations, has the option to prevent him to wholly or partly access the services of, temporarily or permanently, without any obligation to pay compensations, in any form.

Article 6. Responsibilities

6.1 provides a remote, electronically operated, community and discussion service on the Internet. Organization of meetings, provision of an Internet access and a communication service to the public do not fall within the activity of Therefore, does not have any legal obligation to identify users accessing the website nor shall it monitor the contents published by users. As, for technical reasons, cannot grant such a performance, nor totally control conversation and audio-visual contents, has no contractual obligation to identify users or to moderate any contents they may publish under their sole responsibility.

6.2 Nevertheless, the technical staff of carries out a proceeding aiming to exclude users and contents which do not comply with these General Conditions of Use, the laws and regulations in force. Should be aware of or receive a notification regarding any flagrantly illegal content, has suitable technical means to intervene. provides the users with a visible and accessible system to allow them to notify to the moderating service any illegal content or information reprehensible in application of the law on the freedom of press of July, the 29th, 1881, with particular regards to crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred and child pornography. To report a misuse, users can click on the �Report a misuse� button. shall be entitled, without giving any formal notice, to disable or prevent the access to any profile having an illegal content, and to put at the disposal of the public authority any computer data included in this profile.

6.3 shall not be held responsible for the content of conversations, messages, texts or audio-visual items. Only the authors of conversations, pictures and sounds shall be held responsible for the publication of these contents. Only the authors shall be held responsible for any message in contrast to these General Conditions of Use, the law and regulations in force, or any other code.

6.4 cannot be held responsible for any contents distributed by users, at their own initiative and under their sole responsibility, capable to violate other users rights and third party rights. denies liability in case of meeting between users derived by the use of the website and services of

Users of expressly authorise the handling of their personal details by a third party in accordance with the purposes and in compliance with the terms of these General Conditions of Use.

Article 7. Access to personal data


Any personal information, such as e-mail addresses, collected by may be electronically processed for promotional and commercial purposes. In accordance with articles 39 and following of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, modified in 2004, you are entitled to access and modify your personal data. In order to exercise your right and obtain communication of these data, pleas send an email to:

Article 8. Provision of service by does not grant a provision of service without any outage or malfunction. Service may be temporarily interrupted where maintenance, updating or technical improvement to service content and/or presentation are needed. As far as possible, will give users a notice prior to any maintenance or updating operation.

Article 9. Future amendments of the General Conditions of Use and modifications of the website is entitles to modify or enhance the pages of  and these General Conditions of Use at any time. Amendments shall enter into force once published on the website. It is assumed that users pursuing the use of have accepted any amendments. kindly ask its users to keep informed about the latest version of the General Conditions of Use always available on the website. The presence of a user on the website implies his total agreement with any amendments or revisions.

Article 10. Applicable law

These General Conditions of Use shall be governed and interpreted by the laws of France. In case of dispute regarding the meaning of a single term or provision herein, this agreement shall be interpreted according to French language rules.