The Meaning Behind The Song: When a Woman is Around by Unloved - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: When a Woman is Around by Unloved


The Meaning Behind The Song: When a Woman is Around by Unloved

Title When a Woman is Around
Artist Unloved
Writer/Composer Tanya Mellotte, Jade Vincent, David Holmes, Keefus Ciancia
Album Guilty of Love (2016)
Release Date March 18, 2016
Genre RockPop
Producer Keefus Ciancia & David Holmes

When a Woman is Around by Unloved is a captivating song that delves into the complexities of power dynamics and double standards between genders. It raises questions about societal expectations and the influence that women have on individuals and society as a whole.

The lyrics of the song suggest that there is a certain allure and mystery surrounding women that can lead to manipulation and deceit. The line “Who has the most of whatever’s best, all the better, may the best man win” implies a competition between men for the affection and attention of women, highlighting the idea that women can have a significant impact on relationships and the dynamics between individuals.

The chorus of the song emphasizes this power that women possess, stating “When a woman is around, go for the old joke, no one can know what makes you sigh, what makes you cry.” This suggests that the presence of a woman can evoke strong emotions and vulnerability in men, causing them to mask their true feelings behind humor or wit. The line “lose that Cheshire grin, take it like the man, keep what’s yours, leave me mine” further emphasizes the notion that women can challenge traditional concepts of masculinity and force men to confront their insecurities and weaknesses.

Personally, this song resonates with me as it speaks to the complexities and nuances of gender dynamics that I have observed and experienced in my own life. It serves as a reminder that women should be seen as equal partners rather than objects of desire or competition. The song sheds light on the idea that men and women should approach relationships with honesty, respect, and a genuine desire to understand and support one another.

Furthermore, When a Woman is Around encourages reflection on the societal expectations placed on both men and women. It questions the traditional notion that men should be dominant and unemotional, while women are often portrayed as mysterious and manipulative. The song challenges these stereotypes and suggests that individuals should embrace vulnerability and authenticity in their relationships, regardless of their gender.

Overall, When a Woman is Around by Unloved is a thought-provoking and introspective song that delves into the complexities of gender dynamics and challenges societal expectations. Its lyrics encourage listeners to examine their own beliefs and behaviors in relationships, and to strive for equality and genuine connection. By sparking conversation and reflection, this song has the power to contribute to a more inclusive and understanding society.

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